Chapter 18

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"Hold on Sokka...lemme just..." My sister cut through the ropes tying me up. As soon as she got it done I rushed to get the blindfold and gag off.

"Go help Aang, I'll get my feet" I untied the knot around my ankles. "C'mon, Toph needs me.!" I ran over to a trapdoor in the ceiling.

"That chick blocker girl stole my boomerang! I think I'm tall enough to reach..." I reached for the trapdoor but Aang pulled me away.

"Calm down Sokka, Toph is capable of taking care of herself. If you haven't noticed, Suki and Appa aren't here!" I looked around.

He's right, their gone. "So what now? Toph is the only metal bender in the world! We can't escape here!"

Aang stared at me. "My sister's a metal bender? How long have you known?!" I sat down on the cold metal. "I don't know anymore, I just want everyone to be safe."

Aang sat down in front of me. "You want Toph safe the most." I put my head in my hands and stayed quiet.

"Toph used to be so energetic. She would always tell jokes and stories, she had nicknames for everyone, she would bend fun things for the kids to play on. She would call the badger miles to play after dinner. But when Gyatso told her she had to start school, she shut herself out from everyone. She's only ever talked to me and a kid named Satoru. Her parents kept sending people to get her, but she would beat them all and go back inside like nothing happened. She has a soft spot for you Sokka, I know my sister."

I looked at Aang, he was starting to cry. "Don't hurt her, she's the only person in the world that can stay strong after everything. But her heart has been broken many times before, don't break it again."

I hugged him. "I won't. I promise." Katara cleared her throat. "So sorry to ruin the moment...but I think I found a way out. Aang, a little help?"

She was bending the water out from her clothes. "Right, yeah." Aang pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes. "Sokka can you think of a plan? Go through the stuff down here and see if you can find a map of the airship."

"Got it!" I ran over to some boxes and started looking through them.


I quietly bended the metal behind me to make a knife. "You guys are so stupid." I cut through the cloths holding me captive. "Don't ever mess with Toph Beifong!" I stomped my foot and made the ship shake.

"Azula!" A girl threw daggers at me while one tried to steer the airship. "Oh don't be a bitch!" I threw metal on each of their hands and mouths.

I bended the wheel so it would stay in a position so we didn't die. "There. Now I'm going to find my friends."

I ran out of the cockpit and tried my best to listen. "Toph?" I kicked the voice behind me and made fists. "Where are my friends?!"

A man groaned. "I don't know, the airship just shook so I took the chance and escaped my cell. It's good to see you though...."

"Who are you?" I lowered my fists and his groans slowed down. "Kanto...I was on my way to see you and these crazy girls kidnapped me. Wait, you need to go save your friends!"

I grabbed his arm. "Let's go Dunderhead."


"What's that?" I looked up from the boxes and Aang and Katara stopped cutting the wall.

"Down here, I feel something." The trapdoor opened with a lot of force and a guy jumped down. Toph followed him.

"Toph!" I ran up to her and hugged her small figure. "Hey Meathead. I'm so glad you're okay!"

I fought the urge to kiss her. "Excuse me. Can I have my fiance please?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I loosened my grip on Toph. "Kanto, it's not final, and I'm aloud to be happy Sokka's safe."

The guy, Kanto I assume, huffed and raised a hand. "You listen to me like you're supposed to!" He started to swing at Toph but I caught him.

"What's your problem?! You're supposed to treat women with respect and kindness! She's better off marrying me than you! Now help us find our friends or I'll make sure you never see the light of day again! Do you understand?"

He cleared his throat and pulled his arm away from me. "Understood..."

"Come here Toph. Get us out of here." She released a breath and made stairs for us. I kept my eye of Kanto as we left the cargo area.

Toph mumbled something under her breath, but I only heard "I wish...".



Sorry for the delay, but I got a few ideas and I'm working on rough crafts of the next chapters!

If you're wondering what Kanto looks like, I don't think anyone knows. I know he's Lin's dad so I tried to base it off of her so heres my guess on what he looks like:

Hair: Black/Wavy
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'8
Element: Earth
Bender: No

(If he's shown in other books of mine his appearance won't change but his personality might, I'm trying to figure out what fits him best.)

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