Chapter 2

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I boarded the plane still balling my eyes out. Some people felt sympathy for me while other glared at me and wished me to stop crying. It wasn't my fault I was being pulled away from everyone and everything at only 16. The tears calmed down a bit about an hour into the flight but then there was turbulence and I had a panic attack, the tears fell down my cheeks silently instead of loud and obnoxiously. I made no sounds other than the occasional sniff.

I fell asleep on the plane and when I woke up I could still feel the tears running down my face. 'Surely I've cried enough today that there's no tears left in me?' I thought... I was very much wrong

~time skip~

At the airport I felt another panic attack coming and ran to the bathroom where I cried and cried and had a struggle breathing. When I left I had dried my cheeks but my eyes were still puffy. I collected my luggage and waited where I was supposed to. I searched for my sign with the dinosaur in the corner. Then I searched more.. I searched for 15 minutes until I realised I was standing in the wrong area! I called my brother immediately and had a panic attack on the phone. This was far too scary for me, I just wanted to go back home...

~Brothers POV~
*bvvt bvvt* my phone was vibrating
*bvvt bvvt* 'ugh not now!'
*bbvt bvvt* I decided to check who it was. It was my little sister so I immediately answered

"Help me!" She shouted into the phone and I could hear her crying
"I'm at the wrong bit and I don't know where to go" she was having a full mental breakdown in the middle of an airport
"Shhhh. Focus on your breathing and tell me what you see around you" I replied in a soothing voice
"I see... I see a desk... and I see... I see the luggage collection!"
"Ok can you go over to the luggage collection please?"
"Ok" I heard her sniff. Poor thing
"I'm here" she whimpered into the microphone
"I'm heading over, I'll be holding your sign high so keep an eye out"
Then I saw her, my poor baby sister. She looked a mess. I walked up to her and hugged her then I hung up the call and put my phone into my pocket

"I was so scared" she sobbed, clinging onto me like a koala
"It's ok now. Everything's ok"

~your POV~

My brother carried most of my luggage to the car and then strapped me in like I was a baby.
"Yes, Y/n?"
"Can we get hot chocolate?"
"Of course" he reached out and stroked my hand.

Sure me and him have our differences but I know he loves me

We arrived at a small coffee shop not far from where he lives and ordered two hot chocolates

"Ani-san?" I suddenly broke the silence
"I need to know more Japanese"
"What did you just say just now then. You called me Ani-san"
I sheepishly held up google translate on my phone and my face went red
"I have a friend who might be able to help" he said confidently
'Man I wish I had his confidence, life would be so much easier'
"So what's your friends name?"
"You'll find out on Monday when you start at my high school." He said smirking
"Are they in my year!?" I asked getting excited that I might have a friend
"No no, they're in my year. But you could still be friends" he gave a warm smile this time instead of a mischievous smirk

This literally took me so long I might run out of ideas.

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