Chapter One

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Okay, so, I'm back. Still working on the rest of this, but I can't seem to stay away from this app. I did say that I would start posting when I got to chapter 10. While I'm not QUITE there yet, I'm close and really I would be if I didn't mash together a couple of chapters. 

The way this is going, there is going to be a lot of sexy. Sorry, not sorry. Things will get really intense in a later chapter that I haven't got to yet. I'm both scared as hell to write it, and at the same time, REALLY curious as to if I can pull it off. You won't need a warning because you'll know when you get there. I'm going to try to keep it from going off the rails completely, but then again, I'm just a passenger in a car watching as it wrecks. *shrugs*

I really hated leaving that last book with that ending, but... it was a necessary evil. 

Last thing. Anyone that has followed me regularly knows I am TERRIBLE with a posting schedule. I will post two chapters today and then, I would like to post a chapter as I write a chapter. That doesn't seem to terribly difficult to follow? Maybe? 

ANYWAY, let's get out of my rambling and to what you are really here for. 

On with the show!


What was death? Was it this light-less thing that surrounded her now? That last sound, before being taken away from everyone she loved, to ring in ears? Was that her reward for trying to save the world? To hear that sharp crack echoing forever? The feeling of rain hitting her eyes, face. For all of eternity?


Slowly, she began to make out things in the gray. Shadows loomed and there was a green light shining in the distance. A light that turned to yellow as she stared unmoving.

A figure fell beside her and blocked her vision of the color.

It was dim, but she could make out staring blue eyes. Not the color of Caleb's and these were dead, lifeless, missing that vitality her loved one had. Between those eyes was a ragged hole. From this hole, red slowly streamed before being washed away in the rain.

Distantly, she heard a sound.

A name.

Was it hers?

Her hand twitched on the pavement and with that movement, her body remembered how to feel.


Yes, it was her name and the voice was closer.

She tried to answer, tried so hard to say she was okay, but she couldn't, because she wasn't. She would never be okay again.

Knees hit the ground beside her and she couldn't see who it was. She couldn't move because if she did, she would let out the screams she held inside. Screams she would have happily given Draven. Screams that were trapped behind clenched teeth, grunts and groans taking their place and she hurt too bad to live.

Maybe she could say one word.


Hands touched her, so gently, but she vaguely remembered them from before she died, desperate and hurting, trying to release his own agony.

"Dra—" More blood filled her mouth. What did they see in it? What did they taste? The only thing she tasted was her life leaking from her.

"Shh, I'm calling him," the voice said and she knew it was Trey.

"... alive." She was able to blink and the world swam as the water ran from her eyes.

"Hush," he said.

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