Chapter 43

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Next day in Court room everyone was Present. After King took his place, his horseman stood besides King's throne two in each side. After that Consorts took their place. With in some moment all invited Atlantis citizen including Sirius, Severus, Riptied and Remus stood at their places. Each of seven raven stood behind a consort and Amelia stood behind remained one consort.

As everyone got settled, Draco announced agenda of Today's meeting. 

Hadrian stood up from his chair, came in center and showed everyone different important events of his past lives (like what went disastrous, what laws lead to it, who were successful in fight and how). Hadrian told them why they are important in not only saving war between muggles and magical or war between magical and creatures but also in saving earth from future outer space threats. He explained why messages from informers are important to keep things updated and know thing, how one change in decision leads to change paths, even if we know thing doesn't mean it will happen in same way or it will even happen. Eliminating one threat doesn't mean end of all. There will always be threat so being one step ahead and uniting strengths is only way to save earth. Everyone apart from Hadrian and his horsemen were in shock. They knew they are important but never thought it will be this much important. They are all heroes not just a person of this story. Ravens understood why their placement in muggle world is important. 

Hadrian: "Ravens will be placed at seven different location in muggle world and seven of my consorts will be placed in magical community of each continent. There work will be unite magical world of there continent then shift them into one safe place instead of current separated places with higher safety nets, so to avoid any clash with muggles or creatures. If they succeed there should be only seven magical communities in world each have my consort at highly influential position. To reduce my workload, Consort Ravenclaw will stay in Atlantis. He will handle Atlantis daily affairs in my absence. You all should report him on progress on various things about your missions. He will be Consort Atlantis."

Hadrian went back to his chair and gave Hermione nod.
Hermione: "Think about what our king has informed. Be accurate in whatever work is given to you as now you know why it's crucial. If you feel there will be some ways which can be helpful in achieving better result contact any of us (horsemen/ Ravenclaw consort) to convey your message. We would be more than happy to brainstorm your idea and implement it if it's really good. Also think how can your current relations at your home can help us in our mission, each of you (consorts, citizens of Atlantis, Ravens) and even us horsemen are required to visit our families and friends this weekend. Our mission is to try put seeds of benefits of our laws and alliance to our chosen without revealing much details or any information about Atlantis or our jobs. You all know consequences of breaking secrecy, your mark will punish you immediately. Am I clear?"
Everyone nodded.
Hermione: "Good then that's all for today. Ravens and Consort stay, rest can go back to their respective work stations"
Everyone bowed and left court except Horsemen, Ravens and Consort. 

