Written April 17, 2020 at 2:06am
The tingling tender touch
Of a handsomely strong man's hand,
Enticing enough to expand
Moist places that remain closed tight.
The sexy thrill of how he stares,
His hungry glare melts its way to me.
Each and every time we see
One another.He desires to make
My once-in-a-lifetime acquaintance.
His face grows blank when
The stranger stumbles to think to
Ask me for my name.
What a shame how
My aura magically affects him.
Perplexes them among
The male masses.
Survivor's Remorse
PoesiaSurvivor's Remorse is a personal collection of poetry, songs, lyrics, prose, and more that ranges from the early 2000s through 2023 when I finally decided to start a new poetry book! Thank you immensely to anyone who has taken time to read this book...