Chapter 32

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Tobias's POV

The sun shining through the curtains wakes me up instead of my alarm, and I lay there, staring at the ceiling.

It's been a few weeks since Tris and I started dating, and for the most part, things have been amazing. I've gotten to spend so much time with both her and Toby, and I've honestly never been happier. It's really amazing what family and love can do to you.

But unfortunately, a lot of stuff has happened with the public recently.

First off, the paparazzi caught me and Tris out on a date and took a bunch of pictures of us. The pictures didn't actually show that we're a couple, but it did cause people to question if our friendship was something more than a friendship.

Then pictures of the new promise ring that I gave Tris started floating around, and that just confirmed that Tris was dating someone. People just didn't know who.

Then the paparazzi caught the two of us out together one night laughing and holding hands which set the internet on fire. Almost everyone is convinced that we're together.

With all of these rumors going around, Tris and I decided to do an interview together, explaining that we're dating. And we're also going to tell everyone that I'm Toby's father.

Even though I'm a little nervous about finally telling the world everything, I am also excited to get this out in the open. Now, I can be with her and Toby in public without worrying about the paparazzi.

While I'm ready for this interview, Tris is not. She's been stressing about it all week, and it hurts me to see her so stressed out about this. But once it's over, I know it's all going to be okay.

I pick up my phone and go to our messages. I know she's going to wake up completely stressed, so I want a message from me to be the first thing she sees.

Me: Good morning, beautiful! I know that you're anxious for today, but everything is going to be just fine. We're doing this interview together! I'm going to be there the whole time! I love you, and I'll see you in a little bit ❤️❤️

After I send the text, I put my phone back down. I get up out of bed and walk into my bathroom. I take a quick shower, wrap a towel around my waist, and go to my closet. I search through my clothes until I decide on an outfit.

I pick out a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt. I change into the outfit after drying off and then Dry my hair. I slip on a pair of my converse and grab my phone before walking into the kitchen.

I pull out all of the supplies I need to fix breakfast and get started. I decide that I'll fix bacon and pancakes this morning. I get all of the ingredients that I need and begin fixing the food. I turn some music on and quietly sing along to the songs until I'm done with the food.

Just as I'm putting the last pancake on the plate, the guys walk in.

"Morning," I say with a smile.

"Well, someone sure is in a good mood," Zeke says as I begin piling my plate with food.

"I am."

"Aren't you and Tris doing that interview today?" Will asks.

"Yep, we are. After I eat breakfast, I'm heading down to pick her and Toby up," I tell them.

"And you aren't nervous for the interview?" Uriah says as I sit down with my food, and they start making their own plates.

"I mean, of course there are a little but of nerves," I say. "After all, we are telling the world about our relationship. And we're telling everyone that I'm Toby's dad. But I'm happy because now I don't have to hide that they're my family. I don't have to hide my love for them. Plus, things couldn't be better with me and Tris and Toby. So yeah, I'm in a great mood."

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