Chapter Nine

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Hey guys! I'm still here! Still typing away! I finished chapter 16 tonight and am halfway through chapter 17... ish. And I think I'm going to have it finished in 19 chapters. I'm off work for the next 5 days, and I think I might be able to post it all before Thursday. The last few chapters always seem to fly by for me while I struggle through all the other. Well, not always... 

ANYWAY! I just wanted to let you all know where I am on this one. 


A few minutes later, Elliot excused himself to carry a sleeping Lily upstairs. After he returned, he and the others began discussing plans and Chevonne stood, holding her hand out to Trey.

"Now?" he asked, glancing at the others.

"Now," she said. "I'm no longer human, Trey. They don't have to keep you from going to far."

"But some of us enjoy watching you, sweetheart."

She looked down into smiling silver-blue eyes. "Pervert."

Caleb laughed.

"Where do you want to go?" Trey asked and she thought about it.

"The gazebo." She glanced at Elliot. "Though, that might be a terrible idea." She looked back to Trey and he took her hand. "We'll go upstairs."

He rose and she turned, wishing her other lovers a good night.


She met Elliot's eyes once more.

"Be careful."

"When am I not?"

His laughter warmed her. A quick nod and together she and Trey left them to it.

They were silent as they climb the stairs, her fingers tightening on his as her heart beat faster.

His low laugh didn't help.

"Me too," he said and they were there.

She opened the door and motioned for him to come in. Closing the door, nerves hit her. She didn't know what to do. Had always had others tell her when to stop. Both herself and Trey were new. She leaned her head on the closed door and let out a useless breath.

His hands held her shoulders, the heat from them soothing her.

"I don't know what to do," she admitted and he turned her around.

"I do," he said.

"Your dream."

He nodded, before pushing her hair over her shoulder. She leaned her head to the side and he touched her neck, tracing her pounding vein. "I bite you here." He began walking backwards to the bed and she had no choice but to follow.

Sitting on the edge of her borrowed bed, he tugged her closer. His fingers made quick work of the buttons of her shirt as she stared into his green eyes. And why didn't she see it before? The only thing of color in her dreams of Nyx. Her fingers ran over his face and she found herself straddling his legs as he unhooked her bra.

His lips left a line of heat across her skin as he breathed her scent into him.

"Trey," she whispered as her head fell back. Her bones melting in the heat that filled her. Of their own volition, her arms circled his neck, pulling him closer to her.

She shivered against his heat and his arm tightened, pinning her against his body.

"This is going to hurt." His voice was low in her ear and her fingers clenched his hair.

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