Chapter 9

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Next morning I woke up and had a few messages from mitsu (my tutor) saying she'd be around at 9:30 with all my work
My brothers friends came by to say hello and then walk to school but nothing interesting happened

When Mitsu arrived we were catching up on my work and taking notes when I got a text from my brother

Big boi bam
<heyyyy hows the tutoring going? Want me to bring you some snacks back after practice? >

Lady croissant 🥐
<it's going well and YES PLEASE bitch >

Big boi bam
<oi no cursing! That's bad! >

Lady croissant 🥐
< what ya gonna do? Send one of your friends to tell me off? >

Big boi bam
<kenma is on his way >

Lady croissant 🥐

Big boi bam
<kuroo has been dispatched >

Lady croissant 🥐
< freak you >

Big boi bam
<hehe I'm not kidding btw kenma left his phone >

Lady croissant 🥐

Big boi bam
<not my fault >
<shower if you want but he's on his way >

Lady croissant 🥐
<why wasn't I warned? >

Big boi bam
<you were. Just now ^^ >

[lady croissant 🥐 went offline]

I bolted to my bathroom and showered as fast as I could because there was no way I would answer the door to kenma having not showered today.
I showered and put on half decent clothes just in time to run back downstairs when the doorbell went.
I rushed to the door kind of out of breath and signed hello
-oh hi, is my phone here?-
-ye one second-
I ran to get his phone which I had placed on the counter next to mine
I grabbed it and rushed back over to him
-here- I handed it to him
-thanks, have fun with uhhhh.... homework?-
-learning Japanese so I can talk when I get my surgery-
-oh right, have fun. Bye!-

I shut the door after watching him walk away for about 2 minutes, ok maybe not but it felt like it and I honestly felt kinda weird watching him.
Then I remember mitsu and apologised for taking long, she said it was fine and I should take all the time I need
-ok let me just text my brother-
I walked over to my phone and turned it on
'Huh? This isn't my lock screen? Maybe mitsu changed it as a joke?'
I tried to unlock it. Incorrect password
-did you change my lock screen and password?-
-no? Why?-
I checked again and the lock screen was an image of the Nekoma volleyball team
'Crap crap crap'
I ran out the door and bolted all the way to the high school
I ran up the stairs to the second floor and all the way to class 2-b
I knocked on the door and signed to my brother
"Sensei, may I be excused?"
"Be quick"
He left the class and signed to me
-why are you here?-
-I gave kenma my phone by accident!-
-ok and?-
-the lock screen! The home screen! And it has no password because I was allowing Mitsu into my phone! What if he sees all my stuff- I began freaking out and cried a little
-calm down, we'll get it back-
We walked to class 2-c which was all the way across the corridor
B/n knocked on the door and asked for kenma
"Uhhh... volleyball"
"Be quick"
"Arigato sensei"
Kenma walked out and looked kind of surprised to see me
"Why is your sister here?"
I handed him his actual phone and bowed as an apology
"You guys have the same model and she accidentally gave you her phone"
"Oh that explains why it didn't have a passcode"
He looked at me and smiled a little
-nice lock screen- then his smile turned to a smirk and he walked back into class
I felt my face burn up and my brother asked me what my lock screen was
I showed him that it was a picture of me back home at the beach with my best friend.... wearing a bathing suit.
-haha wow, great first impression y/n-
-shut up. Get back to class, I'm going home-

I walked home and on the way I changed my lock screen once again to a plain picture of a cartoon cat and then went to make sure nothing changed
Luckily I had a code on most of my apps except my contacts but what was he gonna do? Steal my friends numbers?
I was wrong again. He had changed his name in my contacts.
He changed it to 𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️

I was bored and mitsu had went home so I messaged apple

Yo yo we haven't spoken in a while, anything new?

Apple 3.14159
Ahah, nope. Anything new with you?

I have met a cute boy I think I wanna ask out... 👉👈

Apple 3.14159
Ooooooh~ spill!

He's short but taller than me
He has pretty eyes
And I like his hair

Apple 3.14159
Wow. Very descriptive.

I'm saying no more because you act like him and I don't wanna accidentally confess to him UnU

Apple 3.14159
Fair enough. Anything else


[kiss_my_axe has went offline]

~In the group chat ~

50% vodka
<hey are you alright, Y/n?>

Lady croissant 🥐
<ye I'm tired though see some of you tomorrow >

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<see you >

Lady croissant 🥐
<whyyyyyy did you do thatttttt >
<i so badly wanna swear right now >

Big boi bam
<swear and your on dishes duty. >

Lady croissant 🥐
<fuck it I'll do the dishes >

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<wow. Harsh. >

Lady croissant 🥐
<you. Changed. Your. Name. In. My. Contacts!!! >

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<oh ye haha. I guess you don't like it? Hehe>

Lady croissant 🥐
<never said that.>

[lady croissant 🥐 has went offline ]

Big boi bam
Dude she totally likes you >

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<can yall see what I changed it to? >

50% vodka

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️

[𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️ has went offline ]

I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed ready to fall asleep
When my brother crashed through the door with all his friends and he had foooooood!
I smelled the food and immediately came out of my cave
"She wants food" my brother said to his friends
"Give her food then?" Kenma said getting his phone out
I stomped my foot to get everyone's attention
-listen here, buddy. I haven't eaten trying to catch up on school work! I am starving and when I'm hungry it's not pretty, so I suggest you stop being ignorant and give me. The. Dam. Food!-
My brother and kenma looked scared since only they could understand what I said and because they were scared everyone else was too

I sat happily eating my food and drinking my hot chocolate, my mood completely changed since I had my snack.
I learned enough Japanese to make out a few sentences the boys were saying
"How did that happen so quick?" Asked Yaku.
"She's a completely different person" mentioned Yamamoto
"Shhh. She's been learning Japanese. She can understand yall now." Kenma warned them
I turned my head slowly and glared at the boys with a creepy smile

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