Chapter 17

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"Hey Sokka... Suki wanted to talk to you. We're leaving soon and she said she wants to talk while were here." I moved my head from his shoulder.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later Toph." I nodded and he went back down to the water. Katara put a hand on my shoulder.

"He means the best. He's always been a bit a jerk without meaning to." I stood up.

"Yeah..." She sighed. "Suki told me about Kanto." I brushed passed her. "Tch. Of course she did." I went back down.

I put my hand on Appa's soft fur. "You know, it's been a while since I got to hang out with the badgermoles. Twinkle Toes is really lucky to have you."

I leaned back, putting my back on his fur. "You really are something special Appa."


"Why are you telling me this?" I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Because I love you Sokka. I understand why you want to be with Yue. But we both know deep inside, we were meant to be."

He sighed and grabbed my arms. "Suki...I'm just confused right now. I don't want to offend anyone. You're really nice, and pretty, and smart! But I need space to think."

I sighed. "Of course! Yeah. I understand." I removed my arms.
"I don't wanna push anything onto you." I walked away and headed to Appa.

I had already changed back into my normal clothes.

"That's weird...I swear Appa was up here." I reached the top of a hill but no one was near me. "Toph? Aang? Katara!" No one answered.

Wait...Sokka! I rushed down to the place we met a few minutes ago. "Sokka?! I don't know where everyone is!"

I felt a hand over my mouth. "Shhh..." I fought back, but no matter what moves I chose, this person knew how to block them. "This'll only hurt a bit."

I felt a sharp pain in my arm and it went limp. My head started spinning. "Wow.." I was set down on a rock. A girl with a braid hovered over me. "You're really pretty! To bad we can't talk."

She did something to me and everything went black. "Good job Ty Lee."


"Where did everyone go?" I got out of the water and shook. "Oh, hey Katara!" I ran up the hill to her.

"Aang! Oh my gosh, I was just with Toph and she left and I can't find anybody!" She looked worried.

"They couldn't have gone far. Appa's gone too. And I don't see any of his fur."

"Why hello there, Avatar." I turned my head. A girl with dark hair pointed her fingers at me. "Who are you?"

She didn't answer. "Who. Are. You." She shot lightning at me. "Aang!"


I swung my boomerang around to cut the vines. "Should I have been softer on Suki? Ugh, I can't think with all these vines!"

I cut more vines but this time someone caught it. "Hey cutie! Mind if I take this?" A girl with a braid took my boomerang from my hands.

"Hey!" She ran off. I chased after her but she jumped into the trees.
"Mai! Your turn!" Daggers flew from my left and pinned me by my clothes to a tree.

"Gag and blind him." A dark figure jumped down from a branch. "Sure thing!" The girl with my boomerang did a flip back onto the ground and landed on her hands.

"Here. Take this to Azula." She tossed my boomerang to the girl with dark hair. "This handsome guy is mine." She stuffed something in my mouth and tied something around my eyes.

I was in to much of a shock to ask who they were.


"Tell me where my friends are!" I tried to break from the rope this crazy girl had me in. "I'd rather not. Now if you don't keep your mouth shut I'll make you!"

We were on an airship. Appa was tied up in the cargo area. I heard footsteps coming out way. "We got them. Ty Lee and I tied them up where you wanted us to. Why exactly did you make us leave her up here?"
A girl that sounded just done with the world spoke up. She's the one who attacked me, I think.

"Because this way, we don't need to harm the Avatar, just his sister."

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