Chapter 52

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Hadrian: "Hello Azazel"
Azazel with smile: "Welcome King"
Hadrian with sad look: "Sorry about Sirius"
Azazel: "Father wanted this. It's not your fault my Lord"
Hadrian gave small smile: "None of that, I am here to make you Demon king"
Azazel with wide eyes: "But why, just like father I am happy being your representative?"
Hadrian: "I never wanted to be Demon King you know. It was forced upon me by Lucifer. If I had made Sirius King Demons would have revolted as Sirius doesn't have Demon blood or mark, but you are different. You are half demon. You grow up with them, they like you. You don't need my help to rule. They need King who stays with them most time. Let them have it."
Azazel kept his mouth close not knowing how to respond this
The other demons present their, shouted "Hail King Azazel" approving Previous King Hadrian's idea.

Hadrian: "See they also want this."
Azazel: "Ok I accept everyone's wish. But only on one condition, if you stay here for this whole day. Let Demons give farewell party to their favorite King"
Azazel had other motives unknown to anyone to make Hadrian stay and he knew name of party can make Demons act like children. When all Devils came out of their nature and gave Hadrian longing eyes. Hadrian sighed but accepted. Devils started shouting and laughing at the name of Party.
Hadrian handover Crown to Azazel. 
Azazel: "Thank you. May we take trip to Demon World. Let me show you what all changes we did after your last visit"
Hadrian nodded with sad smile. Azazel knew from his father that what happened at Atlantis when his father said him final good bye. Hadrian was still grieving at all lose and trying his hard to not to show it. Time to Time while walking Azazel touched Hadrian, Hadrian didn't notice due to his mental condition.

In evening Demons and Azazel forced Hadrian Drink highest quality alcoholic Demon drinks. After few Drinks Hadrian got really high that he can Hardly walk. Azazel took Hadrian with him to his room. As Azazel put Hadrian on bed, he removed all Hadrian's clothes and Started kissing gently. Hadrian groaned with all sudden make out. His mind fogged with pleasure and alcohol. After some minutes Hadrian lost it and took active control. He turned Azazel and fucked him roughly. Azazel was on cloud nine finally getting what he always wanted.

From very start Azazel had crush on Hadrian but never let anyone know as Hadrian was godson of his father, he knew his father will not approve this. Also he was afraid what will Hadrian think of him if he finds out this. He never planned telling him this but saved himself from any sexual pleasure. As a demon it was very hard but he wanted Hadrian to have him. Until now he was happy that at least time to time he can see Hadrian. But today he was grieving for his father and then he looked sad eyes of his crush. It broke his heart, pain increased ten fold than what it was before. When Hadrian made Azazel King, Azazel knew now he won't be seeing Hadrian anymore as he doesn't have Atlantis mark and Hadrian has no reason to visit Demon realm. That's when devilish plan came in his mind to get Hadrian drunk and then make out.

Hadrian fucked him many times. Azazel has demon stamina so it wasn't much difficult to keep up with his love. When Azazel felt exhausted, he started pulling demonic energy to stay awake knowing Hadrian needs to let this go. Finally when Hadrian stopped, Azazel breathed in relief. He knew he will be sore for many days but it was necessary. However mark took it's place and Azazel slept next to sleeping Hadrian.

In morning, When Hadrian wake up his head was hurting like hell. But that was not only part hurting. He realized what happened when he see Azazel naked body with his mark. He also see Demon blood on sheet and floor, realizing how brutal he went on Azazel in all his grief and lust. It's not easy to make Demon bleed. He felt so bad to doing such thing to his god brother. With quick spell he cleaned everything. Then he cast healing spell on Azazel.
Azazel woke up when he felt soothing spell on his anal.
Azazel: "Good morning my love"
Hadrian looked in other side: "Don't call me that I forced myself on you."
Azazel: "I consent for it"
Hadrian: "I am sorry"
That words hit Azazel so he cried: "So you didn't like it, I am not worthy. You are going to reject me"
As he spoke this words Hadrian remember Ernie's accident how he raped him and how Ernie felt after being marked.
Hadrian: "It's not that. I just.."
Azazel kissed him to stop him: "I am happy with what happened. Now father is not here, I need someone to comfort me as well. I do love you my king"
Hadrian smiled genuinely at last statement.
Hadrian: "Why didn't you stop me when you had chance? You have enough strength to do so"
Azazel smiled: "Why should I. I have saved myself for this. This was something I was waiting for long. Not the bleeding part"
Hadrian looked down: "Sorry about that"
Azazel touched Hadrian's hand: "it's okay. I know you needed this to get over your grief. I wouldn't have bleed if I had let my body fell with exhaustion, but you needed it so I kept pulling Realm's demonic energy to stay awake until you need it."
Hadrian with smile: "You really did that for me. Thank you Azazel. I love you too"
Azazel smiled with blush and hugged Hadrian. Hadrian kissed his newly bonded for sometime, then explained him about phase 2 and few things.

