Written May 27, 2021 at 1:07am
Have you ever been made to feel less than yourself?
Worth less than nothing?
Despite it all, you felt something...
But it wasn't the expected love & loyalty,
The hopeless romantic chivalry
That was promised.
You definitely deserved more!
Therefore, in the middle ages of one's life,
I desperately implore
All young women everywhere,
All around this world
To entertain the dazzling muse
That gracefully resides
Inside of them.
Strive hard to evolve to be
Proper & prim.
Stay fearless in your unbreakable resolve
So the plentiful chances & opportunities don't have
The sheer audacity to suddenly slim.
Trust me when I faithfully declare,
The Universe will respect your diligence.
Immense blessings await just
Above the rim,
But only if you're willing
To leap as high as it takes.
You know who you are.
Reject any falsely altered projections.
Survivor's Remorse
PuisiSurvivor's Remorse is a personal collection of poetry, songs, lyrics, prose, and more that ranges from the early 2000s through 2023 when I finally decided to start a new poetry book! Thank you immensely to anyone who has taken time to read this book...