Chapter 51

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Everyone arrived day before meeting. That night at feast, Terry: "Thank you everyone for coming on short notice. King will have some important announcement tomorrow that will start new phase in our journey, but before that if any of you desire something to say to king please do so after feast. Now let the feast begin."

Everyone started eating dinner. As it completed Sirius Black and Remus Lupin approached king with there wish to rest in peace, to everyone's surprise 22 magical lovers (wizards) also joined them. They all gave their reason why they feel they want to rest in peace. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin both choose their respective son to take their places. Hadrian approved their choices as he knew both Azazel and Teddy (Edward) are capable to do their work. With heavy heart Hadrian Granted their wish. That whole night Hadrian cried at lose of his godfather and lovers. That night Hadrian's lost 22 lovers and now there are only 15 lovers and 8 Consorts left. Last time when his muggle lovers expressed him their desire, he decided he won't mark any new one as pain of loosing them was too much. But then he has to mark Thor keeping future in mind. This time the lose was too heavy, but he can't keep grieving as it will hinder his work.

Next day at court, everyone looked at their king with worried eyes. He had dark circles around his eyes proving he didn't sleep last night. The echoes of his cry last nigh was still their in hall.

When terry tried to approach Hadrian, he shake his head to stop him.
Hadrian: "We are here today as time has come for next phase of our plan. Do everyone know about it"
All nodded except Aiden and Thor.
Hadrian: "Aiden and Thor we have been having this discussion from many years and checking information from our sources. We know one thing for sure no matter what we try we can never create peace between people with power and people without it. That is why magical worlds and Atlantis is hidden. Best solution from our experience is separation. Till few days ago we didn't have place to do complete separation, but now we do. A world where no one has to hide from others. They can freely use their powers and travel anywhere without changing their appearance. Both world will have their peace and there will be no fear of hurting each other"
Aiden: "What about families?"
Hadrian: "Sadly separation is only way. Initially we had plan to follow our model of squib town that we used to separate muggle and magical world, but with two different planets that plan won't work so we have to go for plan B that is forced separation. Laws and punishment should be different for both world. However we plan to create a city on moon. A city with artificial environment, which will be common place for research in field of Space offense and Defense, and Health related drugs. For other fields both planets have to do their own work by their own people. This city will also act as place to meet families from both planet."
Thor: "What about their faith and believes, since we didn't create that type of places there"
Hadrian: "No earth-2 will not allow that. We can't allow any reason for new wars among people who don't need weapon to destroy others. Different view point is ok but we don't need things that start  discrimination. All citizen of earth-2 will be reeducated with their believes just like what we did to destroy blood superiority theory in magical world." 
When Thor and Aiden nodded, Hadrian: "Consorts, is magical world ready for this shifting?"
Smith: "Yes my king. We have been making them aware and ready for this time from past many years through publicizing benefits of shifting to place where there will be no secrecy in magazine and news paper. Also they have experienced it first hand during previous shifting. We have also started reeducating everyone for wandless abilities, now most of them don't require wand. Only 5% of them still need wand."
Hadrian: "Very well then spread the news that location is found. Tell them to get ready. We will make ritual stones to transfer whole cities. This 5% who you talked about are they rebellion or just lack in skill?"
Ernie: "Mostly rebellion and older age as they oppose almost every reformation ideas. Even their families tried to convince them it's benefits but they just don't get it."
Hadrian: "Very well then we don't need them, execute them. We can't risk 95% for 5%. If there are any younger rebellions just take their magic, make them squib and throw in muggle world." 
They nodded. 
Hadrian: "I will deal with magical creatures and goblins. Theo you can start manipulating President for 2nd phase."
Theo: "I will start it right away my love. I have gathered many proves to show him and little manipulation he is actually eager to do it. I will make sure he will pass information to all other world leaders. As much as I know him, he will use this as opportunity to increase his chances for upcoming election."
Hadrian: "Very well but make sure to convince him to start assault only once everyone is onboard and they have technology otherwise consequences will be high.  Do come back to Atlantis permanently before they start assault. And be safe"
Theo nodded.
Terry: "What about Atlantis? Are we also shifting?"
Hadrian: "No Atlantis can't be moved so our people will stay here only. Even consorts I would like you to come back in Atlantis forever ones you shift your respective magical world. We will help to establish system to make them run smoothly by themselves on earth-2. We can't do this forever. "
Consorts happily nodded as this is their final assignment then they can stay with king forever.
Hadrian: "Thor return to Asgard, take your rightful place as Crowned Prince and let your father know you are ready to be King whenever he wishes. That way he can announce and make everyone aware of it. Be aware of Loki. Don't let your own brotherly love to neglect facts. In fact why don't you take Ethan's help to make Loki and Hala your pet. Two powerful enemy turned loyal ally of Prince can be beneficial for Asgard."
Thor grinned and nodded.
Hadrian: "Vulcan how is things with you"
Vulcan smiled at King's concern: "Everything is running smoothly and I am good my love. Please rest assured"
Hadrian smiled: "Good. Ethan I want you to return Hala and be Kree Supreme. Use your parents network and Take the command. If required take help form Vulcan and his army to confront or combine Thor's powers with yours and change their minds. Once you will be Kree Supreme one threat will be reduced forever." 
Ethan nodded already knowing what needs to be done.
Hadrian: "Aiden change your appearance, go to Xander and become Chief there. Take control of Nova Corps so to achieve resource and political power under your command. Achieve it through your strength, if you wish use three strong recommendation which can easily push you up leader easily. All four of you help each other but not very openly.  In space, alliances are for different reasons but never in any alliance an emperor/chief go out of the way to help other, so make your moves carefully. Do not let anyone know that you four have any personal connection."
All four nodded in unison.
Hadrian: "Ravens I want you to leave your current assignments and shift to Earth-2. Let me know when you are ready I will shift you. Stay in contact with Terry, Aiden, Ethan, Vulcan and Thor for updates and to find technology which help you to manage all arrivals at Earth-2. Magical world is well managed so for them you won't require to do anything, but mutants and other humans with superpowers will come from different background. They will start arriving once magical world is shifted. Identify teachers of magical world who has experience with muggle world to reeducate new arrivals if required, we don't want any prejudice or faith to hamper our peace goal. Also based on their powers and power levels assign them accommodation in our tier-1 cities of clusters. Your assignment is to help and develop new system to ensure things run smoothly on Earth-2."
Ravens nodded.
Hadrian: "Horsemen you stay rest can leave"
Hadrian created portal to Twins and Thor to their respective places. Vulcan chose to go by his traditional way of flying back. 
Hadrian discussed with his Horsemen what they need to do in muggle world, after completing discussion Hadrian opened Demon realm to go their.

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