Chapter 10

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Cash's P.O.V
          We were cleaning all the blood that has been spread over the main room, using the spare towels we found in our own rooms. I wondered where did the murderer get those cages? It seems that the clues on the murderer had been worn out. There's no point on investigating. Except the brown hair I found earlier in the game. We eventually stopped and took a break after all that cleaning. Surprisingly there's food on the table at the canteen floor. Nave said that he was going to call us out to eat but the lights went off, "This food is yummy!" said Tamia. She kept munching on the food and almost half of the food are eaten by her, "YEAH! FINALLY FEELING SOME ENERGY!" She shouted. We all almost jumped by Tamia's shouting, "You are really energetic, huh Tamia?" Chidi asked with a smirk on his face. Tamia suddenly back away, "Hey, hey now! Don't do that face on me! I know how much boys like to treat girls like toys and you are now expecting me to like you and dated and you will cheat on me with some other girl, right? Right? Degenerate males!" Tamia said in a sassy tone, "Eh?" Chidi eyes widened, "What do you mean, Tamia?" Seungho asked, "Hmph!" Tamia hmph'd and went in the elevator to go down to the second floor, "She probably had a rough backstory?" Melodie thought, "I will go to her." Melodie said as she went in the elevator with Kiryomi. Now that I think about it, Kiryomi have been really clingy and overprotective around Melodie ever since I saw them talking to Viola. An elevator ding'd and the door opened. Viola was there with a big smile on her face, she's also holding a violin on her hand, "Up for music anybody?" She asked. We nodded and Viola eventually played the violin beautifully. We listened in delight of the soothing music filling the room, "Do you ever think somebody will get us out of here?" Nave whispered. He looked worried, "Don't worry Nave, we will get out of here soon!" I said. Nave looked up to me and smiled, "Yeah, probably." Nave said as he gave me a soft hug. The moment lasted when Viola stopped playing the violin. Nave let go of me and we all clapped on Viola's amazing talent, "You are so talented Viola!" Haneen said as she went up to her to give her a glass of drink, "Thanks Haneen!" Viola smiled earnestly, "Oh geez! That was nothing! Even my lil brother can do better! You don't have any talent at all!" Veronica said as she stood up immediately, "Veronica?" I said without knowing, "W-What do you mean?" Viola asked, her face looked frightened, "How can a pig like you have talent, huh?!" Veronica said, "It was horrible, HORRIBLE I SAY!" Veronica shouted then she shows a thumbs down, "Shut up!" I shouted at Veronica as I stood up, "Horrible you say? Well your horrible! YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN HORRIBLE!" I shouted at her. She looked frightened and angry, "YOU!" She said in an angry tone. She walked up to me and about to prepare to punch me, "Stop it!" Nave said as he stood up, "Lets not start a fight, please." Nave said nervously, "Whatever soft timid ugly boy!" Veronica said as she flipped her hair and went in the elevator.

The room was filled with silence and each one of us left, then there's only me and Nave left in the room, "Nave." I said as I looked at him, "Um." Nave started mumbling and went to the elevator.

I went in the elevator too and pressed the second floor button. It reached the second floor and I went out of the elevator. I then, went in my room, closed the door, dumped on my bed and stared at the blue ceiling. I noticed there's a mini television next to my bed and I got up and took the remote on the table. I turned on the television then turned on the news. I immediately dropped the remote, "What is this.." I murmured.

'345 people have been found, murdered. A guy killed all the employees in a bakery shop and 3 buildings have been set on fire.'

