Chapter Six

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I swear, I haven't forgotten this story. It's just taking me freaking decades to write it. I finished chapter twelve tonight, so, here is the post for the chapter. 

I also have a confession to make. I don't know how good this story is going to be. It feels like there are parts that might be okay, but then, it also feel like it's crawling along at a snails pace. I understand it opens with a LOT going on, and some time is needed to process and stuff, but... I don't know. I could just be dealing with impostor's syndrome as well. *shrugs* Who knows. 

I really hope you guys aren't let down. That's my biggest fear right now. The last two books had SO MUCH going on, and this... isn't exactly that. Yet. I mean, it will pick up and oh shit, I'm over-thinking AGAIN! 

I'll shut up now. 


She followed Draven up the stairs along with Trey and Elliot.

They stopped in her old room first and there was a touch of longing when she saw the chair where she sat and watched the rain. A longing that she quickly squashed because she was alive and she had her memories.

Draven took a large board and showed it to them. One side had been painted to resemble what one would see were they to glance at the window. Further protection from prying eyes. He slid it in front of the curtains and fit it against the glass and Elliot did the same with the other.

"They are as exact a fit as I could get them, however, there might still be slight gaps. Nothing that would harm anyone, save the three newest."

"It's fine," Elliot said. "So long as they are safe."

Draven led Trey to where he would be sleeping and Chevonne moved up to Elliot. "Thank you."

Light brown eyes looked down at her. "Whatever for?"

"You gave me my memories back and I just realized I never thanked you for it."

"Is it finally my turn to call you a not-deserved name? Because you don't have to thank me for that. I wanted you to remember us, love. And I could only hope that your violin would help."

Slowly, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He let her pull him down and their lips met, softly at first and when she didn't pull away, he deepened his kiss. The touch of his tongue sliding across hers brought chills to her skin, the feeling so indescribable, and her arms tightened. His breath tickled her skin as he laughed against her lips and she couldn't hold in the soft moan at the sensation.

After a moment, he broke away, forehead resting against hers. "While I'm grateful that touch doesn't hurt you, I find that to be a double edge sword. Because now I wonder if other things would."

She smiled. "What other things would that be, Elliot?"

The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know, and she wanted to know that answer as well. "We'll find out soon, okay?"

He nodded before letting her go. Draven stood in the door and with a last look at Elliot, she turned and let him lead her to his room.

She brought a nightgown with her and availed herself of his shower, once more being a lonely one. She appreciated the thoughtfulness and the caring they showed by not doing anything that could lead to things they weren't certain she could take, but it was going to drive her crazy.

Rushing, so that she would be back with the one that made her, she was soon out, dried and dressed. Combing through her hair took a couple of minutes and she walked out to find him sitting on the side of the bed, dressed in sleep pants, and watching the door.

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