8/31/21 Written 11:24pm
When you're past the point of exhaustion in feeling this way...
The "love" standards are double...
It has always been that way.
Tumultuous trouble should never arise
When one stands up for themselves to say,
"Respect should still exist within this tryst."
[It shouldn't always be YOUR way.]
Instead, all is reduced to worthless rubble.
Hatred embers tinge the breathless air,
Time and time again...
Until there's nothing left!
As a result, it becomes harder to grin,
Impossible to continue to pretend
To just be OK.
To be alright with everything unchanged,
Never uplifting but downgrading.
A broken heart will hurt and desperately fight,
Searching for yet another way.
It's not right.
Inevitably, the emotional shutdown is nigh.
The light gray cloud floating high in the sky
Will become a granite grey rock
That has plummeted from the heavens
To the cold, hard earth,
Hiding in the midnight desert sand.
From the mental shock of [now] despising
A less than grand life partner choice!
Without a clear, supportive voice,
It can be hard to silence the deafening noise.
Survivor's Remorse
PoésieSurvivor's Remorse is a personal collection of poetry, songs, lyrics, prose, and more that ranges from the early 2000s through 2023 when I finally decided to start a new poetry book! Thank you immensely to anyone who has taken time to read this book...