Chapter Seven

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Guys, I am so sorry this is taking me so long. As an apology, I am going to post two chapters tonight. I miss updating and I miss writing. I let myself get pulled away by a review on another site, and as I was already going through one of the many 'Why do I think I can write? Preschoolers can string along words better than I can!' spells a writer typically goes through, well, that wasn't a good combination for me. But, I'm back and I'm going to finish this blasted scene if it kills me. I'm so excited to get to the rest of it. AHHHH. Okay. Anyway... 

Here you are!


Sitting between Jaylen and Elliot, she held on to his hand as he told them about what his friend that worked in the lab found out.

"It's Gallium. A soft metal that will melt with body heat. She said that she was able to detect something else in the vial, but there wasn't enough of it to make a guess as to what."

"So, they have a means of firing those things at us and we think we're impervious to bullets, or, basically most things man made. While we ignore the irritant, and go after them, the stuff melts and gets into us, where it works it's magic. We weaken and they kill us. Worked like a charm until me. I lived through it and was able to tell the tale," Caleb said.

"Sounds about right," Jaylen replied. "We need another vial. Preferably before it sends its payload into our blood streams. She thinks the gallium is the method of moving whatever it is in a safety. The metal itself isn't toxic, well, mostly not. Animals have been known to have problems in their kidneys, but, we don't use those."

"I've already decided to begin looking for them. Surveillance, if you will. We need a lot more information about these people, along with where they hide. Once Trey has recovered enough, we will begin. He and Caleb will be assisting me at night and my human employees in the day. Perhaps at night as well, as the Sons won't hurt them. I believe your time in the department would be invaluable to us, if you so desire."

"Count me in. It'll feel good to be useful."

"Jaylen, you lost your human life because you were rescuing her. You figured out where to find her. You have given us information on what they use against us. Please, tell me when you haven't been useful?" Elliot said and she squeezed Jaylen's hand.

"Since I got shot. I've had to walk on tiptoes around her and I hate this hiding and the fact that I had to leave."

"All fledglings are like that. That doesn't mean anything."

"And yet, here she sits, not going through it, which is great, but I feel weak compared."

"There is no reason to feel that way," Draven said walking in.

"Yeah," Kian said, sitting across the table from them. "Don't feel bad. Draven gave her pretty much all of his blood. She going to be stronger and that was why she came here. Trust me, she's the exception, not the rule."

Jaylen turned to her. "You were going to choose this life even without the accident?"

She nodded. "That is how I ended up here. I needed the strength that Draven could give me. Did give me. Things are still happening and I'm ready to end this and I can't... couldn't do it as a human." She squeezed his hand again as his fingers gripped hers. "After I got hit, the man that was driving called someone. He told them that they needed to start 'plan b' because I wasn't going to make it. I don't know what that plan is but they have to be stopped."

Trey came down the stairs and her palms itched with the desire to run her hands through his damp hair.

"Welcome back, Jaylen," he said walking into the room. "How is everything?"

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