Chapter 8

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I was sitting on the roof, dangling my legs over the edge while eating my bento when the door to the roof bust open and there was my brother and his team. As soon as they saw me they stopped dead in their tracks and stared at me
-what are they looking at?-
-calm down y/n we always eat lunch up here-
-ok, and?-
-don't be rude.-
-well yall just invaded my lunch time- I wiped away a fake tear from my eye
-drama queen-
I huffed and folded my arms over my chest
They all walked over and formed a little circle behind me
-what are they doing now?-
-oh my lord you need to talk to people more-
I glared at him and slowly brought my hand to my throat and coughed a few times
-oh right, sorry- he laughed nervously
I just turned around and started eating again, swinging my legs back and forth over the edge
"What's up with her? One minute she's all GrR angry then she's all happy acting like nothing happened! Your sister scares me" kuroo said to my brother
"Try living with her" my brother said
Everyone laughed and that made me turn around
-did I miss something?-

I sulked because I couldn't understand them at all and looked down over the edge, we weren't that high up but if I feel it would defo hurt.
I stood up without even think and started to walk along the roof occasionally looking down and then I went on the ledge which was an inch or two higher than the roof and put my arms out to balance
"What's she doing?" Asked Yaku
"Huh?" My brother asked then looked at me balancing across the ledge with my arms out.
I turned my back to the ledge and took out my phone
*click* I took a selfie of me standing on the ledge and posted it to Instagram
I then walked back over to my lunch and put all my stuff away

I checked the time, we still had 30 minutes so I took out my sketchbook and drew. Not anything special just a quick sketch of each of the volleyball members. My brother walked over and snatched my brand new sketch book (thanks god the only drawings were the ones I just done) I tried to get it back but he ran over to the team and showed them the drawings of themselves

"She's pretty good at this" said kuroo
"This looks exactly like me" lev said, fake crying
"What's that in the corner of mine?" Asked kenma
At closer inspection it was in fact a heart that had been erased
My brother threw my book and gave me a grin like he was gonna endlessly tease me about the erased heart

"Hey does anyone wanna come round again? We can study together?"
"Sure I don't mind" kenma said
"Why not, I'm failing all my classes anyway" kuroo added
"I'm down, if it's ok" lev chimed in
The rest were all busy

After lunch was finally over I decided to ditch last block and walk home without my brother and his friends. I ran to my room and locked myself in and cried for a good few hours. After they had volleyball my brother and his friends would be coming round but I didn't care, it's not like they'd be in my room. So I kept crying
After another hour I heard the door open and happy voices come in
"I'm gonna go check on Y/n" her brother said
He walked upstairs and knocked on her door
She answered with bags under her eyes and her eyes all bloodshot, her cheeks were red and tear stained and her hair was everywhere
"What happened? Were you bullied? Did someone hurt you? Did you fall coming home?"
-I miss my friends- I signed as I cried again
It was mainly silent crying. My brother pulled me into a hug and took me downstairs wrapped in a blanket, he dragged me to the kitchen and told me to sit on the island
He then proceeded to make me hot chocolate and ask me about my day
-it was ok-
"How, ok?"
-I was put in the learning difficulties classroom-
"Was the work too hard?"
-no I just felt like a loner and I felt different for not being in my own class-
"You are different, in the good way" he hugged me again

We walked through to meet his friends and then we put a Christmas movie on while they studied. After they were done with all their homework the 4 boys sat on the couch
I had kenma and kuroo on one side of me and my brother and lev on the other.
I felt tired, as I normally do after hot chocolate and a Christmas movie so I fell asleep on the couch. Not anywhere on the couch though, I fell asleep on kenmas shoulder.

When I woke up I had my brother taking pictures and kenma having a red face
I jumped up and immediately elbowed my brother to apologise for me
"Ah she says sorry for falling asleep on you, kenma"
"Oh it's no problem, at least she got some rest"
-sorry again-
-no problem, honestly- he signed back
-are you sure, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable-
-it's fine, calm down.-

After all his friends went home I went up to bed and face planted onto my bed
Today has been a whole different story
I decided I'm not going to school until after Friday so I have to do work from home.
I met a pupil helper from the learning difficulties department and we agreed for her to come to my house and tutor me until I'm fluent in Japanese and caught up on work

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