Chapter 6 part 1

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"Don't do it, Y/n" I heard a soft voice speak
I whipped around and looked so confused
-do what?- I asked
"Were you not going to jump?"
"Well when you went offline suddenly and didn't answer my call I got a bit worried, so we all ran here and look for you and one of my friends finds your bedroom door locked, and then we bust in here with you sticking your body out the window? You surely see how that looks to us"
-why is that the first thing your mind went to?-
-I could of had a boy in here- I smirked

My brothers face flushes red but then he says
"You don't have any friends, you literally just came here!"
-that doesn't mean I couldn't have a boy here in the future-
"Don't you dare"
-well I always lock my door when I'm home alone anyways-
'Oh shiz' I then remembered my tv, it still had puddings YouTube channel on it
I dashed over and switched it off at the wall
-your friend- I aggressively signed and threw my hands down to my side
"Ohhhhhhhh right mkay"
-so can I sleep now?-
"Y/n, it's only 4:30 pm"
-time isn't real- then I flopped face first into my bed and fell asleep like that

~Brother POV ~

"I can't believe your sister can fall asleep so fast" one of my friends pointed out when we were walking away from the house, it's true as well, we even rolled her over to see if she was faking.
"I know right, it's a weird talent to have"
"It's not a talent she just pulls a lot of all nighters so she has a lot of sleep to catch up on" I stated matter-of-factly
"How often does she play?" It was my small friend who had left his game at my house so we could actually interact today
"For about 18 hours of the day, when she's not at school 23 hours"
"Woah doesn't it annoy you?"
"I make her play with headphones and if she yells too loud she gets deprived of WiFi for 20 minutes"

"SoooooooooooO, where do yall wanna go?"
"I dob't like outside."
"We could hang at someone's house?"
"My parents are home *cri*"
"I don't have adults at my house, I do have a hyperactive toddler though" I giggled
"Ok it's settled then we are going to B/n's house"
"You guys can go and get sleepover stuff if you want" I added, not thinking
"Let's do it" most of the boys replied, kenma just hummed

"Ok is that everyone?" I ask looking at my friends around me
"Yes sir" slug head said jokingly
"Onwards peasants" ah yes. Kuroo being Kuroo

When we arrived at my house I wrote out a note and slid it under her door
'Hey Y/n, when you wake up don't be alarmed by noise downstairs. Me and the team are having a sleepover ^^'

~Y/n POV~

Just as I got up from my little nap I received a note under my door
'A sleepover, huh?' I thought as I read
I tore out a piece of my notebook and wrote on it
'Ok, but if you guys hear thudding and yelling I'm just playing my game ^^' I folded it into a paper airplane and threw it downstairs when no one was looking then I set up my game. I connected my laptop screen to the tv and made it so I can play with a controller then I put my headset on and we started the mission. My. Team. Was. Crap. They couldn't do ANYTHING!

Lady croissant 🥐
<oi, bitch. I'm hungryyyyyyyyy >

Big boi bam
<come down and get food then? >

Lady croissant 🥐
<but your friends are scaryyyyyyyyyy :'( >

Big boi bam
<I'll bring it up to you then >

Lady croissant 🥐
<YAY! >
<another reason to not leave my gaming den >

Big boi bam
<it will be ready in a couple minutes >

[lady croissant 🥐 has went offline]

We lost. Because my team was a bunch of 12 year olds that don't  know how to play. I threw my controller on the floor and heeled myself after it. It must have sounded like WW3 was happening.
*knock knock*
'Ahhhhhh yessssssss. FOOD'
I ran over to the door and threw it open I had huge eyes and my face was all excited. Then I looked for my food. And it wasn't there
I stomped down the stairs purposely missing the last 3 or 4 steps and pointed my finger at my brother in the kitchen.
He looked terrified and walked over slowly
-who knocked on my door-
-I don't know! No one went upstairs...-
-then you have a ghost- after I said that I turned so fast my hair whipped him in the face and bolted up the stairs

~Brothers pov~

"What was that all about?" Yaku asked
"Oh nothing she's freaked out a little because she's never had so many people in the same house as her"
"She's been to school though, right"
"She says it isn't the same because in her house is like her personal space and she's trying to not be so protective"
Little did I know she was at the top of the stairs trying to understand what we were saying
I heard a thump thump thump upstairs and assumed her team lost again so I went to check if she was ok and she was just sitting on the top step, asleep against the wall

'Then what was making the thumping'
I did a head count of everyone here and no one had left
Maybe she was right, and there was a ghost
I scooped her up and carried her into her room where I placed her on the bed, saved her game and put all her equipment away
'She's lucky I found her and not one of my perverted team mates'
Was the only thought in my head

When I returned downstairs everyone was looking like they were going to explode from holding laughter in
"I think... pffft" one started and couldn't finish
"I think... that one of us... went up to see Y/n tehehehe"
"Which one of you?"
"That one" I looked over to who he was pointing at
"Kenma? Why would he go to see Y/n?"
"Ask him tehehe"

"Did you go up to see Y/n?"

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