Chapter 6: 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐠𝐠...?

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Your POV, 7 years old

It's been two weeks since I've joined the Fairy Tail guild.

Everyone here is really nice!

Well...most everyone.

Even so, I love it here!

Although, Gray And Natsu don't always get along... I don't blame them, they are total opposites.

I guess opposites don't always attract, right?

And I don't get along with Mira well, but I try not to pick fights too often because Lisanna gets worried.

And Erza is always there to break it up before we go to far.

Erza gives me the shivers.

"NATSU!!!" Gramps shouted.

"He went out!" Wakaba said, standing next to Macao.

"Something about a fight." Macao informed.

"I'LL SHOW YOU!" I heard Natsu yell.

Then I saw him run towards Gray with his fiery fist.

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" Gray yelled back, coming at Natsu with an icy fist.

Then their fists collided.

They fell back for a second but resumed their fight quickly.

They jumped into the air while continuing to hit and kick each other.

The townspeople gave them dirty glances and looks of concern while walking past.

I groaned.

"Here we go again!" I rolled my eyes at the two idiots always brawling with eachother right in front of me.

They always fought, it seems like they never stop.

It's really starting to annoy me though.

They clashed heads and continue to spit insults at eachother.

"Go away, you fllame lizard!" Gray yelled.

"Flash-freak! Don't tell me what to do!" Natsu yelled back.

I sense a scary presence from behind me and look over to see Erza slowly walking over to them.

She comes up behind them and when they turn around she quickly kicks Gray in the stomach then spins back around to punch Natsu.

Natsu and Gray both fell backwards and they didn't get up right away like they would normally.

Both of them just stayed there, laying on the floor.

Erza suddenly gets worried.

"Oh no! Did I hit you guys too hard? Are you passed out? Hello?" She asked.

But then Gray sits up and yells.

"Mind your own business for once!" He yelled in anger.

Natsu did the same. "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME TOO, YA JERK?!"

'Oh boy here we go... I'm not getting rid of this headache anytime soon.'

Erza then turns angry again.

"If you insist!"

Natsu and Gray come at her together.

It looks like they were joining forces to team up against Erza instead of fighting eachother for once.

Funny how in an attempt to break up the fight she got caught up in it.

Before the boys could lay a hand on her, Erza knocks them both out with one hit.

let's fight again, yeah?| natsu dragneel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now