Written 3/1/2020 3:25am
I hate this place
The breathless space that I live in
I wish I could kill everything in
It.Each day that passes
I grow more impatient
Just to burn it all to the ground
Charred embers all around.I hate the sound.
I hate the feeling
Of being hopeless to change
It.I'd strangle the next person
I saw with the promise
To end it all.
To no longer stall
And live a life that was
Never meant for me.
Not my destiny.The pressure following defeat
Can be brutal.
Not frugal in a way
To improve you.
A hellish cruel joke
Turned into a miserable reality.
Such a travesty.The wish to die
In fallacy.
The peace to no longer
Want to try to change
The frustration of never being loved
Correctly.A damaged heart
That no longer beats to live
But just to exist.
A sick tryst of a devil's deal
Never made.
Gods forbade it.
A miracle could erase it...
If the sad truth is finally
Survivor's Remorse
PuisiSurvivor's Remorse is a personal collection of poetry, songs, lyrics, prose, and more that ranges from the early 2000s through 2023 when I finally decided to start a new poetry book! Thank you immensely to anyone who has taken time to read this book...