Chapter 15

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~Kenma's pov~

I got back to the table with the drinks and set down Y/n's iced tea in front of her
"So are you really kiss my axe?"
She held up her phone to show me her account
"Wow. I never thought you'd be in Tokyo."
"You never told me you lived here!"
"It's ok, we're both here now" she smiled
"Your smile is pretty" I mumbled to myself
"Hm?" She asked
"Oh nothing" I said scratching my neck

After we were finished we went back to her house and she went straight up to her room, presumably to game.
"Pssst. B/n!" I whisper shout to get his attention "Kuroo, you too!"
They walk over
"Yes, kenma?"
"I think I have a crush. Teach me how to flirt pleaseeeeee"
"Ok let's hear what you got."
"I love your hands, cause your fingerprints are like no other"
"No no. Try, I love your eyes and their blueish brownish greenish colour"
"I love that when you smile, that you smile wide" added B/n
"And I love how your torso has an arm on either side?" I suggested
"God no."
"Bro. Try giving her compliments that are actual compliments"
"Like..... I like your hair?"
"Ok ok. Now say something about my hair."
"It's...... brown?"
"Ok. WhT else?"
"It's....... it's..... it smells nice?"
"No I wouldn't say that to her."
"Ummmm. I like your shoes."
"Why do you like my shoes?"
"They're shiny?"
"Oh god this is gonna take a while." Kuroo sighed

"So what about... i like your hair today, it looks so pretty in that style"
"Better!" B/n applauded me
"Ok. Now we've done compliments, try actually flirting."
"Do you know what my shirt is made of?" I started "boyfriend material."
This made kuroo and b/n laugh
"Bro. That's actually decent."
"Oh oh I have another!"
"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I pass by again?"
"Broooooo! That's good!"
"Ok I'm ready to ask her out"

I took out my phone and texted her

Hey, wanna go somewhere?

Lady croissant 🥐

The fair?

Lady croissant 🥐

5 ish ok?

Lady croissant 🥐
Yep! I'll be ready!

I smiled at my phone
"She said yes!" I told my friends
"No way. You're getting a girl before me" Kuroo pouted
"I mean... it's only to the fair. I'm not entirely sure I like her yet..."
"Woah. Don't tell me you're gonna mess with her feelings"
"No no! I'm just going Tory and figure out mine."
"Well. Don't get your heart broken before Monday, remember we have that match gains Karasuno"
"Crap. Well... I'll try but it's not like I can help getting my heart broken" I shrugged and walked off home

~time skip to 5 o'clock~

I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer
"Hi! Ready to go?" She asked as she answered the door
"Yep. Are you?"
"Mhm!" She grabbed her bag and shut the door behind her
"My brother was in his room and I didn't tell him I was going out tonight so I hope he isn't mad"
"I'm sure he won't be" I replied trying to calm her nerves
We walked all the way to the fair and bought our entry tickets then had a look around. She grabbed my hand all of a sudden and dragged me over to this old looking booth where you could win stuffed animals
"I wanna try win that one for you!" She said pointing to a stuffed cat hanging from the ceiling
"I'll take a go" she said slamming some money on the counter
The lady gave her three balls to knock over all six tins
She knocked down three with her first ball then she knocked down two and finally she got the last can knocked over with her last ball
"The cat please!" She exclaimed pointing to the cat
The lady got it down and she thrusted it into my arms

'Ok, you can do this. Just flirt! It'll be easy"
"H-hey, y/n?"
"D-did it hurt when you f-fell from heaven" I asked blushing and cursing myself for stuttering
"No, but I think I scraped my knee crawling out of hell" she responded and winked which made me turn even redder
"Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" She shouted and dragged me by the hand
We waited for a while in the line then eventually got into a cart and shut the door
She reached over and petted the stuffed cat in my arms
"We're parents now." She whispered
"It's a joke silly" she laughed which made me turn red
"Are you sick? You look pretty red?"
"Are you my phone charger? Because without you I'd die" I said not answering her question
"Wow. That is the perfect pick up line for you kenny!" She shouted and then she hugged me
"I would appreciate... air... please" I tried to speak as she was currently crushing my wind pipe with her very strong hug

When we got off I walked her home and she thanked me for the day
"No problem. Glad I got to spend time with you!" I replied
"I'm glad I got to see you get all flustered and shy" she said
"It's cute" she finished before shutting the door.

Sorry for this being a bit shorter but I couldn't think of much else to put. Also the song at the top is for   turtleluVvEr

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