A Dragon..?

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My younger brother, Lukas, and I were outside playing together, alike any other morning.

The game was 'hide and seek', one of our favorites. Our house was an old one. The floorboards would creek when you stepped on them and the doors squeaked when they opened or closed.

My family lived seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Our house was centered in a huge, empty field. We were surrounded by a forest with really tall trees, which I loved.

I liked not having any neighbors and living in a mansion where no one visited. Sometimes it felt like I was a princess living in a fairy tale.

"I found you!" Lukas ran up grinning and jumped on me.

My parents didn't really like me as much as they loved him. Since I didn't possess any magic, they pictured me as "weak".

But I'll show them! I'll show them that I can be strong! Even without magic!

My little brother has time magic, just like dad, I think it's really cool.

Mother's magic is kind of a mix of lightning and electricity magic, and it is very strong!

"Yep, you sure did! Guess it's my turn to seek now, right?" I asked while smiling down at him.

He nodded and ran off, so I closed my eyes and started to count.

"48, 49, 50! Ready or not, here I—"

When I turned around, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

There stood my house on fire. EVERYTHING was engulfed in huge orange and red flames.

My eyes widened as tears were begging to fall out.

"No! No, t-this can't be happening! Lukas? LUKAS WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed.

I ran, and I ran, tears now streaming down my face. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him. I couldn't find my baby brother! And where is...

"MOM?! DAD?! ANYONE?! PLEASE! PLEAS DONT LEAVE ME!!!" I screamed and ran away from the burning house I once called home.

More tears streamed down my face, they didn't stop.. I couldn't stop them.

Once I was far enough, I started walking slowly through the forest while looking at my feet.

I sobbed quietly, rubbing my eyes with my fists. This was a nightmare. The worst day I'll ever live. My family, my home, everything, it's all gone.

I sat down on the forest floor, hugging my knees. I was curled up into a ball.

"Lucas, w-where are you?" I called out, knowing he wouldn't respond, but still hoping.

I whimpered and cried alone in the forest.

Once I had finally stopped crying hours later, I stood up.

(this font means your thinking)

'No, I shouldn't be crying. I need to look for Lucas, or a village. Maybe someone would help me try to find my family. Come on, (Y/N), you're better than this.'

let's fight again, yeah?| natsu dragneel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now