Chapter 21, a new charm

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I woke up to my phone buzzing so I look over at my night table
'Bby 🥺💞: morning hunny, remember our plans x'
09:34 am Saturday the 10th of March
'We have a date today!' I remembered and jumped out of bed
I put on a white polo with a black long sleeved dress on top and thigh high socks, I left my hair down and slightly curly while tying a ribbon on the top of my head. I ran out the door slipping on my black and white converse and grabbing a f/c rain coat in case it rained

I ran to the corner I was to meet kenma at and waited on a bench
"Y/n!" I heard in the distance, I stood up and ran towards the sound of the voice
"KENMA!" I yelled hugging him "I missed you"
"We just saw each other yesterday"
"Still too long" I replied while finally letting go of the hug "where are we going?"
"It's a surprise" he whispered, taking hold of my hand
"I hope it's a good surprise" I whispered back and planted a small kiss on his cheek
"Ew pda" I heard from behind us
"Oh hiya!" I said whipping round to face a group of boys from our school
"Why are you with this loner? You could have had one of us"
"Hm yes I suppose but I don't want any of you, especially because you can't see that I love kenma and I'm happy with him. I would also rather not be dumped after 1 week because you got bored" I snapped, turning up my nose and dragging kenma away
"I really do love you Y/n" kenma said when he caught up with my walking pace
"I love you too" and I squeeze his hand

We finally arrive at a big building and I can hear the music coming from inside
"Close your eyes, you know the drill" he said making me shut my eyes
He led me inside and asked for two pairs of something
"What is this?" I asked as he handed me something rather heavy
"You'll see."
We walk over to a bench and he sits me down
"Open your eyes"
I open my eyes and see a pair of f/c roller skates in front of me
"It's a roller disco! And later on there's going to be a race"
"Let me get my skates on and we can sign up"
I slip the skates on and tie them
"Ok let's go" I said getting up and 'walking' over to the booth
"Hi can we sign up for the race?"
"Of course. Name?"
"Y/n and kenma"
"Ok there will be an announcement before it starts! Enjoy!"

We got into the rink and started dancing in the middle of the floor, I had done this back home a few times so I was pretty good
"Let's try a spin" I shout over the music
"Are you sure?" Kenma asks back
"Yeah! Let's go!" I drag him into a large empty space and build momentum
I start taking a run up and do a jump into kenma's arms where he rises me above his head and starts spinning
Everyone had stopped what they were doing and stared at us.
By the time he lowered me down we were all red and smiling
"IT WORKED!" I screeched "IT ACTUALLY WORKED" me and kenma high five and start skating towards the restraint area to get a drink
We heard a few whispers about "crazy teenagers" and "they could have gotten seriously hurt" but we didn't care

After a quick water break there was an announcement that the race would start in 5 minutes
"Are we working together or are we competing?"
"Hmmmmm... let's compete"
"Huge mistake." I said as I smirked playfully and skated backwards onto the rink
When the race was starting everyone got into position, it was only me, kenma and another few people
I looked him in the eyes as I got into position to speed off
The whistle blew and we all took off, me of course in the lead.
Strong start, slow down to conserve energy, speed up.
This went on for 5 laps, most had given up and it was just me and kenma left now
"LAST LAP!" I scream to kenma who was only a few feet behind
I whiz past the finish line just milliseconds before kenma does and win the race
"LETS GO BOYS!" I scream to everyone in the building
A few giggles and a few cheers and a sad glare from kenma
"Aw cheer up, I'm only better than you at everything" I say skating over to him and taking his hand
"I'm so upset" he said wiping a fake tear
"Awwww sorry, I'll make it up to you don't worry"
"Hmmm.. it's a surprise"

We enjoyed the rest of our date and went for a short meal afterwords
"Ok close your eyes and hold out your hand"
He shut his eyes and held his hand out over the table
I placed a small jewel arms box in his hand
"What is it?" He asked, opening his eyes
"Open it and see"
He opened the small box to reveal a silver band with the letters (first letter of you name) x k
"I love it" he said, slipping it onto his ring finger
"And I love you" I said kissing the back of the hand he put the ring on
He blushed and kissed the back of my hand too

As we left the food place he led me back to his house
"One last thing to finish off this wonderful day" he said taking hold of my hand
"Did you wear the bracelet?"
"I always do" I smiled
He lifted up the sleeve of my dress and hooked something onto my bracelet
"A roller skate charm"
"From the first day you beat me at something I'm actually good at"
I smiled and hugged him before he walked me back home

I changed into my pyjamas and the hoodie he gave me ages ago
'Smells like happiness' I thought before drifting off to sleep

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