Nothing lasts..

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Damn her! Damn her to hell! To go this far is unforgivable. She willingly fed them lies, making them believe that she could actually make them as strong as the moon goddess herself. Fucking fools! Are they that lost that they can't see through her lies? She has them all wrapped around her finger and she has the ability to do or say whatever the hell she wants and still be praised as their liberator.

What happened to my sister? She used to care about others but now, now she's just a power hungry fool so maybe that's why she wants Skylar so badly. If she were to mix their blood together then she could easily reign over every world, un-mirrored and if she actually got Skylar to work with her then everything would be lost. They'd be invincible. Biting my lower lip, I stared at the girl before be. Her once flawless face was beaten me bruised beyond recognition. Much to my disproval, Kota insisted that she should feel the same amount of pain that Skylar was in, even though she agreed to talking without any coaxing.

It pained me to see her like that but it couldn't be helped. I held no social or powerful standing in this house and if this was their way of interrogation them so be it. Placing my hands down, I force myself out of my seat and walk around the metal table, sitting on the corner closest to her. Her shaking is out of control as I gently place my hand on her should, causing a whimper to escape her lips.

"I won't hurt you. I promise but I need you to be more specific. How long has she been injecting you all with her blood?" I ask for the ninth time of the night. She sobs again as we go through the same song and dance of her swearing that she can't remember before she wails uncontrollably. It hurts to see her revert back to such childish state but who can blame her. She will most likely die here in this old, musty cellar without anyone trying to save her. She's just a number to my sister. A failed experiment.

"Why didn't it effect you like it did the others." Her eyes lost life as she slumps her head on her chest, not caring what happened to her anymore.

"She said she couldn't do it to everyone. She needed some able bodies so she left us alone, until she found others. We were just put on hold in her little test lab." Tears streaked across her face as she looks up at me again, begging for today's session to be over. Sighing, I walk out of the room, leaving her chained to the spot that's become her home over the past week.

It's been a week of her being unconscious. The tainted blood that mixed with hers in such high volumes was too much for her body to handle. Yes she can handle vampire blood mixing with her but when that blood was to passed to her by a failed experiment, it just weakened her. She's marked. The permanent, ugly scar of her battle for ever left on her upper arm. Despite the absence of out Alpha, the pack has continued fighting for the sake of the land that they call home.

Havana, although grief stricken and stressed, has been doing a great job picking up were her mate left off. With the aid of some of my friends for the kingdom and the arrival of the old pack members, the training has increased ten fold. They are actually improving and they actually look like heathy beings. The children have been left in the dark about the whole situation and I'm glad that they don't know. It would only freak them out and cause more stress for Havana and Anna.

My heels clink against the cold marble floor as I make my way towards Skylar's room. Most of the effects of the attack should be wearing off by now and she should be awake some time today. The house is eerily quite being that mostly everyone is training and the kiddos are down in the learning centre with Havana.

Walking into her room, I notice that she still lays here, unmoving. Her calm face, dull in the moon light, saddened me. I wish she would have brought someone with her instead of taking them all on all at once. If she would have asked me to help, this could have been avoided. Walking closer to her, my eyes travel to the venom that has tattooed itself on her flawless skin. It's ugly markings dancing happily on her frail body.

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