Chatper 7 (part 2)

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"Oh, uhm. Sorry B/n, I should have told you" kenma said as he put his head down in shame
"I went to check oh her after I heard thudding but after I knocked I got scared and ran away"
"Wait wait wait. You? Scared of Y/n? You know she's like terrified of you all, right?"
"W-why? I'm not scary" lil pudding said, pouting
"You are to her I guess" I shrugged and walked away

~Y/n pov ~

'I think I'm ready to face my fears and go down to the volleyball team' I told myself hyping myself up in the mirror
'They aren't that scary after all' and I shrugged
I was a bit cold though so I grabbed a hoodie from my drawers and went down to see my brother and his friends
"Oh, hi Y/n!"
"Come sit!"
"We are about to start a game of truth or dare"
"They said they are about to play truth or dare" my brother translated
-I freakin love truth or dare!- I signed to him
"She said she freakin Loves truth or dare"
I sat in the circle next to my brother and lev and again I felt protected and safe
"Y/n truth or dare?" My brother asked me
I had an evil smile as I signed him I wanted dare
"I dare you to......"
-nothing too crazy-
"I dare you......"
-changed my mind I want truth-
"Ok tell me if you like anyone"
-yes- I said simply
My brothers mouth dropped open as he went to tell his friends that I liked someone
-OI NO- I frantically signed to him but it was too late, he opened his big mouth
I held up ten fingers and showed them to my brother
I put one down
"What are you doing?"
I put another down
Then another
Then another
Until there was 3 left and he finally ran
I got up and chased after him but forgot about the laminate flooring
No I didn't trip. My brother did *evil laughter*
He went face first into the couch which I suppose is better than face first into the floor

That was when I knew that my brothers friends should be scared of me not the other way around!
I looked at them all dead in the eyes. One. By. One. And sent them mental threats that if they spoke a word of this I would personally crush their asophagus.

I waved goodnight and went up to my room to actually sleep before first day of school. I didn't have the uniform yet so I was told to wear plain trousers and a plain sweater. Of course I put on black leggings and a college sweater from my mama back home.

When we were about to leave my brother got a call saying we were to wait on someone. I again felt self conscious but my brother reassured me that there was nothing to be worried about, it was only kuroo and kenma
I recognised the names kuroo is the captain and a complete lost cause and kenma is the setter and very quiet. They caught up with us and immediately they noticed my clothes

"Is she allowed to wear that?"
"The uniform they sent was too big on her so she can wear this until we get a new one"
-can we go now I don't wanna throw up-
My brother looked me in my eyes and said
"If you throw up... don't aim for me, aim for kuroo"
I laughed a little then I wheezed and went into a full coughing fit which was agony for me
"Dude, is she ok?" Kuroo asked my brother
"Ye she's fine, she laughed too much and it hurt her throat"
He grabbed my hand and dragged me to school where I was still dying of a coughing fit
I decided to sit down and wait for my breathing to return then B/n and kenma took me to the principle to get my schedule because I had already lost mine

Afterwords I went to practice with them and just watched from the benches
I wasn't officially assistant manager until after my throat surgery
They were pretty good and I kept feeling my eyes being dragged to one boy in particular
"Y/n?" My brother asked
"Oooooooh I see" he said again "that's the one you like isn't it"
I slowly shook my head
Funny how easy it is to be calm when you don't have to speak
"If you're lying, I'll find out." He said walking away
This scared me a little so when he was far away I signed to no one but myself
At least I thought it was to no one

Someone butted in next to me and signed to me
-maybe what-
-doesn't look like nothing-
-my brother was just getting on my nerves-
-ok then. Are you enjoying the practice?-
-ye it looks so much fun. I wish I could play again-
-but I don't think this school has a girls team- I continued
-nah I don't think we do-
-oh well I can just be assistant manager here with my brother-
-that's good you at least get to do something-
-I suppose-
Then I didn't say anything more and the boy walked away
Watching him walk away was like watching my sound leave my body, I wanted to stop him... but I had no words.

After the practice I found out me and 50% vodka have homeroom together
Not that we could talk, but his ginormous self made me feel safe.
Homeroom was a struggle because the teacher didn't know sign language so I had to text my brother to come explain to him
"She can't talk for now but she's due surgery that should help her on Friday"
"She also just moved here so isn't very fluent in Japanese"
"Oh right ok, thank you"
"Bye sensei"
After all that I was put into a class until Friday with other people that couldn't talk or hear and stuff

At lunch I ran everywhere looking for my brother then I decided to check the gym, in case they were having a lunch time practice
I walked in through the big doors and ran right out into the floor to see if I could see him anywhere, I looked around all the bleachers until I felt a presence behind me, large and intimidating.
I turned slowly to see the one and only kuroo.
I jumped and ran as fast as I could to the roof where I decided that's where I would eat lunch. Alone.
I noticed the roof didn't have barriers around the edge which I quite liked because I could dangle my legs while eating my lunch.

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