8. A Sorry Will Not Do

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Avni left the office early that evening not before informing the Receptionist about her Departure. She very well knows that Neil would search for her in the office and will eventually ask this Receptionist. That's what actually happened. 

Neil Searched the entire office for a small glimpse of hers but to his bad luck, he left dishearten. He inquired the Receptionist about Avni's sudden disappearance and that's when he got to know that she left the office deliberately. She knew he would be waiting for her and despite that, she left him behind. Avni, you really don't know about Neil Khanna but will soon get to know. He talked to himself in the elevator and received enough weird glances from his employees for the day. 

Hopping into his car, he directly drove to her place and got into the elevator. That's when it struck him; for what he's running behind her? What does he expect other than a slap from a girl you kissed, without her consent, who's your boss and who you barely know? What will he speak now? His thoughts were by the ping of the elevator. 

Neil got nervous all of the sudden. He rubbed his sweaty palms together and rang the bell. After a few seconds, he heard the clicking sound of the doorknob, and soon enough, he met with a pair of charcoal black orbs filled with confusion as creases formed on his forehead. The man seems to be in his mid 30's, dressed in a white shirt and cargo shorts. 

"Yes?" The man asked Neil who's looking at him gaping. 

"Uh, Avni?" Nothing left Neil's mouth except Avni's name as the possibilities of this man being Avni's boyfriend or something, running in Neil's Brain.

"Who's that Darling?" Avni came from behind when she heard her name from a familiar voice, Before Aashish could answer. Avni's eyes widened for a second but soon she returned to her frowning-self. 

"I Don't Know Darling. He's asking for you. By the way, who's this?" He asked, oscillating his orbs between Neil and Avni. 

"I'll tell you later, now, you go and make sure the cake doesn't burn," Avni said with her sweet smile while the man nodded and left the place. 

"Avni, who's this.." Neil's attempt to ask her a question was dismissed by her as she tugged at his wrist Dragging him downstairs. Reaching the park in the society, she plopped on the bench, with her palms on her face. 

Neil couldn't interpret a single thing from what he saw to what she has done. Giving her a few seconds to catch breathe, he shot his questions unable to control the urge. 

"Avni. ." "What the hell were you doing here?" Yes, she's expecting him to call her after she left the office but not expected him to be here, at her place. She shot a glare but he didn't budge from asking her. 

"Who's that guy in your home? Are you both in relation? Don't tell me he's your husband, I know you aren't married." He finished his rant and looked at Avni to witness her palming her gaped mouth. 

"What?" He raised his brows at her expecting an answer but all he got was silence.

 "I Don't need to justify myself to you or your questions. It's none of your Business that who lives in my home with me and FYI, he's my Dad, and don't think I'm justifying this to you. I'm just telling this to you cause I don't want anybody to think Bad about my dad. It's perfectly fine until it's about me but not my Dad"  Avni finished with her Index finger pointed towards Neil who's staring at her with confusion written all over his face. 

"He's your Dad? He's too young for your Dad!" He asked with disbelief. 

"You need my birth certificate for that or what? If yes, then you are not going to get it." Avni said as she stood up to leave the place but Neil tugged at her wrist and turned her around to face him.

"You're not going to leave until you accept my Sorry. I won't let you go like that after all the way driving from our office to here." He said making Avni's irritation bubble burst. 

"Fine then, Ask me a Sorry!" She said with a smug look while making a happy dance in his head before uttering those words. 

"I AM SORRY," He said ever so sincerely that if another girl would be in Avni's place, she might get melt by him. But this AVNI. She's tough not to crack. 

Folding her hands, Avni replied "I'm not going to forgive you" Saying, Avni turned back and started to cross the park's gate. It all happened in a blink of an eye that Neil couldn't do anything but scream. She looked around to Neil's scream. 

"What? You Sadist" An amused smile plastered on Neil's face while he jogged towards Avni. 

"I know, I am," Avni said while Neil could do nothing but Grin at this weird girl. "Why don't you accept my Sorry?" Neil asked finally when she reached the elevator. 

"A Sorry will NOT do, Neil. It costs much more than that for what you've done." Avni said as she entered the elevator. Neil intervened his leg between the doors to avoid her going to disappear before answering him. 

"Whatever it takes, I'm not ready for this, to forgive you." She said not meeting his eyes. 

"Then okay! I'll make it up to you, No matter WHATEVER it takes. I repeat WHATEVER." 

Neil left from there to his car while Avni left to her home and saw his car leaving the parking lot. A wave of relief washed over Avni as he didn't ask much about her dad. As soon as she turned around, she bumped into her Dad, who stood behind her. 

"Dad. ." She dragged while her dad has a naughty smile lingering on his lips. 

"Boyfriend, I see," He said with a smirk while Avni just rolled her eyes at him. 

"Not in a millennium Dad!" Avni said and disappeared into the kitchen leaving her Dad behind, who prayed for her happiness. 

Little did he knew that she's a storm who perishes everything when she's Mad and no matter what, she'll get what she wants. He didn't know that she's thirsty for Revenge for many years.

The End

Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed the story and please check out my new story "The First Rain of Love" of SidShra.

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