Chapter 29

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On Halloween night, People noticed both Hadrian and Headmaster were absent from feast. Blaize reached at graveyard to check Hadrian but he wasn't there, Lucifer with fuming rage informed him that he isn't feeling link to Hadrian and not able to locate him. Blaize desperately started looking for Hadrian as he knew Lucifer will punish him, Lucifer has also sent all his demons to find Hadrian.

As agreed Forest King came to unicorn cave to meet Amara where she was just lying near her master's body to protect it. He assured her that his master will be back when the right time come as he can feel his master's soul is blessed and he still have destiny to fulfill. He instructed her to bite his master with her poison on his mark of cain, this will formalize their bond. Her bond will keep his masters blood warm so body won't start disposing and her poison will act  as defense against the mark. If by any chance someone reaches to body and tries to activate mark, he/she will be poisoned. He assured her that her Poison will not affect her master as she is his familiar. Forest Lord also order some of his best centars to remain vigilant around area to protect Hadrian's body.

Sirius informed Order about disappearance of Dumbledore and Boy-who-lived. He asked them to start preparing for final show down. Moody informed same to ministry. Dark Lord also got information of disappearance of Old fool and the boy from his sources. Dark Lord asked Lucius to call Draco and Hermione since he knew both are close to Hadrian. When he found out about Lestrange girl, he checked his 3 followers (Lestrange brothers and Bellatrix) mind but only found they believe girl was dead after birth. He wanted to see what this mysterious girl is and why she was kept hidden. Lucius hesitantly wrote letter as he had no option. But he has written few words which were enough to pass hidden message for Draco to understand that this is trap. Thankfully Draco also conveyed all death eaters children not to go home whatever reasons their parents say as Dark Lord is forcing them to do so.

Dark Lord tried different tactics for month to get insider information but didn't succeed. He even did small attacks on Hogsmade village and at popular event but didn't catch any Hogwarts student. Order and ministry cancelled all Hogsmade visits for Hogwarts students, all wards are sealed so no one can go inside or outside without permission, someone has to be with Severus all time so he can't leave and they blocked any owl to pass message without checking. Even parents are not allowed to enter Hogwarts except proven critical circumstances. Some strict emergency protocols placed in Ministry to stop leakage of information. Most ideas were given by fangs of shadow to Sirius Black who explained it to order and Ministry to give them upper hand. He also leaked some proves of Voldemort return to Daily prophet time to time (provided by Hermione thanks to her father and uncle's tips) which led Ministry to act swiftly.


In realm of Death,

Death: "This is all your memories which I am showing. In your first life, you were abused by your relatives. At age of 11, Dumbledore took you to Hogwarts making him your hero. Hat wanted to put you in Slytherin but you choose Gryffindor. You become friends with Granger and Weasley. You got my first hollow Invisible clock at Christmas in first year which you kept to yourself. You faced life and death situation in every year but you survived each time. Sometimes everyone including your best friends questioned you or judged you and it affected you, but your hero complex and Dumbledore's manipulations were too big to let you back down. In your sixth year Dumbledore got slow potion effect of destroying one Horcrux, although he made his death look like murder. This is only Horcrux he destroyed which is also out of his greed to achieve my second Hallow resurrection stone in gaunt ring. In his will he gave you golden snitch which you caught in first year and it contained stone. He gave you this in hope it will help you somehow and you will forgive his sins. At Severus Snape's death you found out his truth and truth of Dumbledore's death. You also had disarmed Draco who has Disarmed Dumbledore before his death making you master of my third hollow elder wand, no one knew about this fact until final war. On your seventh year final battle took place, where you finally defeated and finished Dark Lord. Then you broke elder wand. Dumbledore has chosen your path from start by not providing your inheritance which he used for Order of phoenix finance and not letting you understand what it means to be Lord or their rights. He never wanted you to be very powerful fearing you could be next Dark Lord. You were just supposed to weapon or icon under his banner. Hermione being muggle born her only knowledge of magical world is from books so she can't help you there and for Weasleys it was hated subject as their rights were taken away in past. You become auror with Ron and got married to Ginerva Weasley. Ron and Hermione got married as well. Hermione took Ministry job. You kept fighting with remaining Death eaters and other criminals throughout life. You became head of DMLE when Hermione became minister of magic after few years. You also became father of three children. You mastered wandless and wordless magic. Not much changed in Magical world, school still has same issues with theories. In fact, people deserted Draco's son mentioning him Dark Lord's son and Albus,your son as first Potter being placed in Slytherin. Even you have strained relation with him. Draco took silent role to deal with shame attached with Malfoy name. Both your and his son became best friends and fought with a girl who claimed to be Dark Lord's daughter. Malfoy's son got married with Ron's daughter. At that point Neville became Headmaster of Hogwarts and Luna left with her husband to find different creatures. No one learned anything from war just few things went from too dark to too light. Where Dark Lord wanted to kill all muggles, ministry opened border with muggles revealing magical people to muggles. Things were ok for few years but then it got from bad to worst. Muggles thought magicals as enemy, they just wanted to wipe magical people. They even used nuclear weapons. Magical world got destroyed along with many natural resources. You were one of the few survivors in end. Russia was last magical community that survived due to their preparedness and secret location. You died at age of 170 by new weapon that muggles made. When you died earth was almost like living hell. After your death I send your soul back to time tunnel to restart everything"

Hadrian was just watching everything when all those memories of his first birth hit him with tears running through his eyes: "Why"

Death: "Because when you died, you only have one wish if there was any way you can go back and stop all this destruction. I thought about giving you it since you have achieved my Hollows and became worthy master."

Hadrian: "Why Dumbledore never become master of Death?"
Death: "He never had all Hollows with him. He didn't have stone, when he had your clock and Elder wand. When he achieved stone, you had mastered clock. Also the fact that to be worthy master you should accept me (Death) without any greed.

Hadrian nodded understanding it and remembering his moments with Death.

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