I'm still Me (part 2)

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Ughhhhh it's sooo long T^T

Neil's P.O.V.

It was warm and really bright out. The only thing making it bearable was the constant breeze. I had to get him out of there. No I don't know why. Max used to love sitting on the wooden pier and just talking, or relaxing after a long day. Looking and the evening sky on clear nights, the colors forming the perfect spectrum. "Where are we going?" Max asked skeptically as I did my best to lead him to the dock. "I want to talk to you," I replied, "We're going where we would always go to talk." I'm sure he got the jist. We stepped onto the structure and I walked us a good two feet away from the edge. I knew the younger was smart enough to not do anything brash near water, especially in the state he was in, but I couldn't help but think if the possibility. Though if something really did happen, I was more than willing to jump in myself to get him out. I held both of his hands in both if mine, starting to sit. The motion wordlessly told him to sit as well. He looked to be getting increasingly nervous.

"Hey, can I have my glasses back?" He asked. I raised and eyebrow, "Why? It's just us. I promise." Max rubbed his arm, "I know, but-...can I just have 'em back?" He looked pleading. I wanted him to be as comfortable as possible so I gave in and put them back on his face. He looked away from me, though that didn't make a difference now. I took the opportunity to speak. "Look," I started, trying to keep my voice soothing, "I know you. Don't think just because of this Nikki and I will lose interest. You're still the same little assh*le as always, right?" The smile was obvious in my tone. Max also smiled slightly, but it dropped almost immediately. "Thanks, but...I can't really do much anymore. I don't want to take away from your guys' time here," he sighed and pulled his legs to his chest, hugging them, "I don't want you to see me like this. I want you to remember me based on how I was last year. That 'little assh*le' that'd kick your *ss if you did anything to mess with him."

I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. I knew this would happen. It's all his sh*tty parents' fault for making his thought process about himself that way. I felt myself unintentionally growl at the thought, but quickly snapped out of it. "As I said, this doesn't change anything," I reminded calmly. He nodded in response before setting his head on his knees with a huff. I knew he wasn't convinced. We sat in silence for a bit, I had started rubbing circles on his back. It was broken by a quiet sob. I immediately turned to the other worriedly to see tears streaming from behind the dark lenses. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his arms, trying to calm him down, "Hey, hey, hey, Max." Max's breathing was shaky before he broke down, I guess he didn't care enough to hide it anymore. He tried to speak, but his voice between sobs was incredibly shaky as well. "I told myself that I was...," he got interrupted by more tight breaths, "done crying over this." I let him cry on me, not giving a flying f*ck about anything else.

"David said there was a surgery that I could get when I'm older but it's not even guaranteed to work! And even if it does I won't be able to see anything until then!" He was getting more worked up as he spoke, but I didn't know what to do to calm him down. Max's breathing started to get faster as seemed to get angry, not at anything in particular, just everything. "Do you have any idea what it feels like knowing that you'll most likely never see again?! I'll never see the water, or trees or a beautiful view or David or Nikki or you...ever...again." His speech got quieter as his tears became more aggressive again. He was hugging me at this point, his arms wrapped around my shoulders as mine around his torso to keep Max in place. He whispered something that I could barely hear, "I'll never see you again." Max was consumed by the sobs, unable to talk as his grip on me tightened. I decided right there and then that I would do anything in my power to make this as easy as possible for him. For now, I just rocked us slightly and rubbed his back, letting him do what he needed for the time being.

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