Heyaaa... kangen banget nulis di lapak ini sih asli T.T
It's been a long time since the last time I greet my friends here in BIIL. I miss you so much guys, sorry for keeping you longing. Actually I had some business to be done back then—some study stuffs that I finally could finish perfectly. Thanks to each one of you who have been the part of my life, who have been supporting me thus far, who have been so kind to me and being my friends that I believe I wouldn't get if I didn't stay longer enough here in Wattpad.
Dear temen-temen Wattpad tersayang, meskipun aku nggak kenal kalian secara langsung, tapi aku sangat sangat senang karena bisa mengenal kalian. Rasanya kayak dapet temen baru yang alhamdulillah sangat baik, manis, dan penuh dukungan kayak kalian. Seriously, I really wanna say this to you guys, to show my gratefulness and gratitude for having you all here. Thank you so much, may God give ton of His love to us. That's what I always ask to Him everyday, the happiness for my love ones.
BIIL itu karya pertama yang aku beresin di Wattpad. Sebenernya, aku jarang banget beresin cerita di manapun, suka males aja gitu. I remember that the first story I finished was my very first ever story that was written when I was still 7 years old; then other story about friendship that I gave to my homeroom teacher when I was 11 years old. I always love to write even though most of my stories are hella bad and cringe af. LoL
Cerita ini terinspirasi dari kisah orang terdekatku—most of them are my sister's and my close friend's. No, I'm not telling about my own love life since I don't have any. Dan beberapa dari hasil imajinasi that I wish I could have. Intinya aku ini tipe observer yang suka halu. I remember the time I would spend most of my time thinking on the top of sawo tree, daydreaming or imagining about lot of things. Heuheu
Beberapa tempat yang aku kasih tahu di BIIL itu hampir semuanya pernah dikunjungi. I went to there with bunda or my friends. It feels so nostalgic that I try to recall everything as clear and good as possible. Kayak bentuk rasa rindu buat Bandung—padahal saya tinggal di situ astaga—dan buat almamater yang selalu melibat saya dalam hubungan love and hate yang kentara. Wkwkwk..... Kita kan lagi nggak bisa keluar dan main, jadi aku mencoba bermain ke tempat-tempat itu melalui cerita sederhana yang dinarasikan sama sosok Jeffrey Athalla. Bandung itu cantik, cuma sekarang mah panas jadi kalo siang suka males aja gitu.
Kalian tahu nggak, kalau berkat dukungan kalian, aku merasa lebih hidup dan dihargai. Aku cukup biasa dikritik karena tulisanku emang jelek, karena itu aku jadi bisa belajar. Tapi saat aku kenal kalian, bukan cuma kritik yang aku dapatkan, tapi apresiasi berupa pujian. I believe that deep inside our heart, we always need a little love and praise. Thanks to you guys that I finally could feel it. Lagi-lagi aku bersyukur karena Tuhan sudah membuat kita saling mengenal.
Aku pernah bilang kan mau bikin story yang tokoh utamanya Jaerose lagi. I finally made it! Tapi kali ini bahasanya lebih baku dan aku memutuskan buat menggunakan nama Athalla dan Arumi lagi karena suka aja gitu sama dua nama itu. Hehehehe..... But I'm so silly Oh God I forgot to upload the trailer (I tried to make it even though it's bad as hell). Jadi ya gitu, trailernya nyusul aja. I'm so reckless and silly -_-
Kalian bisa cek ceritanya ya, it will be as good as BIIL I can guarantee it seriously! Hehehehe
Aku bakal terus mendengarkan kalian, karena tanpa kalian, aku nggak akan bisa berkembang. Terima kasih karena sudah membuat masa karantina menjadi sangat menyenangkan. I can't wait to see you all again. In the Corner if Trinity will give a different taste and feel with BIIL. Both are sweet, so I recommend you to check this new story as well 😚😚😚
Sekali lagi, makasih banyak ya. Aku nggak nyangka kalo BIIL bakal mendapat begitu banyak cinta dari pembaca. It's another good gift for this year beside being healthier and stronger. Thank you for being one if my will and power. I love you all more than I could say. I love you, wish you all always be healthy and happy.
Bandung I'm in Love resmi pamit. Terima kasih, teman-teman tersayang 🧡💝❤💚💗💜💙💖
Jane, September 25th 2020
Bandung, I'm in Love ✔
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Cerita tentang Jeffrey Athalla, si bucin nomor satu Rose Arumi Balqis dalam menjalani hubungan mereka di Kota Kembang. (Please check the chapter before you read) Starts: June, 14th 2020 Ends: July, 31th 2020