After few days staying in Demon Realm he finally said good bye to Azazel and vanished from there to complete his other tasks.  

Hadrian reached at Goblin nation.
Hadrian: "I am here to meet Goblin King"
Goblin looked up: "Name?"
Hadrian: "Master of death"
Goblin looked with terrified eyes: "Sorry for my ignorance, Please have a sit I will inform King   about your presence"
Within few minutes Goblin King came their. 
Goblin King: "Greetings Hadrian"
Hadrian: "Hello old friend"
Goblin King: "How may goblins help you today"
Hadrian: "You must have heard some news in past days, what is your opinion on that?"
Goblin King: "We are unsure."
Hadrian: "I understand your concern that a totally new place might not have financial system. Everything might start with barter system or like that. But think it as opportunity to create financial system of new kind for new species who doesn't have any wealth or background except powers and accommodation. Goblins will play crucial role in create financial systems of whole planet. Also it will be place where goblins can freely walk anywhere without need of hiding or take role in any thing apart from just financial system. Above everything if whole magical community move then you won't have any business here."
Goblin King: "The way you put it, advantages certainly outweigh disadvantage. Our other concern is what will be hierarchy in goblins their."
Hadrian: "Currently we created 6 clusters at different location, Each cluster have one tier-1 city (designated for mutants and super humans) and one magical town. Since we have more than enough space and we believe in equality, we will give you your preferred locations outside this clusters for Goblin nation. It can have same hierarchy as here or any way Goblins want since its your nation. However, Goblins working and staying in Clusters will be answerable to that Cluster council and laws, they won't be abide by Goblin nation laws. Similarly if someone get caught in goblin nation they will abide by goblin laws not by cluster laws."
Goblin King: "That's fair proposition. We agree"
Hadrian smiled: "What will you do with your muggle business and investments?"
Goblin King: "We can keep small offices here with minimum staff to handle that business of here, but majority of operation and bank will be shifted there. As we need as many hand as possible to create whole new system. What do you suggest?
Hadrian: "Since there will be no magical community here, I would suggest you to occupy some office space with attached living space in Squib towns or other Muggle location to handle that business. I can also give you Atlantis potion which can change appearance for 12 hours (official hours) into muggles, so you can handle muggle clients as well. No magic or object can see through  it. I can give you  some samples for free testing but then there will be price to pay for this Potion."
Goblin King: "We accept. What about availability of potion?" 
Hadrian: "Atlantis can not be moved so we are here. Potion will be available whenever they want through your Atlantis Branch. Whatever Bank or your residential structures you require to shift put them in list, when my people will make ministry to make lists of shifting just hand over your list to them. It should be done."
Goblin King: "Just out of curiosity why not shift Squib towns as well"
Hadrian: "The purpose of shifting is complete separation. Earth-2 will have only people with some power or magical creatures, so squib or muggles who doesn't have power might suffer humiliation or felt jealous. That will hinder peace plan. Also with all our efforts so far squibs are blend in muggle ways, they are aware of situation and agree with this solution."
Goblin King: "Understood. Thank you for your gracious offer. We will coordinate with your people"
Hadrian: "In that case I should take leave"
Goblin King bowed: "May your gold prosper and your enemies fail against your blade"
Hadrian bowed as well: "Good bye my friend"

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