Chapter 11

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Austin's P.O.V
         Just sitting on the bed, looking at the ceiling, reminding me the mistakes I have done throughout this year. I deserve this. I sighed as I heard gun shots and screaming in the corner, "The hell..?" I said without noticing. Then a door broke down. I got off the bed immediately to see what's going on. Across the room, there is two guys and one woman, "Austin!" The guy exclaimed as he started running towards me. As I looked closely, "Jackson!? Vinny!?" I shouted, "Austin, Austin, how's it going?" Jackson said as he gave me a creepy big smile, "Jackson.. the hell is this madness?" I asked. Jackson's clothes were all covered in blood and for Vinny, it's just a drip. The other girl with pink hair came slowly. She looked as if, she was mad, "What are you doing here!?" I asked Jackson, "And how the hell is Vinny alive!?" There is too many questions I wanted to ask Jackson, "First, I came here to escape you from prison, since.. I know you didn't killed Charlie." Jackson said as he smirked, "Also, the Vinny in the round you were in was hologram. Same goes for Colleen but she ended up committing suicide." Jackson explained, "No, you shouldn't save me." I said as I looked down and started crying, "Awh, why?" Jackson asked as he frowned, "I.. really did killed Charlie. We got into a fight and I took it to far. I took a knife and sliced his head off. It was accidental." I fell down on my knees, "I really shouldn't be saved." I said. Jackson kneeled down to me and bring my chin up, "Jeezus, what a crybaby. But I won't judge you." Jackson sighed as he shook his head slowly, "But I'm still gonna save you. We're still friends, even though I never knew you for long." Jackson said, "But you did the right thing on killing Charlie." Vinny eventually said, "The right thing..?" I was confused, "He.." Vinny paused, "I mean, everybody in this town was found to be The Remnants Of The Devil." Vinny said, "So that's why Jackson held up this show called 'Flicker' where the Remnants of The Devil kill each other." Vinny explained, "Wa-wait.. what's the Remnants of The Devil? I'm confused.." I asked, "The Remnants of The Devil is the people who is a step closer to hell. Every good deed they do, they have been sinned. This town is actually cursed. Whoever was born here have officially became the Remnants of The Devil. Luckily for us, we moved to this town instead of being born here. To the people who have moved here and not born here, wasn't been sinned after good deed they do. It's unknown on how did the town have been cursed. So we knew that you have moved here and that's why we're coming to get you and escape this town and leave our families behind because.. they're all dead. Because the devils have awakened." The pink haired girl explained while Jackson was seeing which was the right key to open the cage, "It's right here, idiot." Vinny said as he pointed at a key next to my cage, "Oof!" Jackson smiled awkwardly and took the key. He unlocked the cage and opened it, "Be free!" Jackson said as I chuckled, "Heres your clothes, also, pardon me that I haven't introduced myself. I'm Lara Rivers." Lara said as she handed me my clothes, "Oh, thanks Lara. I'm guess you knew me already?" I said, "Oh I know you alright. You are all over the news." Lara said with a smile on her face, "Mhm." I nodded.

        I went to the bathroom to change my clothes. I felt relieved when I don't have to wear that prison outfit anymore. It felt uncomfortable, seriously. This prison can get even worse, "Aight, I'm done." I said when I pushed the door opened, "Jeez~ Finally!" Jackson said as he yawned. He was sitting on a stool, hugging a cushion, "Oh come, on! It only has been a few seconds." Vinny said then he groaned, "Hmph!" Jackson said with his cheeks puffed, "He's not the patient type, I guess?" Lara guessed, "Here." Lara said then she tossed me a bag of biscuits, "Hurry and eat, we gotta go back." Jackson said, "Why?" I asked, "Whats the hurry?" I asked again, "Going back to the killing game, duh! I have occurred an another killing game." Jackson said as he smirked at me. He took my arm and pulled it outside to a black car. Lara and Vinny eventually followed. Vinny opened a door, "Get in." Vinny said, "We don't have much time. We have to look after the people in the killing game." He said as he started pushing me in the car. I sat in the car, looking outside. Dead bodies were.. everywhere. Are these people.. responsible for all of this? As I looked at Jackson at the driver seat, talking to Vinny, I started getting a dark aura from him, "Yes, he's responsible for all of that." Lara said, "Eh? How-" I was surprised, "I have my ways." Lara said as she gave a relieved smile, "Though, it terrifies me. Jackson is actually the hero of this crazy story." Lara said, "You gotta be kidding me?" I laughed, "Nope! He really is. Though, he has done a lot of sins, he's helping us to escape this town." Lara explained, "Though, you may see him as the bad guy of this story, but it's actually the opposite. It surprises me." Lara sighed. Silence filled up the atmosphere between us. I guess.. we have to leave this town soon.

Cash's P.O.V
I could not believe it. But.. Elizabeth.. committed suicide? Elizabeth was hanging on the ceiling with a rope tied around her neck, "What the hell!?" Dvir shouted, "She.. c-c-committed suicide!?" Nave looked terrified and held onto my hand, "This is unacceptable! Why did she have to do this to herself!" Rosalie said. She looked as if she had a lot of questions going over her mind. The others stayed silent and just stared at Elizabeth's body, hanging. I slowly walked up to Elizabeth's body and grabbed her arm to looked at her bangle, "She's a dark psychic." I said, "Well, atleast we got rid of an Evil?" Reza said, "Yeah.. atleast. But, she was a good friend." Dvir said. He fell on his knees and cried. This is terrible, we lost a great friend again and this time, she committed suicide, "Dashawn, could you help me to get Elizabeth down? Your the tallest one out of all of us." I asked, "Aight." Dashawn nodded. Dashawn went to Elizabeth's body and untied the rope. He slowly put Elizabeth's body on the bed and covered her body using the blankets. Everybody looked sad, some even cried. After a while, everybody went to mind their own business except me, Nave, Dvir and Dashawn, still in Elizabeth's room, "It's my fault. I should've had stopped her if I did get Dashawn's help to break down the door." Nave said, "No Nave, It's nobody fault." I said, "Y'know Nave. Your too down on yourself. You should stop being so low self-esteem." Dashawn said as he turned his head to Nave, "Sorry.. for being low self-esteem..?" Nave apologise. We all laughed quietly except Nave. Nave just smiled, "It's the murderer's fault for making Elizabeth doing this. He or she killed Bailey and it made Elizabeth fell into despair. She felt hopeless and alone until she did herself like this." Dvir said as he groaned, "Stupid murderer." He murmured, "Your right. It's the murderer's fault." Nave said with a smile on his face, "Lets face the murderer and the evil team and end this for once and for all!" Dashawn stood up, "Yeah!" Dvir said, feeling delighted by Dashawn's words, "Mhm! Lets end these bad people." I stood up. We looked at Nave. His eyes were glinting and he smiled, "Lets go through these terrible obstacles, no matter if it's impossible or not, we will survive." Nave said as he stood up also. We all stared at him for a while then Nave looked shocked, "Sorry. Did I say something weird?" Nave asked, "I shouldn't have speak up." Nave frowned, "Ah, no! It's just that, we didn't know you had it in you!" I explained. Nave eventually smiled and blushed. I kinda blushed a bit too..

-Hello fellow readers! I'm so sorry for the long wait, school has taken over me :') I hope you've liked this story so far, I've been thinking on the storyline for longer than I thought and the storyline was a bit inspired by Danganronpa. Besides that, how are you guys? I hope you guys are doing fine, if you ever need to talk about something, just talk about it here. I don't reply to the wall and the messages, only on the comments -v- Well, then, see you in the next chapter!

———Chapter 11 Finished———

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