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted. 'Who the hell is responsible with all this mess!? Is this what has been going on in the outside world!? I won't believe it, I won't!' But that was just my thought, the mess was actually happening in the outside world. Somebody knocked on the door and I went to open it. As I open it, I saw Nave, "Are you okay? I heard a shout from you room." Nave asked, "Ah, I'm okay. It's just, the news." I said. Nave looked at the mini television and his face immediately looked horrified and he hugged me immediately, "What is this.." Nave said as he stuffed his face on my back, "I do hope that they're just joking.." I said, "Probably April Fools?" he said, "Nave, its September." I said, "Hmmmmm." Nave looked angry and his cheeks were puffed, "Probably earlier in the game, we have been sleeping for months and now is April?" Nave said, "Probably." I chuckled softly, "Atleast we're safe in this place." I said, "But.. there's a murderer among us!" Nave said, "Gah! I know.." I said. Nave laid his head on me, "Any clues on the murderer?" Nave said, "No, the clues have been destroyed by the explosion." I said then I immediately get an idea, "I KNOW!" I grabbed Nave's hand and rushed to the 1st floor, "Cash?" Nave said. We reached to the 1st floor and a few people were down there, "Hey, can you call the rest, Nave?" I asked. Nave nodded quickly and head up, "Guys gather up." I said. After a short amount of time passed, everybody was downstairs, "So, remember that there's a knife swinging over Bailey and the light was tied with the rope?" I said as I pointed at the light, "This might sound crazy but I think whoever is the murderer, can reach the ceiling." I stated. They all nodded and smiled with delight, except Nikolai and Veronica. We all took turns on who can touch the ceiling and a fewer people can reach it. Thiago, Dashawn, Kiryomi, Chidi, Mateo, Joshua and lastly, me. Nave came up to me and pulled my sleeve, "But what if the murderer used a step ladder or something that make them to touch the ceiling?" Nave asked, "Oh.. I've never thought of that.." I said, "Guys! I found a wooden step ladder! Luckily, the stepladder was dusty and the murderer left his or her footprints on the stepladder." Tamia shouted from a room. She came back with a stepladder and she was saying the truth, there's footprints of the murderer on it! "God, Tamia. Your a life saver." Melodie said happily.

We gather around the stepladder, "So the murderer can't reach the ceiling!" Dashawn said, "Hmm, no offence to the murderer but I bet he's weak." Veronica said, then laughed, "Don't insult the murderer, no more. You might be the murderer next victim." Joshua said, "Erk!" Veronica was horrified, "Okay then, whoever touched the ceiling won't be tested." Seungho said, "Don't worry. I'm a fashion designer and I even design shoes! I often measure everybody footprints so leave it to me!" Halona appeared with her makeup face. She started measuring people's foot. After a short amount of time, Halona stood up, "There's many people that have this feet size.." Halona said with a sad expression on her face, "Dang it.." I whispered, "But Nikolai is definitely not the murderer! His feet is small, neither do Seungho's and Viola's. The rest are what I was talking about. They have the same foot size. Oh and it is also not Aadiv, his foot is bigger." Halona explained, "Oh.. I was really hoping and this is such a chance to found out who's the murderer." I said as I sighed, "Speaking of foots, where's Elizabeth?" Dvir asked, "Elizabeth? Nave, I told you to call everybody here.." I said to Nave, "Well, her room was locked.." Nave said nervously, "Locked?" Dan asked, "Yes, locked. I tried going in her room by breaking the door but I was too weak.." Nave said. We all rushed to the second floor to check on Elizabeth. As we reached the second floor, we immediately ran to Elizabeth's room. Dvir started twisting the doorknob, "He's saying the truth, it is locked!" Dvir said as he wore a worried expression on his face, "Don't worry! Let me handle it!" Tamia said, "Me too!" Dashawn said. Tamia looked at Dashawn with a disgusted face, "Are you-", "Shut up Tamia. He's not trying to impress you." Kiryomi said, "Urgh.. fine." Tamia said. They both started pushing the door, "Looks like we need to kick the door." Dashawn said, "Don't worry, leave it to me! I know karat-" Tamia paused as Dashawn just broke down the door in one kick, "Heh." Dashawn smirked. As I pushed Dashawn lightly to see if Elizabeth is okay, I looked in and screamed, "ELIZABETH!?"

-Heres an artwork I did of Nave, what app I used? I used Clip Studio Paint. I don't feel like using IbisPaintX xd

 I don't feel like using IbisPaintX xd

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———Chapter 10 Finished———

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