Chapter 2

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Viola's P.O.V
       I sat at the corner of the room, feeling helpless and lonely. I don't know these people and why was I chosen to enter this stupid game? I couldn't stop thinking of my father, who died from a purpose car accident. Tears started to form into my eyes and I started to cry. A girl came up to me and sat down next to me, "Whats wrong?" She asked. I looked at her slowly and buried my face in my arms again, "I want to know why I am chosen to be here.. so many things happened. Especially that my father died from a purpose car accident." I said to the girl, "I'm sorry what have been happening to you lately." The girl went to hug me, "I'm Melodie, hope we can be friends." The girl said. I nodded, "I'm Viola. I'm an expert at violin." I smiled and that Melodie smiled back. She gave me a hand to get up. A girl came with a mad face, "Ah, Kiryomi!" Melodie said, "Viola, this is my girlfriend, Kiryomi!" Melodie said, "Hi!" I reached out for Kiryomi's hand and we shake hands but suddenly, Kiryomi squeezed my hand very hard. I'm guessing she's giving me a sign to not steal her girlfriend from her. I let out a chuckle then Kiryomi looked very confused, "You know what, I feel like I can trust you." Melodie said as she smiled at me. She got closer to me and show her bangle, "That's my role, and that's my forbidden action." Melodie said. I nodded and showed my bangle. My role is a survivor, which is pretty a boring role, and my forbidden action is entering any of the rooms except the main room. Kiryomi showed hers, and it seems she trusted me too. My eyes widen as I saw her role, "Ooh!" I said.

There was a crowd behind Melodie and I went to join it. I was shocked to see Chidi and Jo arguing, "Stop it! I'm not Evil! I swear to god that I didn't, I DIDN'T KILL ADANNA! Why the fuck do you think that I am the one who killed my OWN SISTER!?" Chidi shouted, "MAYBE YOU KILLED HER BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO KEPT HER SAFE IN HEAVEN!" Jo shouted back as Chidi went up to her and slapped her, "I am not Evil, you idiot. Maybe you are." Chidi said, "No! Jo couldn't be Evil! I swear!" Nave joined and defended Jo, "I swear, she's not Evil, and I don't think you're Evil too.." I could see Nave shaking in fear. His legs wanting sit down but he refuses to sit down because he wanted to defend Jo, "If you think she's not Evil, wouldn't she have told you her role earlier?" Chidi said. Nave eyes widen. His face looked like he have seen ghosts, "Nave, I-" Cash went up to Nave and pulled him back. Cash held onto Nave shoulders and put him down to sit, slowly, "NAVE, IM-" Jo paused as the speaker turned on, "Times up! Time to vote who is evil. Use those devices, which is called Voting Device, to vote someone you think is Evil." The speaker said as it closed.

I slowly took out my Voting Device and I decided to choose Jo. I searched for Jo's picture and I pressed Enter. I put my Voting Device back to my pocket. I saw Jo whispering something to Jojo. There were red marks on her cheeks, showing the sign that she was crying, "Jo has the most Votes." Jo was shocked. Nave went up to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry." Nave said, "It's okay..." Jo murmur. Her skin started to turn red, as if she is burning. It started from her bangle, "My role is.. a survivor." Jo grinned and fell down on the floor. Nave eyes were in horror and started to cry as he saw her burn. The bangle of hers came off and it shows that she is a survivor and her forbidden action is telling Nave her role. Nave kept crying and crying and Cash is the one who went to him and comforted him. There was a book on the floor and I went to pick it up. It had Jo's name on it and as I opened it:

Please survive for me, Nave.

Nave's P.O.V
I couldn't bear to see my sister's dead body. This game is just cruel! Even people here are cruel! I told Cash to get his hands of me. I stood up and slowly walked to one of the rooms and lying on one of the room's bed, thinking about Jo. What could I even do without her? I looked at my bangle and sighed. 'I'm gonna die anyways.' I thought to myself. Now, the only person here I could trust is Cash. I stood up and went to the main room. I went up to Cash, "Cash, I trust you. Please tell me your role!" I whispered to him. Cash eyes widen, "Really? Well, I'm the detective." Cash said as he took out a book that have his name on it. He opened the book and showed me this:

'At least one of these players are evil: Melodie, Mila, Jojo'

"Now, what's your role?" Cash asked. I was kinda scared to tell him my role. Ever since I was invited into this gameshow, I have trust issues. I took a glance at him and sighed, "S-Survivor." I stammered. Cash looked surprised, I'm guessing he thought I had a special role or something, "Then why didn't you say anything about the clues you had? You could save Jo from voting off!" I said. Cash eyes widen, "I.. never thought about that.." Cash looked down. He frowned. I freaked out, did I just hurt Cash's feelings!? Oh no, what if he now hates me! I hugged Cash immediately. Cash face looked surprise and he hugged me back, "Jeez! Is there anything to do in this place instead of exploring!?" Veronica complained, "I guess we can look for something that we can use for entertainment, babe." Miguel said as he walked with Veronica to one of the hospital's room. I let go of Cash and give him a smile.

         "Er, do you want to cover up Adanna's body? Kinda scary looking when her body is just lying there." Cash asked. I nodded lightly and went to the room where Adanna died. I glanced at Adanna's face. Her face was horror. Her shirt was all bloody. I never really got close to a dead body, so it scares me. Cash and I started carrying Adanna's body and put it on the ground at the corner of the room. I took a white cloth and cover her body with it. I found her book and put it on her lap on the cloth. I paused and looked at Adanna's dead body for a while, "I promise, we will keep your brother safe." I whispered.

———Chapter 2 Finished———

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