Chapter 18: Into the Dark Forest

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Evan and Bradley had left the city 30 minutes ago. They were following their compasses north, to the city of Ironforge, where the people living there are evacuating soon. They need them to forge extra armor sets and weapons for their travels.

They followed the path, pre-made in the times before, towards the Dark Forest, in which Ironforge lies. The town had originally not been in it, however, multiple attacks from enemy clans have caused them to be more cautious, thus they have been growing the forest for many decades. One group of trees at a time.

The forest created a maze, where every direction seems the same. However, it is only the first line of defence. Evan and Bradley have to make sure they get to the town safely witg as little damage as possible before they reach the second line of defence.

"This'll be hard, Evan," Bradley told him, "It's better we make our own stuff. This might not be worth it."

"It doesn't matter," Evan said, "Ironforge's armor is the most high quality of all. We need this."

"You make a fair point," Bradley remarked, "Alright, you sure we will be alright?"

Evan nodded and motioned for them to walk in the forest. The branches of the trees, their species being the dark oak, weren't too spread out, meaning that it would be easy to navigate, if they weren't so packed together.

There are about four trees in a 5 meter radius. And not only are there trees in the way but foliage too. Some are just bushes that can be walked through easily while others have sharp edges that make walking into them by accident hurt slightly.

"Damn," Bradley complained, "Isn't this kinda overkill? The berry bushes are everywhere. They sting!"

"Yeah but we gotta give it to them. This first defence is pretty good," Evan remarked.

They heard a groaning sound come from the left side. In Evan's peripheral vision, he saw a zombie. He took out his knockback sword and sent the figure flying through the trees, most likely killing it.

"Pretty good," Bradley said jokingly.

Evan chuckled, "Nobody can stop my blade!"

The two laughed and continued through the forest. They stumble upon a cave, which has an unlit campfire. Seems like it hadn't been used in a while. It was getting dark so the two decided to stay there for the night.

"That's convenient, isn't it?" Bradley said and sat down next to the campfire, lighting it with his flint and steel.

"I might need you to cook this food," Evan told Bradley, pulling out some steak, "I was bringing it with me and then I realized it wouldn't be hot once we actually need to eat it."

"Sure, it's all good," Bradley replied. He took the steak and put it beside the campfire and waited for it to be finished.

"So this journey is pretty tiring, huh?" Evan said, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah. I'm kind of sleepy. We'd need to barricade this place before we can do so though," Bradley replied.

"I can stay on guard while you do that," Evan said, pulling out both his swords.

"Sure. I'll get to it,"

Bradley got out everything he could barricade themselves with and slowly closed off the opening. Evan stood outside on the ready.

"Alright. We're good. Get in," Bradley said.

Evan walks in and Bradley barricades the area he came from, "We should be safe. The area is pretty bright and I also blocked off the opening behind us."

"Good. We don't need anything or anyone sneaking up on us," Evan replied, getting the steak they were cooking.

They ate and soon, they slept. The next morning, they knocked down the barricade and continued through the forest without much difficulty.

Soon, after 2 days, they finally reach the second line of defence, the Wall of Iron. It is made with iron so strong, it's as hard as obsidian. The weakest point is the only area where the density of the iron changes, which is it's entrance.

There is no use breaking in since it would take a diamond pickaxe to mine through it, and even further, there were many people guarding the walls and they do not mess around.

There are specific rules to allow a person to enter Ironforge, which are to drop all weapons and have them check you top to bottom so you aren't sneaking in any weapons. Once you are clear, they will give you replacement swords and armor, which would usually be a stone sword and leather armor.

"Dang. We gotta get on their good side," Evan said.

"Yeah no kidding. These guys are real serious," Bradley replied.

"We might as well just go have ourselves debriefed,"

"Yeah, no use in risking fighting those guys,"

They walked to the gate, which was about 15 blocks tall, and knocked on it. A peephole can be seen with someone looking through it. It closed and a smaller gate opened, big enough for an average person to fit in. A man in full iron armor walks out and speaks to them.

"What is your purpose here?" the man said. His voice was deep and powerful.

"We are here to gather some extra gear for our travels," Evan says to him.

The man thought for a second, looked to his comrades, and nodded, "We'll let you in. You know the rules, don't you?"

The two nodded, dropped their weapons, and put their hands up. The man felt around and made sure there were absolutely no weapons to be found.

"You're in the clear. You may pass," he said, allowing them in.

They walked in and thanked the man. His comrades gave them their replacement items and permitted them into Ironforge.

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