Written on June 12, 2019, at 6:12 pm EsT
I always feel so broken down
Whenever you're around with
A permanent scowl, a frown
My heavy heart weighs pounds
As it resounds against my tender bosom
Yet another drunken round
Of painstaking stupor
The fog of hate surrounds as it
Suffocates us
And, you're just as tenacious as
Never cutting me any slack
Not even worth a crawlspace.
The long corridors and
Dark hallways of our past
I've traversed in fear.
I had your back,
My dearest dear.
But, it was a trap
Simply to
Ensnare me here.
Survivor's Remorse
PoesiaSurvivor's Remorse is a personal collection of poetry, songs, lyrics, prose, and more that ranges from the early 2000s through 2023 when I finally decided to start a new poetry book! Thank you immensely to anyone who has taken time to read this book...