Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next night, she woke still surrounded by those she loved. Easing from the pile of flesh that she had lost herself in the night before, she headed for the bathroom.

Looking at her reflection, she didn't appear different. Perhaps a touch of fear in her eyes. Fear because she knew the sun was still up, and even Draven was asleep. But she could take this moment to satiate the craving she had for water. The little cup had taunted her since she moved in. The bathroom set that she had picked out had come with it. But she was a vampire and before the idea of deliberately pouring water in her mouth was something that gave made her shiver. Now, she grabbed it and filled it, rinsing it out before filling it once again, swallowing the contents carefully.

There was no rejection as the coolness made its way to her stomach. Once more she emptied the little cup. Once more she was fine.

Setting the cup back where it was she sat down on the toilet and stared at her hands.

What was she now?

Would she end up wholly human?

Would she once again be weak?

Would she grow old and die?

Perhaps after California, she could ask Draven if he could attempt the change again. Maybe his blood could force the chemical from her body.

She thought back to her last dream. Nyx.

Was she trying to warn her? There at the end, was she telling her she was going to lose her immortality? Her strength?

Maybe, after the destruction, she would once more dream of her.

There was nothing she could do now. Just hide for a while. Hide in her thoughts. Keep her anxiety and anticipation in her thoughts so Craven couldn't see how afraid she was.

Why have her change, only to lose it all when she needed it the most?

There would be no answer to that. Not right now.

She focused on her hands. Her fangs were still there. She could still drink from her loves. After a moment, she watched as a claw slid from beneath her nail. That still worked. She let it retract and her fingernail healed, though, not as quickly as before.

Fine. She could still do some damage. She just couldn't take as much.

With that first and foremost in her mind, she returned to her lovers and closed her eyes.


Tera sat between Chevonne and Draven on the flight out west.

There had been some discussion as to what to do with her. The night they hunted the hunters, Draven had ordered her not to bite Josh and she stayed with him. Had they not returned, she would have free to hunt elsewhere. But it felt wrong to leave her when Josh said all she did was sit in the corner of the great room and rock. So, they brought her this time.

She remained silent, staring at nothing on the opposite wall of the plane.

Chevonne took her hand in hers and held tight, trying to will the girl back to somewhat of a normal state, though, she was coming to accept that this was going to be the way she was. And perhaps that was for the best. If she could speak, what would she say? Would she make excuses for the things those people did? She had been one of them, though she seemed so young.

Trey was seated across from them and he watched Tera. "It's driving me crazy, these almost memories," he said and Tera pushed herself further back in the seat. "I'm not going to hurt you." He leaned a little forward and Tera pulled her legs up, as if defending herself.

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