Chapter 6

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When they reached castle, a stern lady Professor stopped them.
Professor: "Hello everyone. My name is Professor McGonagall. Welcome to Hogwarts. First year student please make a line. Rest of you can go to Great Hall. Head boy/girl and Prefects help first years with queues."
After couple of minute heavily soaked Weasley came running.
Ron shouted shivering: "Excuse.. me ..I .. have .. something to say professor.. That .. snake pushed .. me. into lake.. he is .. meant to be .. G- G - Gryffindor and he.. acts like .. one of those wanna be.. Death eaters."
McGonagall turned towards trio and asked: "Is that true?"
Blaise answered: "Of course not. He simply annoyed us. As you heard his words and from his family history it's not unknown that weasley's hates slytherin families. While blabbering things he rocked boat and fell due to his own fault. We could have saved him but we were almost near shore."
Hermione snapped: "That's lie. He said didn't want to get wet and when I asked he replied he has wand doesn't he?"
McGonagall: "And Did he?"
Daphne: "obviously. Even muggle born would have known simple spells to keep dry or move out of lake. Don't you?"
Hermione with challenging bossy mode not understanding Daphne just played her: "What about Retracontura spell? It would have pulled him out without getting wet. It's there in intro pack chapter..."
McGonagall stopped her: "Thank you, Miss. I understand you three felt there was nothing you could. But be sure to help or at least notify immediately to avoid accident next time. And Mr. Weasley I don't need to know your sorting result as it's clear. 10 points from Gryffindor and detention with me for disruption"
Hermione pointed towards Hadrian: "What about him? He is so mean and rude"
McGonagall snapped: "Are you trying to teach me my job? Now leave for great hall everyone for sorting."

Once everyone settled sorting started in Alphabetic order. Hadrian didn't pay much attention in who gets where. Obey the rules got sorted in Gryffindor. The lost tod boy Longbottom catch Hadrian's attention when he was going on stage.
Hadrian thought "What a powerful core inside such a timid clumsy boy. He can be useful. Need to keep eye on him"
Then the next name called: " MALFOY, Draco"
Hat shouted Slytherin as soon as it touched boy's head. Blaise got slightly stunned seeing Hadrian laughed when Malfoy locked his eye with him.
Then after some names finally Harry's turn came.
"Potter, Hadrian"
Hadrian thought at least they got my name correct. There was mutter across Hall like is that Harry potter, boy-who-lives, all that muscles I want to eat him alive, see that gorgeous body, so he is our savior, but why they announced Hadrian not Harry and many more. Hadrian just rolled his eyes in annoyance and went towards stool.
As potter sit on stool hat said: " My my. what an interesting minds you have, Master potter, Never seen anyone like you before. Now power and your ancestors tells me to that you should be in Lion's den, but something tells me that if I do that then there wouldn't be any lion next year."
Harry chuckled darkly "Damn right.. but if you tell anyone about me.."
Hat: "No need to threaten old hat. I can see you want to put fire on me. Rest assured my lips are sealed Prince. Good luck: SLYTHERIN".

There was pin drop silence with many shocked faces. Hadrian just went to sit with fellow slytherins. The house members gave him polite applauds.

After completion of sorting and feast students left Great Hall towards their houses. Minerva talked with Severus about incident and Severus thought just like James. Severus assured he will handle it. Prefects led new snakes to their dungeons and explained Slytherin rules to their new members and then showed their dorms and rooms. Hadrian has to share room with Blaise, Theo and Draco. Theo tried to taste waters with Hadrian since he doesn't have idea about him. Hadrian noticed it but let it go for time being. As they just laid on their bed, a Prefect came and asked Hadrian to meet Snape in his office for today's water incident. Hadrian sigh and before going out he glared towards Theo and said: "Don't touch my stuff."

Once they reached snape's office, prefect left. Hadrian brought out Amara from his coat and hissed: "Amara. You can roam around castle or go to forbidden forest as you wish. I believe you are very capable to handle any threats. Still if you feel you need me just open our link as I taught you in summer to inform me. You can come to my room in night after everyone sleep if you want."
Amara left
Hadrian didn't notice someone else was hearing this conversation as well until.
The portrait: "Hello young one. That's very unique skill and snake you have with you. What's your name?"
Hadrian looked towards portrait: "I am Hadrian Potter, First year student in your House Salazar"
Salazar chuckled: "Confidence and Ego, I do believe you have many things under your slip"
Hadrian just showed him mark.
Salazar with wide eyes: "I see we have achieved a real gem Prince. I wish you for great future. Come to see me some time, I might be able to teach you thing or two."
With that Salazar left portrait and Door opened.
Snape: "Hello potter. I notice you were having some chitchat on my door"
Hadrian: "Nothing much just exchanging greeting with Salazar's Portrait"
Snape: "I see. So tell me about what happened today."
Hadrian can see Snape is doing this with purpose. Bellatrix has told her Snape and his birth father were at odds all time so Snape might be headache for him.
Hadrian with smug face: "I am not going to repeat my words. I had already said."
Snape: "You brat. What do you think you are just like your father"
Hadrian released some of his power and touched his forehead. Snape started shaking with pain in his arm near mark.
Hadrian: "You are nothing but insect in front of me Professor. Better not treat me like some powerless pawn. I am nothing like my father. He might have pulled pranks on you to make your life miserable but I can put you through hell without any pranks or wielding my hand. So choose your words wisely with me and I hope next time if you want to talk with me don't bring my parents in our conversation"
Snape with pain: "Harry what .. how are you doing this?"
Hadrian with icy cold eyes release more powers as snape was still standing on his grounds: "That's none of your concern. And professor my name is Hadrian if you haven't noticed yet. Call me Harry again and I will cut you into two. That's not threat it's promise"

As statement completed Snape got on his knees due to intense pain in his whole body. Hadrian finally rolled his power back and left office for dorm. Severus finally got breath. As his pain started to fade, Severus rushed towards Albus's office.
Albus: "Ah severus what a pleasant surprise. Want some lemon drops."
Severus: "No thanks. I am here to discuss something urgent regarding potter."
Albus: "sit down. What did Harry"
Before Head master complete statement Severus with fearful eyes: "Hadrian.. not Harry"
Albus chuckled: "Yes yes sorry my old age makes me forget things. I see you got your name dosage from the boy."
Severus with shocked expression: "You knew. The boy is nothing like we thought. I never feared that much even in Dark Lord's presence."
Albus sighed: "Yes I know what you are talking about. I met young riddle 50 years ago. It's worse than that. But we can't let history to repeat. I noticed young Hadrian has made some friends in Snake's pit. Try to make sure he finds a way to open up"
Severus: "You are asking me and my snake's to put in the line of fire against him. That boy is tickling bomb. Albus that's suicide."
Albus agreed: "Perhaps, but for greater good. We need him to defeat Dark Lord and also we have to make sure he doesn't turn into new Dark Lord."
Severus nodded and left the office with last words: "Oh Albus, what have you created?"

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