Chapter 15

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As expected on Monday, Hadrian received message to meet Headmaster. This time instead of ignoring he left immediately to meet Headmaster.
Albus: "Hadrian my boy come on in. I am surprised to have you so quickly. Lemon Drops?"
Hadrian: "No thank you. I was waiting for your invitation sir. so as soon as I received your invitation I came."
Albus: "Why so my dear Harry"
Hadrian getting irritated by Albus's tactics to play with all nicknames but maintained his mask.
Hadrian: "I wanted to apologize for my last year's behavior. Everything was so new to me that I got bit lost."
Albus with twinkles in his eyes thinking his giving gift worked to broke hard layer: "It's okay. I understand how difficult it must be."
Albus was trying to make eye contact for legilimen so he can be sure Hadrian is not playing. Hadrian can't reveal Albus's trick won't work against his mind shields. So to divert his attention.
Hadrian with childlike expressions: "Very nice bird sir. Is it phoenix? What's his name? I don't think I have noticed him last time I came"
Albus got huge grin thinking his weapon started molding: "His name is Fawkes"
As Albus's attention got diverted and he stopped trying legilimens. During summer vacation, Hadrian got message from his account manager in summer that Albus has tried to withdraw amount from potter account. And their meeting went just as discussed. Hadrian needs to start sawing seeds of fear of Dark Lord coming back and getting him Lordship as per his father's suggestion. 

Hadrian: "Sir there are few things I wanted to talk about"
Albus: "What is it"
Hadrian: "This year I didn't receive fund for my supplies so I have to take help from Draco. Can you please look into it since you held my key"
Albus:"I see. I will look into it"
Dumbledore is not ready to tell solution yet, as he needs to monitor Hadrian for some time before telling him things. Hadrian knew Albus won't give up easily; he just wanted to put things on motion with small dosages.
Hadrian: "Sir I think I should leave now as it's already time for my class. I will discuss other things in our next meeting."
Albus just nodded and Hadrian left.

On reaching dorms Hadrian called his court members.
Hadrian: "Generals of Fangs of Shadows first of all congratulation on achieving this rank. You kept your masks on during declaration made me proud with my choice. Things are moving faster than expected. Be on alert all time. Hermione and Neville list out potential candidates from your house, use Seamus as well. Blaise, Pansy and Daphne do same for other two houses take lovegood's help as she is inside raven's nest. We want best of the best. Theo, Draco and Tracey if any of our general lakes in occulumancy teach them. Also make sure to check mind shields of every Slytherins and those outside of our house who knows function of our court. If someone is lacking in skills list them out, give them deadline for learning basics. It's for their own good, if they can't then I will deal with them. I don't care how powerful you think your shields are, try to avoid eye contact with Headmaster. You never know when he use legilimens on you. Headmaster will keep an eye on me so be careful how you interact with me outside dorms. If you won't be careful, you will also be on his radar. Everyone understood."
Each general nodded and left the room knowing Hadrian is on urge of blasting. Only pansy remained trying to calm him down.

Next few weeks were simple, Hadrian was playing nice in Albus's eyes. But two people are making it difficult for him one is joke of DADA professor and other is love seek puppy Ginerva weasley. Ginny was constantly following him and pestering him which is putting Hadrian on edge. He can't curse her in Great hall to maintain his good image for Albus. But his generals took that in their house. Every Slytherin started treating ginny as personal practice dummy. Also in Gryffindor when Ron tried to target Hermione she diverted target by saying his own little sister is slimy snake and being Hadrian's pet. It actually did go as she planned. Even Gryffindor's started targeting Ginny with pranks. Ginny ended up infirmary every other day. No teacher took any action seeing most student disliked girl.

Ginny fragile state of mind was easy to control so Tom's diary got hold of her.She started disappearing from crowds. No one noticed much as everyone hated her. Hadrian noticed but he sighed in relief as now he just has to deal with only one pest Lockhart. Hadrian also noticed Neville stayed with Hermione. He gave him node to show he took correct decision.

One day at breakfast Hadrian got note. He murmured finally and left.
Hadrian: "Hello Headmaster"
Albus with twinkles:" Hello my boy. Lemon Drops?"
Hadrian shook his head to say no.
Albus:"How is everything?"
Hadrian: "Just as usual. Except prof. Lockhart, he keeps trying calling me on stage"
Albus chuckled: "If I remember correctly last time we met you wanted to talk about something."
Hadrian: "Yes. I had seen a dream over Christmas that Proffesor Quirell got some stone in hand and went to Red eye shadow figure."
Albus panicked: "Why didn't you inform me?"
Hadrian liked the reaction but kept his stoic mask: "I thought it was just weird Dream. And after that Professor never showed up so I forget about it. At the start of year I heard someone talking about his death in Slytherin common room so I thought this might help."
Albus understood what's coming and also how Hadrian has seen it. Being horcrux has its own perks.
Albus:"I see. Next time you see any such dreams do inform me write away."
Hadrian nodded.
Albus: "I think you should be in Gryffindor house. All this negativity of Slytherin's might be no good for you. Also some of their parents might order their children to hurt you."
Hadrian wanted to roll his eyes so much at this Dumb-as-door statement.
Hadrian: "I think it's better to be in Slytherin. So I can get insider information. I have also made some good friends. Everyone deserve second chance as you mentioned to me while ago. Moreover if children from Deatheaters family join light side, then it will be easy to win fight against Dark."
Albus:"I agree. You made a good point."
Hadrian wanted to bring up Gringott's topic but he can't directly point it out to make Dumbledore suspicions.
Hadrian: "Is that all?"
Albus thought for a moment to decide whether to tell him or not. Then decided to tell him.
Albus: "I have found solution to your problem to access potter bank account."
Hadrian showed wide childlike smile:" Have you sir? What is it"
Albus liked enthusiasm: "You can access it if you become Lord. To be lord you have to be adult. And to be adult you have to be 15 or got admitted in your fifth year."
Hadrian with sad look: "Oh but I am in second year and my age is 12. I have to keep asking favors from MALFOYs"
Albus with twinkles: "No my boy. I can't help you on age constrain but there is one way. In past, many students have skipped a year/two who wanted to leave school early. In Few rare cases students had skipped three grades as well on special circumstances so they can claim lordship at younger age. I have seen your academic performance, I can allow you same. I can let you skip 3 years, if you can pass 2nd, 3rd and 4th year's OWL by the end of the year. Then you will be allowed to skip the years and Next year as soon as you receive your results and 5th year invitation you can claim your Lordship."
Hadrian: "Sorry sir but can I take directly 5th year OWL instead of giving 3 years exam? I have heard from some senior fifth year that his home schooled sibling might join him directly in 6th year and start working on NEWTs if he clears 5th year OWL"
Albus with thinking expression: "It is unheard of but I believe possible. But unlike exams up to 5th year, OWLs of 5th year are taken by individual board examiner that is not control by me or ministry. Are you sure you will be able to clear it?"
Hadrian got irritated thinking what the old goat takes him for. Does he really think that I need his help to pass grades? But he kept his mask.
Hadrian: "I believe I can sir. I have good memory. My house seniors will help me if I lack somewhere; Thanks to Draco they treat me well. I will work hard and do everything to pass. Don't worry sir I won't let you down. If I faiI, I would shift to Gryffindor house in third year"
Albus liked idea in both cases he will win, so he got his twinkles again: "Ok in that case I will make and sign your application to take 5th year OWL by the end of term. You will receive confirmation within week I believe. Since you are already enrolled in 2nd year you have to give take 2nd year OWL as well by the same time."
Hadrain left with nod. 

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