Chapter Ten

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Okay, so, I jusy finished it and I apologize of the mass spamming of notifications. 

And, I also need to say something. I expected this to be the last book. It's not going to be. I just hope the next one isn't the struggle this one was. BUT, in that same vein, it's going to be a few months before I get to the last (maybe?? I don't even know anymore) book. I'm going to spend a week cleaning my apartment before re-reading Forbidden: Addicted before I write Michael. I'm sorry I can't post Addicted yet, but that book ending is directly tied to Michael's beginning. I can't do one without the other. My bad. 

I WILL be writing Michael for Nano, so, maybe in December I can post them both. But, after that, I plan on writing another Eve novel. It might be the start of a new series with them... I don't know. But it's not technically going to be a Bound by novel. I would also like to start on the novellas for the others. I'm going to be busy. Please don't hate me. 

This novel also had a particularly... intense... scene and I won't apologize for it. I'm honestly surprised it took them so long to tell me what they wanted so, I will be making some very slight changes on the previous book to make it flow better. If you don't mind, just go with it, lol. 

I think that's it?  

Oh yeah. I'm worried as hell that I can't live up to the intensity of book three. I know there are places in this one where things tend to be slower, but I felt it was necessary due to what happened. But I really hope you like it! 

And on with the show!


After telling the others good night, Kian lead her through the basement and down the tunnel. They come out by the creek and the breath she took was deep and cleansing. It wasn't that the basement that bothered her. But she A freedom she tried not to feel guilt for. It was simply being out of the confining walls. She walked through the dark woods beside Kian, listening to everything and the scents she picked up were fresh and natural. Though the woods were dark, they posed no problem for her. She could see better outside than she could in the house and she smiled at Nikolas telling her that they didn't need light to see when she complained about it being so dark.

"This is...fantastic," she said, looking up into Kian's eyes. With human eyes, they would have looked a dark gray in the night. But there was nothing human about her vision.

"I can feel it in you. Another reason to ask you out tonight. We aren't meant to be locked away, and while it's for a good reason, every one of us could feel you growing tense. We can't take you hunting yet, but we can give you this."

"I'm going to get dirty, aren't I?"

"A little."

"That sounds fun," she said. "I can bathe in the creek."

"If that's what you want," he said, grinning and the sight captivated her. "I won't stop you."

"Does everyone know how to do this?" she asked.

"Everyone but you."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Teaching me."

"Ambrosia, we haven't started to teach you the things you can do. As soon as we end the fuckers that keep taking potshots at us, that's when the real fun can begin."

"Like what?" she asked as he took her hand and they resumed walking.

"You have no idea how fast you are. How strong you are. All the little things that are going to be different for you. Yes, you gave up a lot by joining us in this world, but I can promise that you will never get tired of the meal. And once you can be you, you might discover that what you gained can help with the loss."

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