Chapter 11

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Tris's POV

My alarm blares in my ear, and I quickly reach over to cut it off. I sit up in my bed and grab my phone. As I scroll through Instagram, I think about how I can relax today. Or maybe work on some music.

Then I get a text from Eli.

Eli: Hey, we're still on for tonight, right???

Oh gosh. I almost forgot about our date.

Me: Of course we are. But do you think we could go out around 1 or 2? I have some music I need to work on for my next album. Plus, my parents are busy, and they have to watch Toby for me.

Eli: No problem. Do you want me to pick you up? Or meet somewhere?

Me: How about we meet up somewhere?

Eli: Got it. I'll send you the address later, and we'll meet there at 1:30. If that sounds good to you.

Me: Sounds great. I'll see you later. I have to get both myself and my kid ready for the day.

Eli: Can't wait.

I throw my phone down onto the pillow next to me and pull myself up out of bed.

I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. I then decide to change into a pair of ripped jeans and a pastel pink crop top. I curl my hair and apply some mascara and lipgloss. Once I finish getting myself ready, I go over to Toby's room.

"Wake up, Toby," I say as I try and shake him awake.

After saying that and shaking him for a good five minutes, he finally wakes up, and I drag him out of bed.

Once Toby is ready for the day, we both go into the kitchen so I can cook everyone breakfast. Because we all know that they're going to be whining about being hungry as soon as they roll out of bed.

I quickly make a bunch of waffles, bacon, and sausage and set all of it out on the counter for anyone to help themselves. I fix Toby a plate, and while he eats that, I work on eating one piece of bacon.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous for this date with Eli. I mean, I haven't been on a date since senior year with Tobias. Now, I am a full-time mom with cameras following me around everywhere I go to try and figure out my whole life. Plus, this date isn't with Tobias.

I never thought that I would agree to go out on a date with anyone besides Tobias. At least for a few years. I've been asked out plenty of times since I became famous, but I always said no. So why did I say yes to Eli?

I think it's because he's a sweet guy who is obviously not into me just for the fame, and he treats my kid well. I think I just decided to live for once and take a shot at something. I mean, what can happen? Our date goes amazing, and something more comes out of it. Or our date goes terribly wrong, and we part ways, pretending that we never knew each other in the first place.

But I'm still nervous about it.

And a tiny part of me wishes that it wasn't Eli I was going out with.

"Mommy. I'm done."

I look over at Toby and smile at his precious face. I absolutely adore this kid of mine. I remember when I found out I was pregnant with him, and a small part of me thought that it was the end of the world. Because of the difficult choices that I would have to make. But even if I didn't make all of the right ones, I don't care. Because at least I have this beautiful son of mine. Right in front of me.

Alive and breathing.

"Are you okay, Mommy?" Toby asks, and that's when I feel the tears that escaped unnoticed down my cheeks.

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