Chapter Four

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Gah!!! Chapter 11 took FOREVER!!! But, as promised, here is the chapter posted for finishing the chapter. It's actually going to be a double post because number four is so short, I feel like I would be pissing you guys off. 

ANYWAY, I finally got something else marked off my list and I'm making progress again. *whew*


Blue eyes, dark but for the bits of green and gray, watched her as she moved closer to him.

She remembered trying so hard to say the word that might save her, only, she couldn't. But he did it anyway.

"Thank you," she said.

He shook his head before slowly taking her hand. "No, I do not want those words from you, cuore mio. I did it for selfish reasons."

"I don't believe you," she said.

"I've never lied to you."

"Did Trey bargain with you to save me?"

"No." His eyes were so intent on hers and she swallowed.

"I tried to beg him to call you, but I couldn't finish your name. Over and over I tried, but I failed. But then, there you were and I tried, once again, to say something, anything. Anything at all that would convince you to save me, but I couldn't. I was broken and couldn't form the words. And it was supposed to be something that we negotiated for. I was supposed to scream for you. And while I did, I don't think it was those that you wanted. You say you've never lied to me. Did you hurt me to keep me awake or to listen to my agony?"

He was quiet for so long. "You were dying. Pain was the only thing that would bring you back to life long enough for me to feed you."

"I remember being in that hell, where there was nothing but fire and ice. I remember a muffled sound. A sound that repeated. Of course I didn't know what it was, the swelling in my brain had affected every one of my senses. But finally, as the swelling went down, I heard you. You told me to sleep. Had you wanted my screams, even those, you wouldn't have done that. So, during all those moments, you cared. You saved me. And I thank you."

"Ah, anima gemella, if you only knew. Perhaps one day, I can explain what went on in my mind when I knelt beside you in the rain. Maybe one day when we can watch the stars come out and you can make a wish, I will tell you." He stopped speaking and his eyes traveled her face and she ran her finger over his cheek.

"That is going be a long wait," she said and he smiled.

There was a knock on the door and Chevonne turned, back stiff as she once again looked for danger.

"Easy," he said, hands on her tight shoulders. "Your Jonathan is here along with your sister. You've fed, so this should be easier. But should it prove to be too much, let us know. We can help."

Maddy was on the other side of that door and Chevonne tried to control her breathing. She wouldn't go after her sister. There was no way.

One last long one and she nodded. Elliot took her hand and held tight and Draven opened the door.

Bright blue eyes met hers and she took two quick steps to her before Jonathan caught her around the waist and Chevonne took a step back as a precaution.

"Easy, Maddy. Let her get used to you."

The look of sadness on her sisters face could have broken her. Would have if she hadn't remembered that her tears would be blood and would terrify her. Chevonne's eyes met his and they could share that memory. When Jonathan was first brought to Elliot's and Nikolas had said those same words to her.

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