Chapter Nineteen

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Chevonne opened her eyes and found herself in her bed, surrounded by those she loved.

Glancing down, she smiled at Lily's head on her stomach, chestnut hair tangled and disheveled. The warmth in her heart, surrounded as she was, threatened to bring tears to her eyes. They were whole now and it was something else she was grateful for. Like Lily said, however, she wished it happened under normal circumstances.

Unable to help herself, she ran her fingers through those silken strands. Lily stirred before looking up at her.

"Are you sober?" The words were barely a whisper.

Chevonne nodded.

"Am I staying?"

"For as long as you want."

Lily rose up and leaned over her. "Forever is a mighty long time," she said, lips brushing Chevonne's so sweetly.

"Indeed it it," she said, brushing away a red tear as Lily lay back down beside her and she fell back into a dreamless sleep.

When she woke next, she was alone, but it was okay. Most everything that needed to be said had been. Most. One last conversation and her entire world would be complete.

Getting out of bed was a new experience for her, as her body protested. She hadn't been sore since she became a vampire and had forgotten what it was like. But then, she had done a lot of things she had never done as well. Things that she wasn't going to think about because there were things to do. Planning.

Draven said after the feast. It was after and time was no longer on their side.

But the planning could come after this next conversation.

She knew she would be putting Elliot on the spot, but Lily deserved to know. And he deserved to be able to do something about it. A quick shower and she headed upstairs.

Draven was coming down the wide staircase and he met her eyes before continuing his decent. "How are you feeling?"

"Mentally, I'm fine. But physically, I'm aching."

"You've been asleep for two nights. You missed the worst of it."

She froze.

"Two nights?"

"Yes, my heart."

"But, I'm not thirsty."

"We have kept you fed." He took her hand. "While it wasn't technically drugs you were on, there is is still a withdrawal phase that you needed to go through. Elliot and myself tried to keep you asleep for that part. During that time, your body also recovered."

"Thank you," she said as he led them into the great room.

"Don't say that. Not when it was because of me that it happened."

"Stubborn," she said and his fingers tightened around hers before arms enveloped her.

Looking up, she found stormy gray eyes looking down at her. "I was so scared for you."

"They kept me safe, Nikolas. Don't worry for me. I said it that night. I have no regrets. And after the... intensity... dulled, I won't lie. I enjoyed myself."

"We enjoyed you too, sweetheart."

Chevonne laughed as she turned toward Caleb. His light-blue eyes were laughing at her but there was also a touch of sadness. "Maybe we can do it again, without the need for blood."

"Probably won't have the stamina, from the blood, but it would be fun as hell to try."

Jaylen stepped up to her. "I didn't hurt you?"

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