Chapter 42

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Next day at breakfast table Hadrian sat with his eight consorts. All of them looked very handsome, mature and powerful. Hadrian gave special power to smith so he can change his form to his two former selves as Tom Riddle and Dark Lord. He gave all his concerts gift of Eidetic memory.  Their core also got stronger, just above Ravens.

Hadrian: "Today I want to clear somethings with you all. I know you had many questions when you were bought here. I wanted to tell you everything before claiming you, but laws of Atlantis doesn't allow it. As everyone in Atlantis including king is bind by certain laws."
Victor: "We understand my king"
Hadrian with smile: "I know you all do but as your mate and partner I want you to treat me as your equal whenever we are not in courtroom. I want to clear everything. Ask me anything you want to know"
They nodded.
Hadrian: "Lets start with basic. My name is Hadrian. I am Lord Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Emrys, Potter, Black and Pervell. My other titles are 'King of Atlantis' , 'King of Darkness and Demon Realm' , 'Master of Death' , 'Keeper of Realm' , 'Favored by Fate' and 'Blessed by mother magic'. As per law of Atlantis any king must have consorts as his lordships before he sit on crown. I have eight Lordship, that's the reason why I choose 8 people."
Charlie: "Why us eight? I am sorry to ask but there can be many people in whole world who deserves this position more than bunch of kids and adults"
Others nodded agreeing the point.
Hadrian: "Because I wanted to Choose people whom I or my horsemen trust most. People whom we have seen at their highest and lowest point. This is my fourth birth in same time line. Before you ask why let me tell you it's requirement to be master of Death. I didn't remember about things of one life in another as Death make sure to diversify my paths in one way or other to see different outcome of different choices. Let's not get into that as that will be too long discussion, but I and my Horsemen have personally worked with you in one of our life to know you are well suited for this."
Ernie: "Not that I am complaining but why not girls"
Hadrian: "One of the thing with being Master of Death is you produce powerful offspring who in one way or other end up opposing his father. So either father kills son or son kills father. Also this war leads to too much destruction. To avoid fate of previous Death master I choose male only. And my mark will work in a way that my male mate can't remain fertile so there won't be issue even if he can be carrier."
Everyone nodded.
Hadrian: "Now for consort rings, Each concert ring contains special booster for your magic. But you have to learn and practice particular subject to achieve mastery. Books of it from basic to advance is already put in your respective rooms. I didn't choose whom to give which ring. It's my magic and mark that decided after checking your magical cores, strengths, needs and emotion towards me before and after mark. Rolf Emrys ring for you and it will boost your knowledge and magic related to Creatures. You can communicate with any of them in their language. Terry Ravenclaw ring for you, it will boost Ole magic and mind magic. Smith/ Tom Slytherin ring for you, it will boost parcel magic and Dark Arts related magic. Barty Black ring is for you and it will boost demonic magic. Charlie Gryffindor ring is for you, it will boost your physique, dueling movements and attacking spells. You can do beast talk so you can talk with Dragons. You will be best dueller. Ernie hufflepuff ring is for you, it will boost blood and Nature magic. Viktor pervell ring is for you, it boosts Necromancy powers. Lastly Theo Potter ring is for you. You will have 30% of all my powers since it's main line from my birth."
Barty: "We are happy with whatever you choose for us my king"
Others looked towards Hadrian with smile agreeing to statement.
Hadrian smiled: "Thank you. I am happy that you accepted your new life happily. Each one of you will also have mild metamorphous ability to change certain aspects of your body. You won't be able to look completely different but different enough. However, if any of you have full ability in your blood line you can achieve it. All your ancestral gifts in your bloodline will get activated by mark. Smith can completely change into his previous forms of Voldy and Tom. Theo can change into any one due to part of my powers. Your mark will give you eternal youth and immortality, but it can not save you from heavy injuries. Your rings will be your added layer of protection. No matter whatever powerful field or wards someone adds to try capture you, your ring will be able bring you to kingdom. It will also save you from any manipulation through potions or compulsion charms or mind attacks."
Terry: "What is this mark called we have? and are there other marks?"
Hadrian: "You all have mark of Possession. Ravens have mark of Loyalty. People in Atlantis have mark of Atlantis. Each three marks give mark bearer unique abilities and increase their magical cores to maximum level since their first ancestor. Fourth mark is mark of Soul, that is given to informer of Atlantis. This people doesn't know anything about us or get any powers from it. I have changed few things in this mark so that if time comes and I need their help I can turn them into my army without their consent, but that's like last option."
Smith: "So there will be only 7 girls who have Ravens mark?"
Hadrian laughed:" No need to be cunning my slytherin consort, you can ask direct question. Yes and to answer your indirect question no it won't be only 8. Mark of Atlantis and mark of Loyalty also nullify most sexual desires so that desires is transferred to me same as sexual desires of my four horseman is also transferred to me. Mark of Possession doesn't nullify it, but you can't get hard by any other person. All this desires, my powers and stress that I will face can only stabilize with sex. So eight won't be enough. That is why I will have more man as part of Harem. You have seen the tower that is near my room apart from your separate rooms it's Harem tower where I will place them. It won't change anything. Like my rules of equality, my all consorts and men from Harem will get my equal attention and love. However, as per kingdom Hierarchy after King comes four horsemen then consorts then Ravens then men of Harem then People of Atlantis and our wards then lastly informer of kingdom. Our wards are people who we promised to protect until certain age when someone ask us in return of their service or taking mark of Atlantis. It's generally there children or relatives. "
Rolf: "We understand."
Hadrian: "Now have some rest. I will come to each of your room to spend time with you today. Tomorrow morning you all will have to be present in court as my consorts, we have to talk about my plans and your roles in it."

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