Chapter 2

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Tobias's POV

A very loud beeping noise wakes me up from my dreamless sleep. I jump out of bed and run into the kitchen. I see Harry and Niall trying to fan away the smoke out of the kitchen.

"What did you guys do?" I ask and cut on a fan.

"We tried to make breakfast since George is off for the week," Harry says.

"But we can't cook," Niall says.

"Yeah. I can see that," I reply and fan out the rest of the smoke. I reach up and turn the smoke alarm off. "Just get out of the kitchen. I'll fix breakfast."

"You know how to cook?" they both say.

"Yeah. I've known how to cook since I was little," I answer.

"Cool," Niall says.

"Now get out. I have to cook," I say, and they walk into the living room. I get out all of the pans and stuff that I need and start cooking.

Living with Harry Styles and Niall Horan is fun a lot of the time. There are some times where they get annoying, but that's just when I have my bad days. And by bad days, I mean the days where all I want to do is lock myself in my room and cry. Because I don't have Tris.

Living with them is also hard when Tris is on tv. They watch tv a lot of the time, and they usually watch everything about Tris. It's hard to stay away from it. I'm actually surprised that I don't know my child yet.

I finish cooking the bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and toast. I put it all on three plates and pour three glasses of orange juice.

"Niall! Harry! Come get your breakfast!" I yell, and they come running in.

They each grab a plate and a cup and rush back into the living room. I grab a plate and cup myself and walk into the living room. I sit down in a chair and start eating my food.

"What are we watching?" I ask as I glance up at the tv.

"Light's Out," Harry says.

"Yeah," Niall says. "Oh. And remember. Tonight you have to watch Tris's final concert with us." I groan.


"Don't you remember? You lost the bet," Harry replies, and I groan again.

I forgot. I had made a bet with Harry and Niall that they couldn't scare me. If I won, they had to be my servants. If they won, I had to watch Tris's last concert. So that's what I'm doing tonight.

"Dang it. I forgot about that," I say.

"I don't get it. Why don't you like to watch Tris?" Niall asks.

"I just don't," I answer and continue eating.

"Ok. Whatever," Harry says.

I watch Light's Out with the guys then decide to get ready for the day. I have to go by the studio to record a song, and then I have some errands to run. Then I have to work on a new song for my album, go to an interview, and make it back home to watch Tris's final concert.

I put my plate and cup in the dish washer and walk to my room. I go into my bathroom and take a quick shower. I throw on some black jeans, a black muscle shirt, and black Converse. I dry my hair and leave it messy as always. I slip on my black leather jacket, grab my phone, walk out to the living room, and find Harry and Niall intently watching something on tv.

"Hey, guys," I say, and they look up at me. "Can you guys do the laundry while I'm out?"

"Yeah. Sure," Niall says, and they go back to watching tv.

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