Chapter 25

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Next morning in Common meeting in RoR,
Theo: "Hello fangs of shadows, This meeting is called to announce certain things:
Firstly today we have one new general with us Smith Zachharias, he has been in contact with our king from last year. Secondly, our Lord along with Draco Malfoy and Hermione Lestrange had passed 5th year OWLs so they will be in our sixth years instead of third year. Thirdly our King has decided to intensify training sessions after seeing recent events."
Theo took step back. Hadrian looked at every member listening information.
Hadrian: "You all are allowed to pass this piece of information to your friends or anyone you wish to that I am about to share. I want to alert everyone especially those involved with Death eaters business or family, do not take Dark mark. Use your brain to escape situation but I repeat do not get yourself marked no matter what. Dumbledore is placing wards around castle to identify people with Dark mark. If you got caught, you will be in Azkaban no matter what your status or age is. The wards will be complete by Sunday as per my information. If you have mark make an excuse and leave castle before Sunday. Do not come back. Meeting Dismissed."

Only 2 student a 7th year slytherin and surprisingly 5th year Gryffindor left the school mentioning family issues. Before leaving they come to meet Hadrian and said they can't help much but they will be spies and eyes in Dark Lord's group for him as thanking him for saving their life.

As Monday came, lessons started. Apart from Remus constant try to understand Hadrian, thing were smooth for whole month. Albus has asked him to join order meeting but he refused saying he would like to study and train himself. Albus can't do much then accepting it. Albus knew Hadrian is strong enough in academics and has good control over his magic. Fangs of Shadows are getting stronger with constant training. Tom as Smith has made some good friends (not followers). After month of observing, Remus started approaching Hadrian to talk with him. He tried different strategy for month but all in vain. Finally at the end of month he knew Hadrian will never willingly talk to him or Listen to him.

Fangs of shadow have gained few new members. Some of graduated student approached generals with request to join. In total now there are 75 members of this group from it 10 were from outside Hogwarts. Constant Physical and mental training under Hadrian's watchful eye made his army more stronger with each passing days. For outsiders Layers was King, generals and warriors in Fangs of shadows. But for those member of Group knew there is also inner Hierarchy between Generals also. The top layer is closest to king and it is consist of Draco, Hermione, Pansy and Blaize. Second layer is Theo, Luna, Daphne and Neville. Third layer is Tracey, Smith, Cedric and Seamus. In Warriors the top layer is Ginny, Dean and Cho. This layer acts as first line of security to anyone who wants to access the group. This internal hierarchy can only change by King himself so everyone knows there place.

One day Hadrian felt Black's presence on Hogwarts grounds. He suddenly froze in his place and his body started burning with rage. The temperature of Slytherin court started falling. All students looked towards their King with fear in their eyes. As effects of Hadrian's power started increasing, there were painful cries and shouts.
Hermione tried to bring Hadrian out of trance with tears: "Please stop my King. You are hurting your loyals."
Hadrian's rage has caused his mind shields to fall and at the same time Voldemort was feeding Minister to Nagini. He was in trans like stage.
Pansy tried:"My liege.. mercy.. It's hurting... stoppp."
She gather all her courage and kissed Hadrian on cheeks and it worked to calm him down.
Hadrian: "Stay out of my way. It's something I have to do"
The cruelness and rage in that icy tone was enough for his court to understand stay away for their own sake.

Hadrian thought about what he saw and Dumbledore's words then he suddenly remember Tom told him he saw him when trying to connect to 7th Horcrux. Finally he figured out He and Nagini is indeed Horcrux. He panicked for a second on what to do but then again Sirius Black's presence strike him, so he put all his thoughts on side and ran in the direction from where he was feeling Presence. Hadrian reached to Willow and finally caught sight of man.
Hadrian:" So finally we meet face-to-face Mr. Black?"
Sirius turned around looked slightly exhausted: "Yes Hadrian"
Hadrian: "You hide with intent to enter castle for me, so I thought to make it simple by coming to you."
Sirius can sense Darkness in voice: "Not really. Though I'm glad that you're here. I believe you are alone."
Hadrian released some of his power: "You think I need help to kill you for your sins"
Sirius feeling the fearing power: "I know you don't the one. But before you make your move I beg you chance to explain."
Hadrian: "Explain what? You betrayed my parents who were your best friends. Then you murder your other friend ruthlessly."
Sirius saw the death glare and understand he doesn't have much time left so instead of explaining he took out wand: "I, Sirius Orion Black, do swear upon my life and magic that I did not betray Lily or James Potter and I don't have any ill intention towards my godson Hadrian Potter, so mote it to be."
A bright binding light appear as proof of swear. Hadrian was dumb stuck for a moment. All his rage has gone by now.
Sirius sat on his knees: "What you know is only half-truth. So listen to me first Black Kaiser"
Hadrian with his usual mask: "Start talking"
Sirus:" Dumbledore convinced your parents to move to safe house. The Fidelius charm was used as their protection. Your parents wanted me to be keeper but Albus suggested Peter. Your parents didn't accept that but after an hour your father's attitude changed and he agreed to suggestion. I and Lily tried to convince him but he acted like stone wall."
Hadrian growled: "Ok so it was Peter who betrayed them still your killing peter and muggles and Above all living a year old baby alone in house doesn't justify it"
Sirius: "I know. I still regret leaving you there on your own. I just lost it when I see your parents' bodies. At that moment of rage all I wanted was to kill peter. But I didn't kill him or any muggle. He killed those muggles."
Hadrian: "Wow no you're claiming the dead traitor died himself. Very convenient"
Sirius: "He is alive. The mouse that Weasley boy carries is animagus form of Peter. I came here to catch him so I can clear my name. Ones that's done I can return to my family. To you"
Hadrian with soft voice: "Why you want to be part of Black family. From what I know, you passionately hated Blacks."
Sirius: "Because of you.. I'm sorry that I left you when you needed me most. When I was in Azkaban I was given chance to turn you into Demon Prince but I refused. I can't do that to you. But after thinking all those years I know where I belong. You have my complete loyalty. I will do anything you want me to do. Your wish is my command Black kaiser."
There was peaceful silence for a minute or two finally Hadrian broke it.
Hadrian: "Why didn't you accept the choice Lord Lucifer given to you? Look at me I am way more than powerful than any ordinary 13 year old wizard. I have army at my command. I rule demons so why?"
Sirius can see the curious dark emotion behind question: "Because I didn't wanted to turn you into Dark Lord under command of Soul less Demon King. When I am looking you today I don't see James and lily's son, Darkness has corrupted you."
Hadrian snapped: "Why is it bad thing?"
The magical outbursts throw sirius back. But he stood again:"In accepting all that darkness you lost your own calm, happiness, innocence and soul"
Hadrian: "The Demon mark chose me, It is my destiny to be the one"

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