Hadrian: "Ravens your locations have been given to you. How is your preparations going on?"
Pansy: "We will be ready in 2 to 3 months to take our places my lord"
Hadrian nodded: "For my consorts do any of you have any suggestion about where to put whom"
Hermione: "I believe Consort Pervell (Victor) should be placed in Europe. He is popular there. Magical Britain is now at its weakest point as there is no light or dark leader to lead. Pervell is influential name to lead in both factions. Moreover most of our families are from magical Britain and have good connections so magical Britain would be easy to sway.  Our raven Gabriella is French and her placement is in muggle Europe, she can easily help him over french magical community as her family is influential and powerful there. Also Consort Pervell can speak English, German and Bulgarian. Bulgarian is Slavic language so it's close to Russian. His multilingual ability and fan base can be huge asset for our mission in Europe. "
Draco: "Consort Slytherin (Tom/ Smith) should take Asia as magical communities in Asia are very diverse and have different believes on nearly everything. While Indian community is high on spiritual magic and Herbology; Chinese and Japanese communities are all about mixing muggle technology with magic and dragon magic; middle east works more with runes and curses and so on. So diverse knowledge and adaptability is required. Also the competition among peers is too fierce to bring them together. Overall Population is also high. We need someone with cunning mind and experience leader. Only he is suitable for this task. Consort Slytherin is fast learner and can speak many languages. Parsel mouths gets highest respect there which can work in his favor. We will have to place our two ravens Parvati and Cho in that continent due to diversity, population and culture issues of muggle Asia. They can be useful asset to him due to their family ties in their respective Asian magical communities."
Neville: "Consort Emrys (Rolf) should be placed in Africa as their magical communities is mostly tribes. He had experienced with some tribes while following some creatures. His grandfather Newt is recognized name through out continent as he saved them from Nundu's attack. Also his ability to talk with Creatures can come handy when he can't speak with locals. He has some translator friends there to aid him."
Luna: "Consort  Gryffindor (Charlie) should be placed in Australian continent. As he has worked in Sanctuary and rough fields he can survive some extreme weather. Also it's home to Antipodean Opaleye Dragons, his ability to speak with Dragons come handy. Duellers of that magical communities are quite fierce and barbaric so his dueling ability will have good test there. If he can win against best of best there than it won't take much time to complete his task. Also Consort Gryffindor can cover Antartica as there is only one magical community there. They might not agree with shifting but they are already well hidden so it won't be necessary."     
Angelina: "I will be placed in South America. I would suggest Consort Hufflepuff (Ernie) for magical communities over there. They are mostly peace loving so it would be easy. Moreover his affinity towards nature magic will come handy as this communities worship nature. I can aid him as and when he require me. I also have some family links in Africa so I can aid Consort Emrys if he needs me."
Pansy: "I and Hannah will be placed in North America continent. We suggest Consort Black (Barty) should be placed there. His own experience, knowledge of his ancestors in political landscape and cunning mind can be huge asset. I believe his father also has some family connections and business there, so he can use already set up network. We will help him in his mission in every way possible."
Hannah nodded.
Daphne: " Potter consort (Theo) will be placed in muggles United states as President's advisor as muggle, so he have all inside information on their governments movements. Many agency around world has headquarters or some missions in USA which is spied by them and all this classified information goes to President or Vice President. If not them then it goes to at least someone higher up in congress. So we need a person to not only get information but also who can influence decision. His abilities and powers can be very useful. Also this position holder mostly works shadows (like unspeakable) so his identity and safety is secured. Unlike President he won't be under constant threat or surveillance. Potter consort will can also aid Black consort in his mission if required."
Hadrian: "All seems fair suggestion so I agree with them. Daphne where will you be placed?" 
Daphne: "I will be placed as well known explorer and scientist who covers some extreme cold areas. These areas mostly used for exploration of minerals and R&D of different technologies in extreme weathers: Far east Russia, Iceland, Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Terretories of Canada and Nunavat."
Hadrian nodded: " Consorts if you need information or guidance in any difficult situation consort Ravenclaw will come to your Aid. Since he will spend time in Atlantis, he will have updated information and resources with him. Also he will be only one who knows about current moment of everyone so he can reach any one fastest. Now any of you have any doubts or not happy with allocated mission"
All said in unison: "NO"
Hadrian nodded:" As you know Sirius Black is handling Demon Realm as King's representative, he or his demons can aid you for show of strength or manipulation. Remus Lupin is our representative in Creature council, Magical creature council and Magical being council. He can get our creature allies for your aid. So do not hesitate to contact them if required. But I prefer you to avoid any war like situation in your missions or aggressive approach if you can. Ones you accomplish your mission, you will start with changing laws which Ms. Bones Dept will be drafting soon. Remember we treat everyone equally so no blood shaming or magical faction or creatures hunting. From now on wards except for Ravens and Consort Potter (who will have to act as their counter muggle persona) everyone's natural attitude and habits should be in way that it represents our believes on equality. Don't look down upon anyone about things beyond their control. Understood?"
All in unison: "YES"
Hadrian: "ok then rest for today and then go back to your work locations tomorrow. I have set up hall of erased with help of Death, if you require any guidance from any ghost you can visit the hall. Consorts like ravens masters and ghost has been assigned for your respective training. As Ravens will be ready in 2 to 3 months, I believe you should be ready by 4 to 6 months. Like Ravens, you (consorts) also keep visiting your respective location ones or twice a month in disguise to understand all magical communities you are going to work with during training. Court dismissed."
With that court room discussion completed and everyone went back to either their work or room.

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