Chapter 8

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Nave's P.O.V
I shivered as I stared at the two corpse on the ground, "N-No." I murmured. "The accusation was.. incorrect! Liling was a survivor." Jackson said through the speaker. My tears started to form and I cried, "It's my fault!" I cried and cried then I fell down on my knees, "I was the one who accidentally convinced you guys to vote Liling! I'm sorryy!" I whined, "Nave, it's okay. I know it's just an accident.." Cash said as he put his hand on my shoulder, "OF COURSE ITS YOUR FAULT THAT LILING DIED! AN APOLOGY ISN'T ENOUGH YOU ASSHOLE!" Trey shouted at me as he kicked me, "Hey! Stop that!" Cash pushed Trey, "What? It's clearly Nave's fault that we voted a fucking innocent person!" Trey shouted, "Calm down!" Bailey said, "WOW!" Trey said sarcastically, "STUPID FUCKING GIRL! ITS CLEARLY HIS FAULT!" Trey pushed Bailey aggressively, "Shut up! Even though it's Nave's fault that caused Liling to die, doesn't mean we have the rights to bully him." Seungho said to Trey, "WE DO! HE CAUSED THE DEATH! OF COURSE WE HAVE THE RIGHTS TO BEAT HIM UP YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Trey shouted, "YOU GUYS ARE JUST DUMB WITH SMALL FUCKING BRAINS!" Trey continued to insult us, especially me, "AGHHH!" Somebody kicked Trey at the back and held his hands back, "LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! WHAT SEUNGHO SAID IS RIGHT AND ALSO, YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE SMALL FUCKING BRAIN SO YOU BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU'RE JUST STARTING A SCENE! And if you ever, EVER do something terrible to us I'm sure, I will threaten you badly." And that somebody was, Mateo. He let go of Trey and stood up. I.. never knew Mateo could be this scary. He's actually my neighbour in front of my house. The people in the neighbourhood known him as a quiet, well-mannered and a kind guy. But I don't know he had this kind of anger inside of him.

         The argument eventually stopped and everybody went to mind their own business, including Cash. I decided to check out the floors so I pressed the up button on the elevator then clicked the second floor button. I waited quietly. Eventually, the elevator stopped and the door opened. I went out and saw a bunch of doors around the walls with pictures of people on it. I saw a door with my picture on it and I head over to open it. As I open the door, I saw a bed and a small table next to it with a lamp. There's also a closet along with a mini fridge. The room space appears to be small that I can't even do a cartwheel. There was also a window on top of the ceiling. I guess we can escape somehow through that. The walls were red and the platform was coloured blue and it's a carpet too. I went out from the room and decided to go to the third floor.

          As the elevator stopped at the third floor, the door opened and all I see was two long white tables along with white chairs. The walls appears to be coloured red like my room but it has a pretty pattern on. The floor is coloured black but the same as my room, it's a carpet. There was also food on the table and I think it's pretty much lunch time now. I felt like I should call everybody to eat the food but I was afraid after that incident. I noticed that I haven't ate my pills yet and luckily there's a glass of water this time. I took out a white bottle with orange stripes on it and opened it. I shook it then a yellow with red pill came out. ( it looked like this 💊 if you're confused ) I put it in my tongue and immediately drank a glass of water. I managed to swallow the pill though.

        Then I accidentally dropped the glass on the floor, 'Oh no..' I thought. Why can my day get even better? I saw a broom nearby and took it. I swept the glass until I heard a 'Ding!' I looked behind and saw Seungho, "Nave?" Seungho said, "What are you doing?" Seungho head over to me, "I.. accidentally dropped a glass." I said with an awkward smile. Seungho appeared to be.. shorter than me, "Oh.. what were you doing with the glass anyways? What a clumsy person you are." Seungho said as he slowly took the broom from me and swept the glass for me, "I was taking my pills." I said, "Pills?" Seungho looked surprised, "Yeah, pills. You see, I have a condition so the doctors said I need to eat my pills daily." I explained, "Oh, I see.." Seungho said in awe, "Why don't you call the others? There's clearly lots of food on the table and I think it's already lunch." Seungho said, "I- can't.." I said nervously, "Why not?" Seungho asked, "Because.. because.. after that incident.." I said. Seungho eyes widened and laughed, "Don't worry! They don't hate you. Plus, they already know what kind of a sensitive person you are, they got the information from your friend, Cash." Seungho said, "O-Oh? Really? Then-" I paused then the lights went out, "What the heck.." Seungho said, "Seungho, I feel a bit.. sleepy." I said. I do felt sleepy the Seungho lighten a lantern, "Purple smoke." Seungho said, "Huh!?" I was shocked. We then fell asleep.

Seungho P.O.V
          I eventually woke up and I was in the main room. I was confused and scared, "Seungho!" Mateo shouted and hugged me, "Where were you!? Did you fell asleep by the purple smoke too!?" Mateo asked, "Wait, the purple smoke also appeared here!?" I asked Mateo, "Yes!" Mateo said then we heard a scream. We head over to the others but there was a cage that blocked and prevented us from going to the middle. There were also people on the other side too but there's a cage. And on the middle..

 And on the middle

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        "BAIILEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Elizabeth shouted

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        "BAIILEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Elizabeth shouted. She started crying and raging, trying to break down the cage, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Elizabeth fell down to her knees. The knife swung and swung and.. it's that bombs and TNTS!? AND THERES A TIMER! "EVERYBODY! GO BACK!" I shouted and pushed Mateo and Elizabeth back then a sound of explosions started.

        Everything was white.. I couldn't see a thing. Just. White. I suddenly heard a stab and I stood up, "BAILEY!?" I shouted. As I blinked my eyes again, the walls at the middle room were black. But the most concerning part is that, Bailey. Was burned and stabbed. I can't help but cry just by looking at Bailey, horrible death. It was torture.

———Chapter 8 Finished———

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