Chapter 6

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Bailey's P.O.V
It was to quite.. somehow, I'm not dozing to sleep at all! I'm guessing they removed the timer? Well that's good, I could see.. wait no. I can't see, it's pitch black everywhere. I don't know where's Elizabeth or neither Dvir, "Bailey! Are you there!?" A voice appeared. It's Elizabeth's voice! "Yes, Eliza! Where are you?" I asked, "I don't even know where I am though.. it's so dark." Elizabeth said, 'Thud!', "What was that!?" I shouted. Did somebody tripped over something? "Elizabeth, was that you?" I asked, "Um.. no." Elizabeth replied. I started taking small steps and I accidentally bumped into somebody, "Hey!" A male voice appeared, "So, so sorry!" I apologised. I looked in front and that guy had a lantern, "Lucky that you're beautiful, I'd easily forgive you. So, it's okay." That guy said as he was looking away with a slight blush on his cheeks, "Are you seriously flirting with me?" I asked with my arms crossed, "Wha-" the guy paused as an another guy came, "This guy is a phedophile. Might wanna stay away from him." That guy chuckled, "Excuse me, no I'm not!" The other guy shouted, "Yeah right. Also, I'm Alab. This big ugly guy is Thiapoop." Alab grabbed my hand and shook it slowly with a smile on his face, "I'm not called like that! I'm Thiago! Not Thiapoop." Thiago shouted with a stomp, "What? Can't take a simple joke? What a sissy you are!" Alab chuckled, "Shut up!" Thiago walked away. Now it's back to the pitch black. Alab let go of my hand, "Hey, you have a match or a lighter?" Alab asked, "I do have a lighter with me." I took out a lighter out from my pocket and hand it over to Alab. Alab pressed the tiny button and a small fire started. He took something which looked like a lantern and lighted the candle inside of it. He let go of the button and gave the lighter to me, "Thanks!" Alab smiled. I nodded and here came Elizabeth. She looked very mad, "Hey guys. What are you guys doing?" Elizabeth inhaled and exhales. She gave a weird, yet creepy smile, "We're just lighting a lantern." Alab said.

         The lights started to flicker and the lights are finally on, "Who's missing?" Elizabeth asked, "Where the fuck is Liling?" Trey asked, "Wait.. could she be.. dead?" Charlotte shivered, "WHAT!? DEAD!?" Trey shouted at Charlotte, "I mean, she's missing.. there could be a chance that she's dead.." Charlotte smiled awkwardly, "I'm not dead." I heard footsteps from the hallway at my right and there comes Liling with a lantern, "I was just finding if theres tissues somewhere, I gotta clean my messed eyeliner." Liling said with a harsh voice, "Jeez, my feet is wet.." Liling looked down and she screamed, "BLOOD!" Liling shouted, "WHAT THE!?" I shouted, "Liling where'd you go during the dark?" Cash asked Liling, "I went downstairs, thinking there's a room there. Then there is a room but it's locked. Then, I heard a thud.. I went up and that's when I felt wet on my feet.." Liling said, "The thud if from the stairs!" I said. I head over to the stairs and immediately screamed, "A DEAD BODY!" I shouted. Several people came and saw the corpse on the floor.

"Oh my! A corpse has been found! The murderer has killed Ally." The speaker announced. Before the speaker closed, the person behind the speaker gave a small chuckle. Back to Ally, she was sitting on the floor, unconscious. Pretty much sure that she is dead. There were many blood on her head. I looked around and saw a metal bat, "Her death was instant." Seungho said. I wanted to go down but as I take the first step, "The stairs.. I think the murderer spilled water here." I murmur, "Its slippery and watery? Well.. I did saw a bunch of water bottles in the trash can earlier after the lights turned on.." Seungho said. "I think the murderer used the water bottles to wash themselves up!", "But where did the murderer get the water bottles?" I asked, "There is a bunch of water bottles in a box behind the counter. I guess you haven't explored yet." Seungho said. He become silent for a while, "But.. everyone looked so dry when the lights were back on." Seungho stated, "Hey you guys! I just want to ask.. is this ugly towel yours? This towel is also fucking wet! Ew!" Veronica said as she threw the towel at us, "I think this is what the murderer used to dry themselves!" I said to Seungho. I looked at Veronica, "Thanks!" I thanked, "Whatever.." Veronica walked out, "There's also a streak of blood coming from these stairs" Seungho noticed. I walked up to the stairs, "Yep, they're blood alright." I said. Once again, I head down and found a broken lantern, "How are ya'll doing?" Cash asked, "We're doing fine." Seungho replied, "Well, that's good! What have you found so far?" Cash asked, "Well, we found this weapon which is a metal bat, Seungho said that his death was instant. And these stairs are watery and Seungho said that he found a bunch of water bottles in the trash can. We were wondering how'd did the murderer dried himself and luckily Veronica came with a wet towel. The murderer used this towel to dry themselves up. Also, the stairs your standing on has a streak of blood. I also found this broken lantern." I explained.

        "Oh wow!" Cash said with a smile, "Wanna share these information with the others?" Cash asked, "Yeah, looks like there's no more clues left.." Seungho said as he gets up slowly. We walked to the main room, "May we have your attention everyone!" Cash clapped his hands loudly. Everybody was silent. I explained about the clues we got and they all listened, "As I am hearing this, Im pretty sure that first, Ally was exploring and when the lights went out, she turned on a lantern. The murderer can see Ally with her light and as Ally wanted to go explore downstairs, the murderer pushed her. The stairs were made out of rocks. So that leaves the streak of blood on the stairs. She probably dropped her lantern and her lantern was broken. Maybe the murderer used one of the water bottles to take out the small fire. And then, Liling came without noticing the murderer and Ally's body on the floor since it was too dark. The murderer put Ally in a sitting position and used the metal bat to hit her head. That's probably where the sound 'Thud!' came from. Then the murderer noticed that Liling was gonna go upstairs. So the murderer went to the corner. That's where Liling got blood on her feet. The murderer found out that there's blood around her/his skin. So they went to the boxes full with water bottles and took a trash can with her/him. They went back to the stairs and uhm.. probably took his/her clothes off.. and washed themselves with the water bottles. The used the towel to dry themselves and they finally wore- well, y'know. The murderer put back the box and the trash can in its right position and left the towel on the counter." Trey said, "Wow! Good theory Trey!" Tamia clapped, "I'm guessing that theory is true." Cash said, "Okay, now we know how did the murder happened, any clues on the murderer?" Veronica asked. We all went silent, "No, we haven't got clues about the murderer identity.."

Hallo! To those who is wondering, isn't Cash forbidden action is to not go downstairs? Well, his forbidden action changed, I was thinking to give him a forbidden action saying, don't touch any medical supplies. Lmao.

———Chapter 6 Finished———

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