Chapter 49

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After some days all his muggle lovers expressed desire of death. Hadrian accepted their wish with heavy heart after hearing their reasons. Also Amelia, Severus, Cho and Hennah expressed same desire. Based on Luna and Ethan (overseer) suggestion, Hadrian found and made Hope summers and Doreen Green (Squirrel girl) raven as replacement of Cho and Hennah. Amelia and Severus also found their replacements and Hadrian approved their choice. With heavy heart he said good bye to them.

Apart from his 8 consorts, Hadrian still had 36 lovers in male Harem including twins. Twins traveled around earth to learn thing and different magics. Hadrian taught them how they can hide their energies so to avoid unnecessary attention. He kept orb containing power stone well hidden in his kingdom.

For next few years Hadrian mostly spent in usual activities, projects and lots of sex. His physical stamina had increased thanks to elders training and powers from twins he achieved. There was no major event during this time period. Time to time he also made few short trips in space. He marked (with mark of Soul) many alien species , Captain Marvel, Medusa, Maximus, Blackbolt, Gladiator, Dwarves of Nidavellir , Martin manhunter, vision, Scarlet witch, Green lantern, Gideon, Selene, Proteus, Quintine Quire, Elixir, Cable, Legion and many more people. This selection was based on who was famous or expert or who radiates Omega level powers or suggestion based on his seers and team. He also met Vulcan during some of his trips and figured Vulcan is happy with arrangement. After initial mental trauma, he accepted it as part of his life and coping up with it easily. Also as emperor he earned respect from his people after proving his worth. Hadrian also noticed that different groups of superheroes are forming up and fighting villians and outer space forces in their own ways.

He mostly didn't interfere until one day when he felt pull of stone again. Unlike other pulls he felt so far, this pull was strongest. It immediately clicked his mind this must be space stone as being space elemental and keeper he is contender of this stone. Also with help of this stone he can enter any where in space without draining his energy like how he can enter any realm. He can transport people anywhere in space through portals using stone. Through messages from marked spy his horsemen figured there is some powerful box (tesseract) in possession of SHIELD. After attack Destroyer SHIELD kept close eye on outer space activities. Few days ago they got information from Asgardian Prince Thor that Asgardian Prince Loki has gained knowledge about box and can attack any time. SHIELD has asked Avengers to transfer Tesseract to secured location. On the day of transfer as expected Loki and HYDRA attacked. Thor was trying his best to fight Loki, while avengers were fighting with Loki and HYDRA agents. 

Hadrian immediately send twins to act and bring Assgardian and Tesseract to their Russian Basement without anyone's notice. They changed their appearance and reached location. Ethan stopped time using his powers, Aiden put Loki and Thor in Deep sleep and brought them to basement. Ethan collected thor's hammer, Loki's sceptre and Tesseract. He changed his appearance as loki's to make it appear that it was one of Loki's trick as he rolled back his powers. With a wink he vanished in thin air, making people and avengers shocked with what just happened. Meanwhile at basement Hadrian cast shield which he made using Kree technology so no one can use their powers in basement except Hadrian and his bonded. 

As Twins came with parcel, Hadrian cast mark of Soul on Loki after changing few of his memories and told twins to send Loki back to Asgard.

As twins reached Asgard they put unconscious Loki in one of Dark corner away from public eye. They were about to leave when they felt pull of energy. Aiden cast few powerful spells to identify the energy and it's source. He figured it's one of the infinity stone so decided to see it. They shrunk loki's body and put it in pocket. Then changed their form as Loki and Thor to enter Royal Palace of Asgard. After entering dungeons they noticed many artifacts which were radiating with lots of energy. They kept their focus on stone's energy. Hadrian had strictly taught them there are many energies that can draw powerful person towards them. Most of these energies are negative or cursed energies. Ones person gets lured and tried to achieve artifact they might end up getting possessed by energy or end up getting captured. Hadrian have given them enough example of his theory. So they knew very well to not loose their focus or get greedy. As they reached Aether (Reality stone), they took it and put loki near pillar. Then cast spell to resize Loki's body to original size and left him there unconscious. Using their powers they reached back to earth.

Hadrian: "What take you so long? I was getting worried"
Aiden: "When we were dropping Loki to his home planet, we found perfect gift for you. So it took us time to collect it for you."
Hadrian with raised brow: "What gift"
Ethan showed him stone: "Ether just for you love"
Hadrian gasped: "Is that reality stone?"
Aiden with smile: "Yes"
Hadrian took the stone and with smile: "Thank you for the gift boys. Give me your enchanted bracelet that I gave you for protection."

They gave it to Hadrian without asking any question. Hadrian then asked them to keep an eye on Thor and keep him unconscious in next room while he perform one ritual in hall. They nodded and left with unconscious Thor.

Hadrian drew four overlapping circle, then took out each stones from their respective shells.
In first circle he put power stone with Thor's hammer.
In Second circle he put mind stone with Ethan bracelet.
In third circle he put reality stone with Aiden's bracelet.
And in fourth circle that connected all circles he put space stone and his locket.

He started ritual and started chanting heavy spells. He called on Powers of death, mother magic, life and fate to help him in this binding. After chanting for half hour and full magical exhortation he completed it. He thanked all invitees for help and released their bonded powers from circle. 

He drink energy potion to regain some energy and called twins. Hadrian gave them their bracelets. When they wear it, they froze with sudden increase in their power.
Hadrian just watched them with smile. They gave questioning look to Hadrian.

Hadrian: "I did some modification to your bracelets after you gave it to me. Now only you and I can remove it. Aiden, I merged reality stone's powers in your bracelet so now apart from your own powers you can do reality wrapping and change reality of whole universe with one swipe.  Ethan, I merged mind stone's powers in your bracelet so it will enhance your mental and psionic abilities. You can read anyone's thoughts and control their mind without any efforts."
Ethan with tears: "Why us?"
Hadrian with confused look: "What do you mean?"
Aiden: "What Ethan is trying to say why do you trust us with this responsibility and powers? You know we already have too much powers than others. Why give us more?" 
Hadrian with smile: "You gave answer by yourself my beloved twins. Your best quality is you don't do greed for more. You have so much powers but never ones you have used it wrongly. You don't believe in show off. You know difference between right and wrong. You both are contenders of Infinity stone but never ones you tried to find them.  You accepted my words that they are safe and don't need new owner. I know the pull and I know how hard it's for you to resist. Still you both did it. When you achieved reality stone, you could have keep it. But you didn't that shows your loyalty and love. You also learnt things faster and with ease. Ethan you forgot your horrible past and moved on to be better person. Aiden you are most pure heart man I have ever met. I love you both and very proud of you. You two are capable and powerful enough to absorb and handle powers without getting destroyed. You can protect them from evil powers as well."
Both hugged Hadrian with red face covered with blush and kissed Hadrian with big smile.

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