20. I Hate You

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"What the hell is wrong? There are no CCTV cameras in this damn... Shh... Parth, calm down!" Parth screamed before talking to himself.

He glanced at Neil, as he drew a long deep breath. Shooking his head, while pushing that sleep of his aside, Parth reckoned that this thing could be done by only Maya Jai Singh, who's neck-deep bitterness towards Avni.

Concluding the unknown fact, he strode towards Neil, who's rubbing both temples with his index fingers of both hands.

"Neil I don't know if you believe or not, but, what I believe is Maya is capable of doing this!" Parth breathed it out in one go, which startled a sleepy Neil.

"What?" Neil's narrowed eyes lead him to the facts, which technically says, Maya really can do this. His long-gone scowl abandoned trademark bewilderment on his handsome face, helping Parth in establishing what he's been reckoning.

"Maya?" Neil gasped while staring deep into Parth's eyes. Sighing, Parth glanced into the distance while shooking his head.

"How dare she?" Neil growled. "How dare she do this to Avni? I'm not gonna spare her." Neil said as Parth snapped his head to take a look at him who ran to the entrance of the hospital in a blink of eyes, shocking Parth. 

Parth ran behind him, only to get pushed by him as he tried to stop this angry young man. Parth again tried, pulling him by his arm tightly, while Neil's face adorned a grim. 

"Parth..." "We don't know if it's true or not, Neil!" Parth screamed at him. 

"I will get to know that, only if, you let me go!" Neil said releasing himself from his tight grip. 

Parth face palmed himself, nodding his head in disapproving. As Neil flee away, he ran inside the hospital, into  Avni's room, to see her, sleeping in peace. 

He walked toward her bed taking slow steps. Until he reached and sat on the chair beside the bed, Avni is wide awake.

"He left?" Avni asked him. Parth just nodded his head before caressing Avni's forehead. 

*  *  * 

"Neil?" Manish Jai Singh, a 50-year-old man, Maya's father, crooked his brows, scrutinizing the name on display on his phone screen.

Swiping the green icon, he put the call on speaker glancing at the wall clock, pausing the movie, playing across his couch. 

"Neil? Hi!" He said with a small smile. 

"Hi, Uncle. Um, sorry to disturb you at this time, but, could you please ask Maya to call me?" Neil's blood boiled as he took her name.

"Of course!" Manish chuckled before making his way towards the staircase. 

"You both fought?" Manish asked while lifting his brows making Neil go mad at the answer he can never give. 

Not yet, but, I guess, we will! Neil thought mentally after rolling his eyes. "No no, nothing as that sort. It's just that we hadn't had a proper talk these days, work pressure, you see! And now, when I'm calling, her mobile is off, so..." Neil trailed off in the hope of the old man would understand.

"Oh, yeah, right! Wait, let me call her!" He said as he reached Maya's room. Knocking on it twice, Manish stood clutching the phone in his left hand, anticipated, so was Neil.

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