Chapter Five

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The flames were worse when she woke, the tissue that lined her throat was dry and as she tried to swallow, it seemed to spread.

Caleb held tight to her, trying to soothe her.

"Soon, Chevonne."

"Why is it worse?" her voice was raspy as she forced the words out.

"Your body is still adjusting. It'll be bad for a couple of nights then it should begin easing up."

"I don't feel strong," she said, gripping his hand as the inferno flared before dying back down to a dull roar. "Could something have gone wrong?"

"No. Nothing at all. With as much blood Draven forced into you, you'll be to your new 'normal' before you know it."

"Don't say that word," she groaned.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the door and she was able to quench the fire in her body. She thanked the woman, the same one that said she didn't do crowds, so long ago. Her name was Michelle and she left Chevonne with a smile on her face.

"Did you trade a payment for her as well?" she asked her maker.

"No," Draven said, sitting on her other side. "She comes to me on her own."

"I've seen her here before," she said, taking his hand in hers and almost dropped it as the heat rose between them.

"I know," he said to both her sharp breath and to her statement.

"I didn't expect it to still be as strong."

"Nor did I." His eyes met hers. "However, I have never bonded a descendant of a goddess who then became the same creature as myself. I imagine that some things may prove to be different then what I've been told."

"Had I not remembered you, I might have assumed you made a joke."

A corner of his mouth turned up. "Humor for humor's sake is new to me, anima gemella. Before you, I would indeed make...jokes... however, there was very little funny about them."

"Of course not." She looked down at their joined hands. "Have you bonded before?"

"That was part of the joke."

She pulled her eyes from where the heat originated and glanced at him. "In what way?"

"No. I've never bonded with anyone. To do so would imply an emotion I was incapable of."

"You say that like it was past tense," she said and he smiled. "Will there ever come a time where I don't have to rely on you to... bring people over?"

"Mayhap when the Sons have been dealt with."

"What are you going to do when Trey wakes? Are you going to provide for him as well?"

"No, bella. Your bodyguard is already awake and Nikolas has taken him hunting."

"But none of you will teach me?"

She was vaguely away of Caleb's groan from her other side.

"There are things you must understand about us. The first being that he is male. Our physiologies are different and don't think that I don't feel you bristling, cuore mio. It's simply facts that I am saying," Draven said.

She slowly let out the breath she had taken to argue with him.

"You have more of my blood in you than he does and within the next few weeks, you will get stronger. However, due to the predatory aspect of man, that mindset, and the physical differences between the genders, he will be more able to defend himself. He will know quicker if the woman limping down the deserted alley is feast or foe. It's more instinctive for him to not fall prey to trickery. I'm not saying he won't, or that you would, it's simply the likelihood of the way we think."

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