Chapter 13

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Chapter 13. Two Murders In One Day

Cash's P.O.V

I was sitting in my room, feeling pretty bored. I switched to multiple channels on the tv but still didn't found anything fun to watch. I lay on the bed and kept changing the channel, "Damn it game." I said to myself, "I'm drowning in boredom.." I took a paper out from my pocket, 'One of these players are good: Veronica, Kiryomi, Dashawn' I read. I sighed, "This is not the time to mess around, Cash! I'm the detective now and I must do my job to hunt down the Evil Team." I encouraged myself. I stood up and opened the door. When I opened the door, I saw Reza I front of my door, "Yo, Cash-man! It's been a while since we talked. Wanna go grab a snack and have a small chat?" Reza invited me, "Ah, sure." I agreed, "Cool! Let me go get Jojo. He's-" right before Reza was about to finish his sentences, the lights started to flicker and went out, "Oh shit." Reza groaned, "Just at the time I was about to-" Reza stopped talking, "Reza?" I called out his name, "Rezaaaa!!!" I shouted. No response, 'Could this be..'

The lights flickered and Reza was gone, "Where is he?" I asked myself, "A-AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Somebody shouted, it seems to be a female. It came from the girls bathroom.. I walked to the girls bathroom and Melodie came out, crying. She hugged me tightly and kept crying, "Whats wrong?" I asked in a worried tone, "KIRYOMI'S DEAD!" Melodie shouted, "WHAT!?" I shouted. I pushed Melodie aside and went in the girls bathroom with no hesitation. When I came in, I saw.. Kiryomi. Kiryomi was there, on the ground. Her face was wet and she had a tape on her face, "Kiryomi.." I backed away, "Why!?" Melodie came in shouting, "Why did she HAVE to die!!" Melodie tugged my sleeve and stuffed her face onto my chest, "This is.. unfair.."

We soon got everybody into the girls bathroom and they all were shocked to see Kiryomi's corpse on the ground, "Cash." Seungho placed his hand on my shoulder, "Can you help me investigate Kiryomi's body? I trust you." Seungho looked at me, "Ooh! I can help too!" Mateo said with excitement, "Well, if you want me to.."

"Sure, you're probably gonna be a great help since your tall and skinny." Seungho said, "What do you mean by that?" I asked Seungho. Mateo looked confused too, "Because that." Seungho pointed at a vent that is under the sink, "I'm pretty sure the killer went through there to get to the girls bathroom." Seungho said, "Ah! Even the vent is left opened." I pointed out, "Yep. To my perspective, I think a person can fit in there if they're skinny enough." Seungho said, "Va-va-voom! May I join your investigation? It seems very interesting." Halona came with a big smile on her face, "I could be a big help to, like, like, Mateo!", "Well, I suppose you could join." I said, "Cheers!" Halona clapped happily. Seungho went closer to my ear, "I don't know bout' her, she could be the killer.. trying to help us so she won't be suspicious." Seungho whispered, "Don't worry Seungho, shes definitely not the culprit. Trust me." I said, "Ah, I'm suspicious?" Halona asked, "N-No! Not at all." I said

"Hurm, okay." Halona said, "But before we get deeper into the investigation, I need to find Reza. Something strange happened when the lights went out." I said, "Strange?" Seungho repeated, "Yeah, strange." I said as I walked out from the girls bathroom. Jojo suddenly came up to me with tears running down her cheeks, "REZA'S DEAD! HIS BODY IS IN HIS ROOM!" Jojo said. I was shocked and Seungho, Halona, Mateo and I ran to his room to see his body. As we got to Reza's room, we saw Reza.. lying on the bed with a knife on his stomach. The knife was deep in the stomach, "Oh fuck." Seungho said with his eyes in horror, "Two murders occurred!", "This is terrible.." Halona said. "What are we gonna do!?" She asked, "Let's investigate Kiryomi's body first. We will investigate Reza's next." I said. Jojo came in and kneeled down to Reza, crying on his body. Mateo gave Jojo a soft pat on the back and Halona hugged Jojo. The four of us went to the girls bathroom, leaving Jojo behind at Reza's room.

"Let's start the investigation, shall we?" Seungho said. We four started investigating, "Mateo, get in the vent. There might be clues here." Seungho ordered. Mateo nodded and started crawling inside the vent, "Ah! There's a part where the vent is a bit squashed. I'm guessing the killer accidentally bumped his or her head here!" Mateo said, "Ah! That will make a sound, right?" Halona said, "I will go ask Melodie if she had heard a strange sound when she was in the bathroom." Halona said as she walked out of the room to look for Melodie, "Look, the sink is wet. So is Kiryomi's face. I'm guessing the killer drowned her." I said, "Good point. But would've Kiryomi screamed if she knew she's gonna get drowned. That would make a sound." Seungho said, "Kiryomi has a tape around her mouth, see?" I pointed at the tape that is stick on her mouth, "Oh, that make sense." Seungho said. Mateo came out from the vent, "There's no clues except the squashed vent." Mateo said, "That's a bummer." I said. Halona came back, "Melodie said she did heard a strange sound when she was in the bathroom. She said that she was in the bathroom with Kiryomi and Nave was waiting outside. They were going to have a work-out session." Halona said, "During the lights were out, Melodie was gonna get out from the stall but the door won't open. It's like somebody was preventing it." Halona explained the rest, "Hurm... ok so, I think this is how the murders go.." Seungho took a deep breath, "The killer came in the girls bathroom using a vent, somehow.. knowing that the girls are inside. He or she guessed that one of the girls are outside. So when the girls went inside, that's where he or she started their plan. They opened the vent and crawled inside. I'm assuming that nobody saw him. The killer was hiding in the vent, waiting for the lights to go out, then they accidentally bumped their head on the top of the vent. That's where Kiryomi and Melodie heard the sound and the lights went out immediately. The killer kicked the vent open and started taping Kiryomi's mouth. I'm assuming they hold the door stall with their leg on it. The killer started drowning Kiryomi using the sink and the sink running sound might have attracted Melodie. The killer's plan was a success and the killer left Kiryomi on the ground. He immediately crawled out the vent and Melodie managed to get out from the stall. That's where the lights went back up." Seungho said.

———Chapter 13 Finished———

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