Chapter Fifteen

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A few minutes later, Chevonne sat on the sofa facing the fireplace. Draven and Elliot sat on either side of her. Jaylen and Trey were watching the news on the television. Nikolas sat in one chair while Caleb paced in front of the window.

"I don't recommend you going back there," he said, glancing at Draven.

Chevonne was of the same mind and it wasn't simply because she wanted him to stay by her side. They knew where he lived.

"They went after you hard. Obviously, they know you somewhat stronger than the average vampire."

"I will not run from them," Draven said and Chevonne glanced at him.

"You sound almost bored by this," she said.

"It's not boredom, il mia notte. It's my lack of desire to bring them to this door. Though, that may already be the case. I have no wish to perish at their hands, however, I have even less of a desire to see you harmed by them. By me staying where they can find me, it protects you."

"So, you believe suicide to hurt me less than a dart? Draven, there are eight vampires that live here. Nine if you would see reason. Ten, if you would like to invite Ilya to stop sleeping in the ground. We have an army and I killed one. I'm not the helpless human any longer. You know this."

"I'm aware of that fact." His mouth curved up at the side. "However, I find myself in a difficult situation. Were you anyone else, I wouldn't care. Let them all follow me here and I would burn the house down around us. But you are not anyone else. You are someone that I do care for."

"Sometimes," she said and he lifted her hand to his lips.

Lily and Kian came in.

"It's quiet out," she said.

"Please, Draven." Chevonne looked back to where he had stood. "You don't understand what it will do to me. I can't survive the anxiety in addition to knowing that you are in constant danger. I'm begging you. I will negotiate. Please."

Elliot pulled her back against him. "I would rather not have to keep her locked in the bedroom every day for fear she shower in the light."

Draven studied her for so long and he was so still. Did her pleas mean anything?

"If I agree to this, I have demands. Things I will not negotiate on. I want to have people set up outside. Around the clock surveillance. My people and Elliot's. If there is the most minuscule trace of a hunter, I leave. You will not be hurt because of me."

"Wait...That's not like—" Kian started to say before Draven gave him a look.

"So long as she doesn't ask. That is very much like me."

Chevonne felt the look Kian turn her way but she couldn't take her eyes from her maker.

"Agreed," Chevonne said quickly, before he could change his mind. "Whatever at all you need."

Chevonne looked up to find Lily watching her with a grin. A grin that teased her thoughts.

"Have I thanked you for inviting me to stay? Because thank you for inviting me to stay. This is all so fun to watch."

Elliot chuckled beside her and she glanced at him.

"She's partially correct. Nothing in so much about the hunters is fun, but other things are quite amusing."

Draven excused himself to go make a phone call and Chevonne turned toward Elliot who got to his feet.

"Did you get the property mapped out?" he asked Lily and she nodded. "Will you bring it to the kitchen? I would like to begin looking for places to station men."

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